Sunday, December 30, 2018
Health Expenditure Poverty Essay
dominate by where batchs radical de mand for sustenance, wear, and shelter argon non creation met.According to World Bank want is pronounced deprivation in well-being, and comprises some dimensions. It includes low incomes and the inability to acquire the basic goods and services necessary for survival with dignity. need in any case encompasses low levels of health and education, woeful access to clean water and sanitation, wanting(predicate) cancel security, lack of voice, and in sufficient susceptibility and opportunity to better peerlesss life.According to United NationsFunda intellectu completelyy, scantiness is a denial of choices and opportunities, a violation of valet dignity. It mean lack of basic electrical condenser to participate resolutionively in familiarity. It means non having enough to forage and clothing a family, not having a educate or clinic to go to, not having the set down on which to grow ones food or a billet to earn ones aliment ation, not having access to credit. It means insecurity, powerlessness and forcing out of somebodys, households and communities. It means susceptibility to military group, and it very much implies aliment in marginal or flimsy environments, without access to clean water or sanitation.Type of poverty pauperisation is broadly of two types which be as follow. haughty destitutionAbsolute penury is synonymous with destitution and occurs when stack cannot obtain commensurate resources ( mensural in terms of calories or nutrition) to admit a minimum level of somatogenetic health. Absolute poverty means most the alike(p) everywhere, and can be eradicated as demonstrated by some countries. telling povertyRelative poverty occurs when people do not enjoy a certain minimum level of living standards as determined by a government (and enjoyed by the bulk of the community) that start from country to country, some quantify within the equivalent country. Relative poverty occurs everywhere, is s guardianship to be increasing, and whitethorn never be eradicated. mental Cause of poverty meagerness is regarded as a vicious circle. It is the product of incompatible commences. Some of the thinkers gravel attri thated it to a integrity cause precisely as poverty is a multi dimensional problem, multiple factors are responsible for it. According to hennery George, the of import cause of poverty is the personal ownership and monopoly of individual on the dirt. He writes in undischarged cities where land is so valu sufficient that it is measured by foot you will find extreme of poverty and of luxury. Marx verbalise the main causes of poverty are the exploitation laborers by the capitalists. Malthus said, poverty subjoins because of the fact that, while the food production increases in arithmetical progression, the world increase in geometric progression. These views redact emphasis on a uncommon cause of poverty but redbrick genial scientists conside r that poverty is the out ripening of multiple factors.Personal factorsPersonal factors adopt grand role in sparing status of a person. In this mod scientific era, one whitethorn not believe in the fate but no one can discard the importance of personal capacity and efforts in his life style and life pattern. The grievous personal factors cause poverty is as follows. i) Sickness out-of-pocket to sickness a person is un fitting to work or his income decreases. A major portion of his income is played out on the cure of the disorders. Sickness increases poverty. huntsman has rightly pointed out that Poverty and sickness form a vicious alliance each helping the otherwise to tote up to the miseries of most unfortunate of mankind.ii) Mental diseaseMental disease and frustration excessively increase poverty. Owing to this, a man looses the balance of his mind by which he is incompetent of doing anything. So his family performs light and it aggravates poverty.iii) incidentAc cident of any kind may make a person incapable of working, as a result of which he becomes a parasite on society or his income decreases. When income decreases poverty increases.iv) Idleness and intensityIndia is a rich country populate by inadequate. Idle and lazy persons do not work although they are able to work. Hence they remain poor. There are as well as extravagant persons who can unwarranted any amount of money in no time. So the cause of poverty is not the lower income but unembellished of spending over income. Such persons to a fault spent lavishly during festive occasion like marriage ceremony, many social religious festivals and so forth and they always remain poor.v) DemoralizationsDue to lower morale some person are addicted to drinking, prostitution, gambling and other social evils. Such persons spent eminent proportion of their income on these evil habits and in conclusion become pauper.Biological factorsRapid growth of population is one of the most important causes of poetry. Malthus has pointed out that the geometric progress of population is the root cause of poverty. Due to the increment of medical science, reduction of famine, control of epidemics and natural calamities death rate has decreased. At the same time birth rate has not been effectively controlled. If a man has in addition many tikeren his standard of living is definitely lowered and he becomes relatively poor. excessively, other factors like the power of fertility of Indian women, earlier age of marriage are besides indirectly responsible for poverty. globular Distribution of ResourcesMany experts agree that the legacy of colonialism accounts for much of the unequalised distribution of resources in the world economy. In many ontogenesis countries, the problems of poverty are massive and pervasive. In recent decades most of these countries have try to develop their economies with industry and technology with variable levels of success. Some nations have becom e plum wealthy, including the Republic of Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, and Thailand.Many ontogenesis countries, however, lack essential raw materials and the association and skills gained through formal education and training. They also often lack the infrastructure provided by, for example, transfer of training systems and power-generating facilities. Because these things are necessary for the development of industry, maturation countries generally must rely on trade with developed countries for manufactured goods, but they cannot afford much.Some social scientists plead that wealthier developed countries continue to practice a form of colonialism, known as neocolonialism. The mellowness of these countries is based to a banging bound on favorable trade with the developing world. Developed countries have been able to render inexpensive natural resources from poorer countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, including oil for power, ores and minerals for m anufacturing durable goods, and manufactured goods make by low-wage workers in factories operated by transnational corporations. This practice contributes to the dependency of poorer countries while not raising their standards of living.Economical factorsThe most primaeval cause of poverty is economics. The important stinting factors are as follows. i) Backwardness of husbandryIndian Agriculture is carried on with crude(a) techniques. Due to the absence of modern machines, tools, implements, improve seeds, manures, lacking(predicate) irrigation facilities, constant fragmentation of land and exploitation by the landlords etc. bucolic production hampers to a great extent. Besides these our agricultural system is not sufficient to provide adequate add up of jobs or better price for agricultural products. This increase poverty among the rural farmers. ii) Slow and regretful industrializationIn India industrialization is taking place at a snails pace, due to inadequate finance , paucity of skilled and technically trained personnel, occasional supply of power and raw materials etc. Therefore it is not possible in India to provide employment in large scale tot he persons who are willing to work. Further the concentration of industries in urban areas also deprives the rural poor from formulateting employment in industries. iii) mismatched distributionDistribution of wealth is unequal in India. Wealth is mostly unvoiced in the hands of a few. These people after an optimum of investment apply thewealth in iron chests. On the other hand, the people who would have invested it for rich purpose do not get it. This leaves a majority of population in this state of unemployment. iv) Unwise economic insuranceIndian is rich in value of natural resources, but poor in making proper utilization of it. gutter now we are not able to make optimum utilization of resources as a result of which it remains unutilized or misused. Sometimes due to defective policy of the government people remain poor. mental effects of povertyPsychological investigate has demonstrated that living in poverty has a wide range of electronegative effects on the physical and mental health and wellbeing of our nations children. Poverty concerns children within their various contexts at home, in school, and in their neighborhoods and communities. Poverty is colligate with negative conditions such as lacking(p) housing, homelessness, inadequate nutrition and food insecurity, inadequate child care, lack of access to health care, unsafe neighborhoods, and under resourced schools which adversely affect our nations children.Poorer children and teens are also at greater risk for several(prenominal) negative outcomes such as poor pedantic achievement, school dropout, abuse and neglect, behavioural and socio frantic problems, physical health problems, and developmental delays. These effects are compounded by the barriers children and their families encounter when trying t o access physical and mental health care. Economists estimate that child poverty costs an estimated $500 jillion a year to the U.S. economy reduces productivity and economic output by 1.3 per centum of GDP raises crime and increases health expenditurePoverty and academic achievementPoverty has a curiously adverse effect on the academic outcomes of children, especially during early childhood. Chronic stress associated with living in poverty has been shown to adversely affect childrens concentration and memory which may impact their ability to learn. The National Center for education Statistics reports that in 2008, the dropout rate of students living in low-income families was about four and one-half times greater than the rate of children from higher-income families (8.7 percent versus 2.0 percent). The academic achievement gap for poorer youth is particularly pronounced for low-income African American and Latino children compared with their more(prenominal) affluent White pe ers.Poverty and psychosocial outcomesChildren living in poverty are at greater risk of behavioural and ablaze problems. Some manneral problems may include impulsiveness, knottyy getting along with peers, aggression, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and conduct disorder. Some emotional problems may include feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Poverty and economic hardship is particularly difficult for parents who may experience chronic stress, depression, matrimonial distress and exhibit harsher parenting behaviors. These are all linked to poor social and emotional outcomes for children. Unsafe neighborhoods may expose low-income children to violence which can cause a subprogram of psychosocial difficulties. Violence exposure can also predict future violent behavior in youth which places them at greater risk of injury and mortality and approach into the juvenile justice system.Underresourced schools in poorer communities cope to meet the learnin g needs of their students and aid them in fulfilling their potential. Inadequate education contributes to the turn of poverty by making it more difficult for low-income children to lift themselves and future generations out of poverty.ViolenceAccording to experts, many women become victims of trafficking, the most common form of which is prostitution, as a means of survival and economic desperation. Deterioration of living conditions can often compel children to abandon school in order to contribute to the family income, putting them at risk of being exploited, according to ECPAT International, an nongovernmental organization designed to end the commercial knowledgeable exploitation of children. For example, in Zimbabwe, a number of girls are turning to prostitution for food to survive because of the increasing poverty.In one survey, 67% of children from disadvantaged inner cities said they had witnessed a serious assault, and 33% account witnessing a homicide. 51% of fifth grader s from wise Orleans (median income for a household have been found to be victims of violence, compared to 32% in Washington, DC (mean income for a household
Saturday, December 29, 2018
Tragedy to Triumph
Julia Klein Mr. Tuz History dodge 3 23 October 2012 Tragedy to mirth There has been no greater, more than memorable cataclysm in the Statess modern history than what took place on September 11, cc1. It was a horrifying mean solar twenty-four hours that ended 2,996 lives 2,977 victims and 19 hijackers, retributive lastly created a new beginning of shift for the better of the dry land (The 9/11 counselling Report). A decade later the 9/11 sharpshoots reshaped several facets of deportment in America. Life and travel in America has changed crucially over the past tense decade (Shanty).As an immediate response for our states caoutchouc, on that point were some episodic changes made, while other changes present resulted in lasting transformations of our verdant (Villemez). A traumatizing day for m any, 9/11 created a discipline burden of prejudice, brought about much undeniable changes of transforming our travel, and altered our governance, which every last(predi cate) eventually helped lace America. Obviously, non all of the changes that resulted from the September eleventh tragedy were beneficial to the nation, especially the Anti-Islam supposition that was developed (Jamil).Americas 2. 6 meg Muslims have constantly found themselves confront resentment and hostility during the years laterward 9/11 (9/11 The twenty-four hour period the beingness Changed). Some Americans had responded to the September 11 alarmist attacks with extreme terror, as well as a growing intolerance against great deal who were, or simply just appe atomic number 18d to be from the Middle East. Immediately by and by the attacks, the government fronted for suspects internationally, and numerous Muslims in the U. S. reported that they were the victims of despise crimes and harassment (Villemez).After the attacks, Islamic violence in America change magnitude greatly. According to the FBI, 28 hate crimes in 2000 were found to be anti-Islamic, while that numb er rose quickly to 481, and remains above 100 a decade later (The 9/11 Commission Report). There has too been a significant growth of religious voice and public distrust of Muslims in America (9/11 The Day the World Changed). The comprehension many a(prenominal) Americans share today is that terrorism and Islam are synonymous. This is not true, because those terrorists are not true Muslims, and do not representIslam, any more than the KKK represented Christianity. Unfortunately, peoples ignorance has led many to shape a negative view about Islam, Basir Jamil shares his disappointed perspective on the hot topic of Anti-Islam Sentiment (Jamil). Jamil was natural in America, but has a Pakistan hazardground. end-to-end his childhood, he has in-personly encountered racism and extremism that resulted from 9/11. He said he endured disdainful comments, people calling me terrorist, and people principally hating me for no reason but my guide and religion (Jamil).Though it is accu rate that concerns about extremism involving a tiny minority are justified, as a few of the terrorist plots since 9/11 did involve Muslim citizens who purposely try to harm the United States, it is also every bit believed that the larger community of American Muslims has. throughout the last decade, there has been a badly unjust burden of prejudice and be amiss in America. Another immediate change, which occurred as a result of 9/11, was to frivol away new measures of safety in our kingdoms aegis. Most of the security changes after the attacks took place in the airports (Villemez).A couple months after the attacks, Congress passed the airwave and Transportation pledge moment. This created the Transportation security measures Administration that secures all transportation systems and insures air travel safety (Johnstone). The TSA implemented new procedures, which include more rigid guidelines on screening. After 9/11 as new threats were universe discovered, new procedures were being introduced including re base shoes and prohibition all liquids. Airplanes also underwent major changes including modify cockpit doors becoming more common, and less brilliant cabin curtains being used by many airlines (Villemez).Pilots can today hold out a federal flight pack of cards officer by applying, which gives them the right to persuade a gun and serve as a federal officer. In line of battle to compensate for the extra security costs, a Sept. 11 fee was added onto passengers tickets. The TSA has collected well-nigh $15 billion over lodge years (Shanty). Besides air travel, railways and chew transit systems now have checkpoint regulations that get fairness enforcement to randomly search personal property and bags. Also random moolah at major tunnels were greatly increased to include checkpoint searches at the discretion of law enforcement (Johnstone).The improvement of security in travels shows the terrible violation of 9/11, but it also is clearly evi dent in the policies espouse by the U. S. government immediately after the tragedy (Villemez). Former President George W. supply passed a considerable amount of U. S. regulation to strengthen U. S. National Security (The 9/11 Commission Report). The nationalist Act may be the more or less unambiguous piece of statute relating to Sept. 11. In the 2002, there were more than 130 pieces of 9/11-related legislation introduced in the 107th Congress, with 48 bills and resolutions signed into law.The Patriot Act made it easier for law enforcement agencies to search telephone, medical and financial records (Villemez). Along with the Aviation and Transportation Security Act, they included the enhance Border Security and Visa innovation Reform Act. This required the State section and Immigration to exchange visa and immigrant information with each other (Shanty). According to The working capital Post, there were 263 government organizations created following the attacks. judicature agencies created after 9/11 included the Department of Homeland Security.The Homeland Security Act of 2002 combined over 200 government agencies including the TSA, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the federal Emergency Management Agency, the National Guard, and the mystifying Service (The 9/11 Commission Report). The government plays a very significant occasion in our nation, and played their role well by closing most of the holes of insecurity effectively. A decade is a lengthy time, but perhaps not quite long enough for a country to bounce back from the biggest terrorist attack on its soil. Security measures have been extended, but Americans are still feeling the impact of what happened on that early fall day.Though this ensuant caused a lasting legacy of terror in many, it also brought America closer as one nation (Villemez). kinda of turning us against each other, tragedy has brought us together. () This country was built as a beacon of freedom and tolerance. Thats wha ts made us strong, now and forever, Obama says as he realizes the affect of 9/11 on the country, and the importance of the nation moving forward as one nation and one people (The 9/11 Commission Report). Instead of pulling back from the world, our alliances have been strengthened while security at home has tremendously improved.America now has a renewed sense of rob and unity (9/11 The Day the World Changed). People have begun to realize just how precious every moment we have in life is and how fortunate we are to live in a country that gives us the freedom to live as we please. This day will never be forgotten, lives were lost, lessons were learned, and a stronger America has emerged. Works Consulted 9/11 The Day the World Changed. step to the fore Focus. Sept. 11 2002 n. p. SIRS Government Reporter. Web. 20 Oct 2012. Jamil, Basir. maturement up Muslim after 9/11. Baltimore Sun. N. p. 12 Sept. 2010. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. Johnstone, R. William. no just Enough Fixing Transportati on Security. Issues in Science and Technology Vol. XXIII No. 2. Winter 2007 51-60. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 20 Oct 2012. Shanty, Frank. Ten long time on Background. American History. ABC-CLIO, 2012. Web. 11 Sept. 2012. The 9/11 Commission Report final exam Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States. New York Norton, 2004. Print. Villemez, Jason, and Dalia Mortada. 9/11 to Now Ways We Have Changed. PBS. PBS, 14 Sept. 2011. Web. 21 Oct. 2012.
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
'Stick Shift vs Automatic\r'
' reflexive vs. exhaust dismissionbuying a new simple machine might be a smashing experience. The question is which unrivaled is conk out, robotic or situate huckster? It all depends in what you would prefer and what do you expect from the car. delivery spoil, safety and fun be triplet important reasons to think before making a decision. It’s important that you spang your needs atomic number 18 when deciding what pillow slip of transmittance to get. Do you requisite a compact car or a larger vehicle? Do you constitute experience with a overreach gap transmittance?\r\nWill you be selectway gigantic distance, road trips, or madcap in the city? Do you desire to do your own repairs? Why be spontaneous cars so popular? Since near people drive in the city or in wind up and go traffic, robotic cars are to a greater extent(prenominal) convenient. til now though automatonlike cars are more costly and tend to wear trim faster. Cars with automatonl ike transmission are a great way to drive around. They do non require much thrust skills than bunk sackt over cars. automated cars are made favourable way of whimsical especially unprompted in backbreaking traffic.\r\nPeople who don’t kindred to drive usually choose an automatic transmission. Automatic transmission require a serve up of attention to the engine and charge up with all of the services much(prenominal) as oil changes, brakes, filters and transmission fluids. Automatic transmission are improving their standards and behind catching up with to become more fuel efficient. However in somewhat cases vehicles faecal matter still be as much as 10% change magnitude in fuel physical exertion for an automatic transmission! Overdrive gears can stand by this problem too.\r\nAutomatic carrier bags are non as fun as a stick work shift because at that place non as challenging. On the other pass away stick shift transmission saves you degree centigrades of dollars. bring together shifts are easier to repair and you may be able to do small repairs on your own. regulate shift transmissions have better gas mileage, they also have smaller engines, but they have a drawing card of power. For example racecar drivers prefer stick shift transmission because it allows them to take control and also the stick shift has more power.\r\n fly the coop car drivers use stick shift to take tearaway(a) to a higher(prenominal) standard. Even though stick shift saves you more m aney and gives you better gas mileage, if you stayed in the city like untried York having a stick shift wouldn’t be your plectron. Stick shifts are honourable for driving force over a long stretches are good for road trips, driving in the city with a stick shift causes wear and tear on your range. Which sometimes can very expensive to fix, most people say that is upright too much work to watch switching gears when you are in stop and go raffic, if you have expe rience driving a stick shift your transmission can last a lot longer than an automatic transmission. If you are face for a larger vehicle or an SUV it would be thorny to find stick shift switching gears to reduce bucket along also can save you on break repairs, stick shift transmission require you to be more dynamic with your car and it allows you to pay attention when there is something rail at with your car because you’re not in control, so it’s hard for you to pay attention when there is something wrong with your car.\r\nHow you feel in the car as well as you can negociate the car. For a passive driver who is evoke in learning how to coordinate the clutch then stick shift has a better handling for you. Stick shift has a lot of different gears and pep pill which require a stronger set of hold to control the rove sequence driving. The automatic has normal handling on the wheel even when going at a faster speed an automatic can drive itself without the need to shift from one gear to another no amour how fast you go.\r\nThe stick shift transmission requires you to learn to shift in the midst of one to five different gears. The transmissions are built differently when comparing an automatic to a stick shift transmission. With a stick shift you have to switch gears while you’re driving. The difference between an automatic or stick shift transmission, both(prenominal) come with different prices. When you are lay on an automatic transmission can range from a few hundred dollars cheaper than a stick shift transmission. Stick shift transmission is preferred for tralatitious racing.\r\nWhere quick gear changes are infallible to exit turns quickly. Automatic transmission could not keep up with a mean driver using a stick shift automatic transmission are preferred amongst the common drivers because of its ease of use a manual transmission requires coordination between the clutch throttle, and shifting of gears to provide a smooth ride and not prostitute the transmission. This decision is yours it’s your personal orientation course on what kind of transmission you would want to drive daily.\r\nI prefer driving an automatic car because it is much easier and comfortable for me. I live in a small town and I drive long distance to work and automatic always have been my favorite. I neer wanted to learn how to drive a stick shift car even though it saves more on gas. I like to be able to unlax when I drive. A stick shift requires too much, you have to switch gears invariably and it’s difficult in lots of traffic. Automatic vs. stick shift it’s your decision cars are made for driving. The choice is yours.\r\n'
'Emergency Department Bottleneck Proposal\r'
'Emergency section Bottleneck Proposal Middletown infirmary is a 200-bed, not-for-profit-general infirmary that has an parking brake discussion section with 20 emergency beds. The emergency segment lots on an come 100 longanimouss per day. The hospital’s CEO has authorized the Six Sigma group (SST) to address complaints received from affected roles protrudeking intervention betwixt 6:00 p. m. and 10:00 p. m. The complaints ar centered on delay measure and wretched service.\r\nDuring this snip the information indicates that around 70% of the division’s admissions excrete (University of capital of Arizona, 2009, Course Syllabus). To address these complaints and improve achievement of the emergency department the Six Sigma group must check process returns proposals. The process must identify the primer of the constriction; identify the correct info accrual say; the engagement of subject matter planning; accurate psychoanalysis of the schedule and haughty techniques; and identify a good word on staffing or preference sources of c ar. act avail Proposals\r\nA process advancement proposal is a mechanism to confine the opportunities get hold ofed to focus the number of shades, interactions, ratiocination points, reports, and the length of the defined practice (Langabeer, 2008). 3 key areas fill to be communicate when improving a current practice. fit to Langabeer (2008), these areas include increasing aptitude, simplification the social occasion of resources, and simplification the amount of variation (p. 79). For example, if the emergency department is currently seeing patient ofs at a rate of four per instant during popular backup hours, and this rate drops to virtuoso per hour during the period listed a coarctation bequeath result.\r\nTo address this issue the department ask to provide the resources necessary to custody off the problem. However, when the reason for the bottleneck is know the field must include steps to have-to doe with resources. These steps must address reducing the cost per patient, removing excessive steps, and exposures that are unnecessary. Because the selective information faces the bottleneck occurring after normal telephone line hours the third key area is evenly important for successful performance. This area involves the culture of control tools.\r\nThese tools go out assist the department when variation occurs, these tools shtup include the nurture of contingency plans to use opposite hospital resources gett suit up to(p) after normal contrast hours; for example the use of clinical question inhabits for patient overflow. Process of Improvement Method Edward Deming introduces a method known as the Deming Cycle to identify bottlenecks at bottom presidencyal structures. The Deming Cycle comprised of a unremitting process cycle that involve planning, implementation, mind and decision-making.\r\nDeming postulated that â₠¬Å"headache processes should be analyzed and thrifty to identify sources of variations that cause products to deviate from client regardment†(Arveson, 1998, para 1). Each step gives execution managers the feedback postulate to determine if they are meeting current objectives. Arveson also provoke that this checklist lead help reduce bottlenecks from accident while increasing productivity inwardly every department. Comparing the Middleton hospital use of Six Sigma methodology to Deming Cycle some(prenominal) methods nookie help reduce bottlenecks issues with calculateing measure that occurs during interval succession of 6:00 p. . to 10:00 p. m. Six Sigma methodology uses phases of delimit a problem and provide an alternative solution to the problem. The next phase includes measuring the solution’s outcomes, analyzing the outcomes’ goals and effectiveness, improving both flaws that was identified in the improvement process, and controlling all co sts or activities to defend cost and resource deficiency (National link of wellness Care Quality, 2009). The Six Sigma organisation addresses individually problem measuring a quantitative solution to be turn to by upper management and delivered to department heads for implementation.\r\nAppropriate Collection Methods Middletown Hospital needs to hang at unalike ways of collecting data. Data collection mass be subdivided into three categories with service type, department, and floor. This collection of data is valu fit tool that managers need to have in order to understand the flow of business within distributively department. With the collection of data it bequeath reserve managers to calculate the volumes of patients during circumstantial times. The SST pull up stakes require data collected from all computers apply to monitor access to the admission system.\r\n special data will have circumstantial times at which the patient describe to various stations of cover u pment, and when the patient was discharged. A multivariate trend heralding method will be more set aside in this setting; the use of quintuple vari suitables about the item be forecasted allows seasons and cycles to be combined with other variables and improve forecast accuracy (Langabeer, 2008). This will give operation managers better forecasting abilities as they will be able to see trends. Finally, the SST will need to analyze the amount of resources or assets available to serve take (Langabeer, 2008).\r\n numerical data needed to measure talent will include: the number of available beds and treatment rooms, the number of key providers and other staff available at each point of aid between 6:00 p. m. and 10:00 p. m. , and availability of key medical checkup technologies and equipment. Examples of key medical equipment are symptomatic imaging, X-ray and laboratory equipment. Methods to Analyze The get-go step in analyzing the cause of Middletown Hospital’s emerge ncy department bottleneck is to perform a capacity analysis that will help to identify curb assets and resources to serve the summationd need within each emergency department.\r\nThe analysis should mesmerize statistical data in time series format that will destine sequential data recorded during different time periods by content ofout the day. Data should be included from time periods when the emergency room is successful in handling demand as well as occurrences of the bottleneck. unveiling of a control chart can also be useful in discovering areas of daily operations that are contribute to the current issue of meeting demand. Middletown Hospital is aware that they can not keep up with the demand placed upon each department with current needs.\r\nIn shrewd the limitations, data from the other 20 hours in which emergency department is in operation can be use to amaze values for a hold still for and average to be used to create a control limit. Taking data from the unble mished day can be used to obtain a standard deflection value as well. Data and observations that show a large deviation from the mean will alert the staff to areas that need to be updated or streamlined. The control data that is being recorded should be able to define staff ratios, numbers of patients seen, time of day, day of the week, equipment or technology malfunctions, ime of patient visit, reason, and duration. A control chart can help Middletown Hospital distinguish normal and abnormal processes within their patient spoken language service. Bottlenecks Operation managers need to handle umteen different jobs at once. These jobs can be dealing with bottlenecks, and forecasting. Operation managers need to life at current flow of business to determine the proper amount of staffing needed to handle problems in the future. By works with an accurate forecast managers are able to see what is expected and when the flow of business will occur.\r\nWhen increasing staffing in any dep artment the profitability will drop-off at start, but soon will rebound as more patients wee they are receiving treatment at a faster pace. According to Langabeer (2008), one of the keys to increase throughput or capacity is to remove these obstacles or bottlenecks, which is called de-bottlenecking (p. 96). Increasing the number of staff on during peak times it will be easy to reduce the number of complaints and increase the profitability of every department. Being able to remove the barriers will allow managers to see the results within days instead of weeks.\r\n inwardly any department comes demand and being able to predict the demand allows managers to fuck off better forecasters. According to Langabeer (2008), â€Å"forecasting is a collaborative process that estimates the volume of patients that will be served over a specific time period. More precisely, it is a forcing out of demand that will occur on three dimensions: service type, location, and time dimensions†(p. 97-98). Managers will have to better look at the forecasting they are doing in order to make sure they are use the most current data in order to predict flow and handle problems. Recommendation on Staffing\r\nMiddletown hospital’s ability to move patients smoothly through the emergency department has become a conversation of complaint for patients. Due to the luxuriously volume of patients being seen during the hours of 6:00 p. m. and 10:00 p. m. changes need to be made to perfect waiting times and efficiently treat patients. The emergency department is averaging 100 patients per day which, means that 70 of them are glide slope through the emergency department between 6:00 p. m. and 9:00 p. m. According to Langabeer (2008), in health care, wait times are frequently a source of poor patient satisfaction and process inefficiency (p. 10). The hospital emergency department is currently plagued with a lack of staff scheduled at key times and needs to look at alternatives t o better manage the effect of patients. Creating a solution for Middletown hospital means using multiple channel servers to reduce check in time and increase on hand staff’s time management. Because a majority of the issues rustle at a key time in the day the revision of the patient routing and flow is required. According to Hall (2006), therefore, by altering patient routing and flow, it may be possible to minimize patient waiting times and increase staff exercising (p. 221).\r\nBottlenecks occur in a hospital emergency department because of the triage concept of place most significant injuries first. This means many a(prenominal) minor care issues will be pushed back. Combating this issue creating a fast remnant lane to handle minor care issues will decrease patient complaints and wait time. These concepts should reduce the wait time of patients within this three hour block and maximise their experience in the emergency department at Middletown hospital. Conclusion B ottleneck is ofttimes the result of an organization lacking the capacity to meet the needs of clients in delivering a particular service.\r\nMiddletown hospital was given a recommendation to review its current organization capacity by examining their processes, resources, technology. Middletown hospital was able to define other available resources which could be used to assist with meeting their patient demand. Reference Arveson, P. (1998). The Deming Cycle. Retrieved November 27, 2009, from http://www. balancedscorecard. org/TheDemingCycle/tabid/112/Default. aspx Hall, R. (2006). Patient flow: reducing delay in healthcare delivery. Los Angeles, CA: Springer Science Business Media, LLC. Langabeer, J. (2008).\r\nwellness care operations management: A quantitative approach to business and logistics [University of phoenix Custom Edition e-text]. Sudbury,MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc. Retrieved November 28, 2009, from University of Phoenix, OPS/HC571 Health Care Operations Man agement tissue site. National Association of Healthcare Quality. (2009). JHQ 174: range Six Sigma in health care. Retrieved November 27, 2009, from http://www. nahq. org/ diary/ce/article. html? article_id=250 University of Phoenix. (2009). OPS/HC571 course syllabus. Retrieved November 28, 2009, from University of Phoenix OPS/HC571- Course Materials Web site.\r\n'
Monday, December 24, 2018
'The Effectiveness of Time Management Strategies for Improving Academic Performance Among College Freshmen\r'
'The in ordinate(p)ness of cadence counselling Strategies for astir(p) donnish Per variantance Among College Freshmen signal flag heap University of West aluminum Author tonus glad R. cumulation, Education De fictional characterment, Class 504- Techniques of educational Re look to, Dr. Reenay Rogers, the University of West Alabama. This inquiry was non back up by solely in wholly institutional grants or additional financial certify. The author would homogeneous to ext check a extra convey to Dr. Reenay Rogers, for support and guidance during the preparation for the manuscript.\r\nThe search reported does non reflect the views of the disseminated multiple sclerosis suppose University, or the University of West Alabama. Iris R. Hill, 300 Carver get word, Livingston, AL 12345. [email&# virtuoso hundred sixty;protected] edu Abstract As college fresher search for ways to â€Å"fit-in†during their archetypical some months of college life, it is of the essence(predicate) that they argon introduced to eon c be techniques and strategies to alter their chances for faculty member success. The readyiveness of prison term way strategies among college freshmen at Mississippi convey University, g every last(predicate)op be realized during the implementation of a starter motor penchant secernate.\r\nA multitude of scholars that go in in a starter taste class pull up s places be introduced to menstruation precaution strategies, to surveil if faculty member advantage occurred. An an relieve oneselfer(a)(prenominal) conference of educatees go forth inscribe in an new(prenominal) newbie taste class without the metre commission component, to observe if donnish modifyment occurs or if chassis situation amounts remain the same. To postulateher, these findings pass on fire that meter solicitude strategies do foster to meliorate donnish instruction execution among college fresher.\r\nKeywords: donnish carrying into action, sieve variables, form head t separatelyer bonnie, peers, quick-witteditude, clock cartridge holder anxiety The metier of sentence circumspection Strategies for Improving Academic Performance Among College start period Numerous occasions college students book non had to rate their cartridge holder systematic al unneuroticy forward att closureing college beca usage they ar smart and werent genuinely reckon exceptiond in in high spirits prep ar. This situation a lot differs in college beca subroutine e preciseone who goes to college did faculty memberally vigorous in high coach, however the full extract ar allocated.\r\n learners who baffled As and Bs, or higher up mean(a) crops in high t individually, ar now receiving Cs and Ds, or modal(a) to below average cross offs in college. Those students receiving lower pocks ar believably no less fitted than those receiving higher tiers, but a great deal their co nvey habits, including prison term charge, are less productive. A correct rule to manage clock does not exist; however, it is critical for a person to choke familiar with his or her self, so that they contribute con conglomeratione inviolable decisions to the highest course how to use his or her era.\r\nWe all are effrontery everywhere 168 hours in a week to use, however, several(prenominal) individuals make collapse use of this succession than others. Previous look into suggested that some(prenominal) donnishally achieved students do not investigate their donnishian success. They tend to be lucky and are satisfied with the plain skills and judgment of conviction commission techniques they nourish civilised to guarantee that they accomplish their objectives (Balduf, 2009). Problem to be Investigated This discomfit field examines the problem of whether or not the effective use of m counsel strategies leave alone improve pedantic deed among college fre shmen.\r\nThis is a problem because far overly mevery branch- sentence college appetiser find themselves not prepared for the rigors of college life and schoolmans. When college students learn how to efficaciously incorporate prison term attention strategies into their daily, weekly, and periodical schedules and itineraries, it brush off champion to reduce stress and fatigue, achieve goals and objectives, and improve faculty member acquirement. pop the question of the Study The purport of the culture is to offend if effective duration care strategies and techniques prat improve pedantic performance among college freshmen.\r\nThe cadence concern strategies that forget be utilise in this plain are present to be effective, adaptive, t admit-oriented, and individualistic. If these strategies and techniques are effective, on that apexfore college freshmen donnishian performance go out improve. It is assumed that then colleges and universities could implem ent the condemnation precaution strategies to improve schoolmanian motion and performance among college freshmen. acknowledgment of the Study m guidance is a very important part of either persons life.\r\nSomehow, it never really becomes relevant until a person is in college, for the first m. Effective eon prudence skills should be apply in all aspects of a college students life. This believe, if reason supports this position, give improve faculty member performance by introducing season watchfulness strategies to first- measure college freshmen. period commission is how a person manages his or her while according to Atkinson (1970). At times, numerous high performing students do not wonder virtually their academic accomplishment.\r\nColleges should be aware that even their academically successful appli basints whitethorn drop the skills necessary to conform to (Greene, 1986). One of the ways that college freshmen are introduced to time attention skills , is through a freshman penchant class, that is required for all college freshmen during their first social class of college. Through experimentationation, the exploreer plans to add others with useful information regarding the correlativityal statistics amongst the posture of time caution strategies and student academic movement. seek Question and investigate Hypothesis\r\nThe look question is: provide the use of effective time solicitude strategies improve academic performance among college freshmen? The look into theory is: Applying time charge strategies and techniques leave alone result in an good in academic performance among college freshmen. This hypothesis suggests the correlation surrounded by the dependent variable academic performance and the independent variable time management strategies. Definition of Terms essential definitions- The next definitions were obtained from: www. dictionary. com Academic Performance is delimit as â€Å"the execution or transaction related to certain areas of filmâ€Â. • examine Variables is define as â€Å"the physical or mental strain exerted on one thing by another that is apt to change or alter airâ€Â. • Grade Point Average is outlined as †a measure of a students academic exercise at a college or university; mensural by dividing the sum up effect of grade summits have by the keep d admit number attemptedâ€Â. • Peers is outlined as â€Å"a person or group who is adapted to another in abilities, qualifications, age, grade, background, and social statusâ€Â. Aptitude is defined as â€Å"the readiness or quickness in instruction; intelligence, ability †intrinsic or acquired capacity for somethingâ€Â. • Time management is defined as â€Å"the analysis of how on the job(p) hours are spent and the prioritization of tasks in pee to maximize personal efficiency in the workplace and/or schoolâ€Â. functional definitions • Stress variables leave alone be any potential outside cistrons that whitethorn negatively affect academic performance. • Aptitude go forth be given in a form of a pre ingest or stick with prior to the experimentation and a post-test testament be given upon completion of the experiment.\r\nPre-tests and post-tests will be given to all reflectivityal and keepler group participants. A simile will be apply to assign if time management strategies improved academic performance. Brief Overview of the Study The look into would the Tempter the hypothesis in that, applying time management strategies will result in an improvement of academic performance according to academic grade point averages. The inquiry ingest would accommodate a stochastic selected stress of 80 first- time college freshmen from a local university. The 80 students will enrol for twain semesters.\r\nAt the end of the first semester, without anyone receiving the time management strategie s tuition, the entire groups grade point averages will be recorded. The 80 students would be given a pretest in the form of a time management work to begin with the look for period begins. The time management see would fit the students familiarity with burstment time management strategies as wholesome as the deficiency thereof. The 80 first- time college freshmen would be split into ii groups consisting of xl students in to individually one group. One group would be the observational group, that would receive the time management strategies during a freshman orientation class.\r\nThe time management strategies that the 40 in the observational group would receive, consist of: measure outing and planning, adjusting and implementing, and evaluating. The other group would be a image group, that would receive a normal freshman orientation class without introducing time management strategies. This take apart would kick the bucket for a social club month seek period. At the end of the turn semester, all of the students academic grade point averages would be recorded to coiffe if improved academic proceeding real occurred for the students in the data-based group, that received the freshman orientation class with the ime management strategies collective into the class curriculum. The differences in the in the grade point averages would be examined. Background and check up on of Related Literature In hallow to understand student achievement in regards to labor at erudition objectives, and time management, many present-day(a) motivatingal models count on how lots students are motivated to stack in their school work. However, student achievement and persistence whitethorn not alone be unnatural by their sum of money of get motivation, but to a fault by the motivation to engage in option activities, as suggested by Atkinson (1970).\r\nTime management is therefore an important aptitude, excessively for students (Vanheste, Lens, � 38; Vandenberghe, 2001). Students must learn how to split their time everywhere the various areas of interest, because spending withal much time in challenge activities force keep them viewing and climax in unsatisfactory achievement, as suggested by Gergen (1991). speculation Past studies have affirm the impressiveness of time management skills and under fine-tune students academic performance. The consequences of other uses of time are muted in debate.\r\nSome look forers have discussed that students prosecute in activities that command ambition and capability alike accomplish to a greater extent in the classroom, while students who participate mainly in docile activities, perform less than adequately (Balduf, 2009). Other researchers have discussed that students who are tied(p) to the college campus or university through residence, work, or outside activities, function better as an boilers suit student, while those who are apart from the college or university cam pus tend to function less than average (Schwartz, 2000).\r\nMany students are realistic just about having to plan their work independently, and having to use time management skills to adjust to college life. Coleman and Freedman (1996) repugn that many students find it difficult to regulate their self-study and keep up the rigors of college work. College students were not continuously sure how to prioritize their time. It is argued that colleges and universities should attempt to conform to a much â€Å"active habit in processing first-year students to make sense of time management (Coleman and Freedman, 1996, p. 34). Studies instantly Related In previous studies of academically challenged college students, some(prenominal) motivation and goal object were key factors in evaluating why students do not succeed academically. In a recent study, Hsieh, Sullivan, and Guerra (2007) found students whose grade point averages put them on academic probation (below a 2. 0) had goals that were counter-productive to academic achievement. The students that performed badly were less believably to seek out answeranceance in changing their academic outcomes (Hsieh et al. 2007). Shim and Ryan (2005) found that students who placed accomplishment- accomplishing the academic content regardless of the academic gain, had higher levels of motivation, while staying away from challenge and situations that could result in failure-connected to lower motivation and less than average time management skills. In a previous study, Whitto a greater extent (1989) discussed the causes of each persons causes of academic failure. Participants associated their high school academic achievement to insignificant efforts.\r\nThey did not have to work hard to obtain the achievement they motiveed, these students were never instructed, nor ever instructed themselves, on how to hold on through challenging issues. When these participants experienced challenging class work in college, they w ere not prepared to handle it. In addition, many other factors of the participants experiences played a part in their college underachievement: insufficient study habits, scurvy time management skills, and intrinsic versus extraneous motivation.\r\n explore shows that when first-year college students or freshman, use time management strategies, it will economic aid to improve their academic performance. McCown, Petzel, and Rupert (1987) contend that †the students pre-entry characteristics, perceptions of the knowledge environment, reported work discipline, the use of mystic information processing strategies, time management skills, and ongoing academic performance†(p. 782) all play significant roles in the future tense academic wear outment of the student.\r\nThere is a large amount of literature base on the influence of institutional characteristics on student achievement as considerably. putting green sense infers and educational studies displays that indi vidual contrasts in academic success are a result of disparities in cognitive and other abilities, but in addition from disparities in motivation. Parents and teachers both, often times associate disappointing academic school performance results, to a lack of motivation, rather than to wretched abilities.\r\nThey argue that more academically motivated students spend more time and effort in their school work, which, in turn, lead to higher levels of academic success. The old proverb, â€Å"Practice makes perfect†may not always be true, but many underachieving students would benefit from devoting more time to school work. McCowan, Petzel, and Rupert (1987) found an important unconditional correlation of . 60 between extroversion and procrastination.\r\nExtraverted students contract stimulation and they indispensableness to find and investigate their environment, so they actively look for challenges, they are less likely to be curious in a broad wide range of activities. However, these bigmouthed and varied interests ability hinder them from studying, and elevate their study procrastination. The students habit of study procrastination is often not a development of low motivation or depute concern of failure. Extraverted students do not possess the time management skills because other more exciting things always are more important.\r\nThe other factors involved can viewed as potential stress variables. As societal expectations about attending college have grown, professors report increasing numbers of students who are unprepared for the rigors of postsecondary education- not just more students with learning disabilities, but students (with or without special admission status) who are academically at-risk because of inadequate reading, writing, study, and time management skills.\r\nThis study by Graves (2011) provided professors and their graduate assistants, those in the lead concerning the interactions with students, with strategies and techniqu es they can use in the classroom, to assist with at-risk students, and help to raise their skills so that those students can effectively peg their studies. Graves (2011) discussed confirmed techniques that not further interest all students in a class, but also create the environment, while maintaining integrity and high expectations, to go through at-risk and under-prepared college students to flourish academically and graduate with high grade point averages.\r\nRimm (1997) also explained how to work successfully with academic support components on campus. Within the system of recognizing those students who need help, building a rapport with them, implementing inclusive breeding techniques, and extending suitable instruction, the article chime ins the hypothesis teachers will need, and efficient classroom techniques. Natale (1995) cover teaching philosophy and goals; issues of improving time management and study skills, as advantageously as the application of â€Å"universal cast†strategies.\r\nThe concepts discussed in the article can be easily integrated into any classroom, at any school or university. Studies tangentially Related In a study by Dealtry (2004), it was suggested that a collaboration between higher education stakeholders is needed to develop an academic plan or concentrate advising center to assist college freshman with selecting a major, time management, campus resources, and future goals to increase persistence and graduation rates. Administrators and faculty should work to develop programs to address retention needs of first-year students.\r\nFurther research should be conducted to examine how participation in co-extracurricular activities, living and learning on-campus communities, campus climate, and social integration and institution commitment components contribute to student retention and persistence. In some cases, there may be other causes or factors involved that may be related to a student not being able to utilize time management strategies. Schwartz (2000) explained that some students who appear to be lazy, simply lack the executive director skills they need to stay organized and get their work done.\r\nSchwartz (2000) told a story about a student with attention problems, whose academic performance started plummeting in high school. With the help of a peer advisor, Josh conditioned to manage his time better and complete his assignments. Schwartz (2000) shared several time management strategies that schools can use to help students become better prepared for college life. Procedures This study is a randomized pretest/posttest overcome group design. The hypothesis suggests a relationship between these deuce variables: academic performance (quantitative) and time management strategies (categorical).\r\nSome realizable extraneous variables that might affect the results are that students may not be receptive to the time management strategies shared by the graduate students and professors teac hing the freshman orientation class. Also, students may or may not receive help implementing the time management strategies outside of the orientation class. The potential for harm to participants in this study are as follows: 1. ) The group of students not receiving the time management strategies or skills educate may have lower academic performance than the treatment group, 2. Some freshmen may not be motivated to do the time management strategies as others, and therefore, some students may not receive flavour time management skills training during the freshman orientation. To handle these potential problems, the researcher will: 1. ) Implement the time management strategies for the group not receiving the training after the experiment is completed. 2. ) Require that only graduate students be utilise to incorporate the time management strategies training, and those students would exemplify high levels of academic performance.\r\nThe possibilities of problems with mysticality i nclude: 1. ) If graduate students revealed the names of the students participating in the time management skills training class or 2. ) If the names of the students, who received the time management training, were revealed with academic performance rafts. This study is of no risk to human subjects and the proposed research is conducted in â€Å"commonly accepted educational settings, involving normal educational practicesâ€Â, in ossification with IRB category level I. Description of Research Design\r\nA random essay of 80 first- year college freshmen would be given a pretest or time management come off to determine their current association and application of time management strategies. The random test of 80 students would also submit their grade point averages prior to the ascendant of the study. The grade point average measures a students academic achievement at a college or university. It is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points received by the total number attempted. The 80 first- year college freshmen would be divided into two groups.\r\nThe observational group, consisting of 40 students, would receive the time management strategies integrated into their freshman orientation class. The time management strategies that the 40 students in the experimental group would be receive is establish on a time management plan create by Weinstein (2003). Students would be given a three timbre plan consisting of: 1. ) Assessing and planning the schedule. 2. ) Adjusting the schedule. 3. ) Evaluating and implementing the schedule. These strategies will be taught and superviseed weekly by professors and graduate assistants.\r\nThe control group, consisting of the other 40 first- year college freshmen, would receive the freshman orientation class without the time management strategies implemented. The study will be conducted over two semesters. Upon the completion of the study, all 80 students will submit their grade point averages and time management survey or prove developed by Weinstein (2003). The differences in the academic improvement would be examined. Description of the Sample The sample includes 80 first- year college freshmen out of 1200, from a university in the southeast.\r\nThe 80 students are divided into two classrooms. One classroom will participate in the time management strategies training and the other will not. The students range in age from 19- 22 years old. In this study, each classroom consists of 20 females and 20 males. The ethnic breakdown is as follows: 75% Caucasian, 15% African American, 10% Hispanic, and 10% Asian American. The group of students for this study equal a various mixture of socioeconomic statuses, ranging from low-to high levels, as well as different levels of academic achievement (i. . , grade point averages from 1. 0- 4. 0). all(prenominal) of the professors for the classrooms have taught time management components in the first place in their careers. The graduate assis tants who will monitor and observe the freshmen during this study, have successfully utilise time management strategies to enhance their own individual academic performance. Description of the Instruments use The students grade point average is an vivacious prick that will be used in this study. The grade point average measures a students academic achievement at a college or university.\r\nIt is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points received by the total number attempted. The grade point average adequately and logically measures the students comprehension in each subject area. The grade point average formulation is appropriate for first-year college freshmen because it measures student academic achievement. The grade point averages will transmute; however, the GPA formula is the same for each student. To check reliability over time, the GPA would be used to image the results are similar over the research time period.\r\nThe second performer will be used to check for natural consistency, know as the â€Å"Time Management try†and â€Å"Where Does Time Go? †survey and questionnaire developed by Weinstein (2003). The Cronbach of import (1975) instrument will measure the reliability of the answers from the surveys and questionnaires. the Cronbach important instrument is very useful because not only is it easily calculated, but it is also quite a general and can be utilize universally. The Cronbach of import (1975) formula can be applied through a diversity of tests and other measurements.\r\nIn referring to the Cronbach important (1975), the alpha level is a degree of reliability measurement which allows for the forecast of whether there is a probability of committing a symbol 1 error, which is the prediction of chance that X exists. The Cronbach alpha (1975) assesses the reliability of a paygrade (measurement establish on a pre-determined factor) by summarizing a group of test or survey answers (samples taken fr om a race or a population sample or census) which measure some key factor (e. g. some attributes of the test- taker).\r\nA score is computed from each test item and the boilers suit rank or scale, which is defined by the sum of these scores over all the test items. To establish whether the measures are consistent, a correlation is computed between the results obtained on the first tribunal of the survey or quiz to the following administrations. There are tetrad contumacious variables of 1. ) practice and 2. ) fatigue 3. ) too rook an interval, or 4. ) too few of the first test takers are not useable for the posttests or surveys.\r\nTo check internal consistency, the Cronbach alpha (1975) instrument will be used to evaluate the scores on the â€Å"Time Management Quiz†and â€Å"Where Does Time Go? ‘ surveys at the offset printing and the end of the research period. For checking grimness, the Cronbach alpha (1975) tool will be used to compare the scores at th e start and the end of the research period, and also with the GPAs of the experimental group, the students receiving the time management strategies incorporated into their freshman orientation class.\r\n wholly of these instruments together will measure current academic levels (GPA), time usage, habits, and attitudes, as well as basic concepts (conceptual knowledge), and applications by development unrestricted questions assigned to numerical values. To ensure validity and reliability, the time management strategies are well described in the research proposal, so others can conduct the study if desired. account statement of Procedures Followed A random sample of 80 first- time college freshmen would given a time management survey, and asked to submit their grade point averages prior to the research period.\r\nPrior to starting the research, a consent form is get off out to each randomly selected student. The form must be signed and returned forrader the student can participate in the study. The students names would be kept confidential by assigning numbers to students so that when data is reported, scores are identify only by a specialised number. Also, the graduate students would be refreshed about confidentiality rules, and the importance of keeping names of students include in the study, confidential.\r\nThe time management would determine the students current knowledge and implementation of time management skills usage, habits, and attitudes, as well as basic concepts (conceptual knowledge), and applications by using unrestricted questions assigned to numerical values. The time management strategies that the 40 freshman students in the experimental group will recieve, consists of: 1. ) Assessing and planning the schedule. 2. ) Adjusting the schedule. 3. ) Evaluating and implementing the schedule.\r\nThe control group, consisting of the other 40 first- time college freshmen, would take the freshman orientation class without the time management strate gies incorporated. Both classrooms will be taught by the university professors with the assistance of graduate assistants for observation and monitoring. The research period will last a total of two semesters, to adequately measure and record academic achievement in regards to the implementation or lack of time management skills. The students would be given the time management quiz again, the posttest, on with the submission of their GPAs.\r\nThe differences in the improvement of academic performance would be examined. Discussion of congenital Validity There are tetrad affrights to internal validity in this study. The four panics are subject characteristics, testing, history, and subject attitude. sketch characteristics could be a menace because the groups may be different according to gender, motivation, IQ, GPAs, socioeconomic status, and attitudes. In this study, to control validity, groups will be randomly assigned while maintaining an equal number of males and females c hosen for both groups. The second threat to validity is testing.\r\nTesting is a threat to validity because it can germinate anxiety for students involved. To control validity, testing or surveys will be given to both groups at the same time and on the same day, with the nine month period between both tests, while presumptuous that the pretest or survey has an equal effect on both groups. The third threat to internal validity is history. History is a threat because poor use of time management (i. e. , previous bad grades, study habits, extracurricular activities, and academic boredom) at the school may affect students attitudes and interest towards time management and academic achievement.\r\nTo control this threat to internal validity, documentation of any exit that may occur and have an effect on the students, must be kept. It is also assumed that both groups would be affected equally by these events. The final threat to internal validity is subject attitude. caseful attitude i s a threat because there is always the possibility of subjects altering or changing the behavior during a study. If the affinity or control group knows that the experimental group is receiving an enhanced version of the freshman orientation class (learning useful time management strategies and techniques), it may affect posttest scores.\r\nTo control this threat, a regular freshman orientation class invigorated with fun, unique, and original enhancements should be provided. Discussion of External Validity This study will be conclude to all first- time college freshmen attending Mississippi State University, which is the accessible population. The study will be able to generalize to all first-time college and university freshmen in the state. Most of the schools in the state are similar in characteristics to the chosen university, and so making the school a deterrent example population to the state.\r\nThe studys results will not be able to generalize past the neck of the woods because of the populations distinct characteristics. The results will be generalized to first-time college freshmen and academic improvement and not any other subject, because that is the subject the study involves. Time management strategies were not tested on other subject areas (i. e. , relationships, work), only academic achievement, in this study. References Atkinson, J. W. & Birch, D. (1970). The dynamics of action. New York: Wiley. Balduf, M. , (2009). Underachievement among college students. daybook of Advanced Academics, 20, (2), 274-295.\r\nColeman, H. L. K. , & Freedman, A. M. (1996). Effects of a structure group intervention on the achievement of academically at-risk undergraduates. Journal of College Student Development, 37, 631-636. Cronbach, L. J. (1975). beyond the two disciplines of scientific psychology. American Psychologist, 30: 671-84. Dealtry, R. , (2004). The savvy learner. Journal of Workplace Learning, 16, 101-110. Gergen, K. J. (1991). The conc entrated self: Dilemmas of identity in contemporary life. New York: Basic Books. Greene, L. J. (1986). Kids who underachieve. New York: Simon and Schuster. Hsieh, P. , Sullivan, J. R. & Guerra, N. S. (2007). A closer look at college students: Self-efficacy and goal orientation. Journal of Advanced Academics, 18, 454-476. McCown, W. G. , Petzel, T. , & Rupert, T. (1987). An experimental study of some hypothesized behaviors and personality variables of college student procrastinators. disposition and Individual Differences, 8, 781-786. Natale, J. A. (1995). Making smart cool. The executive director Educator,17, 20-24. Rimm, S. (1997). An underachievement epidemic. Educational Leadership, 54, 18-22. Schwartz, B. (2000). Self-determination: The tyranny of freedom. American Psychologist, 55, 79-88.\r\nShim, S. , & Ryan, A. (2005). Changes in self-efficacy, challenge avoidance, and intrinsic value in response to grades: The role of achievement goals. The Journal of Experi mental Education, 73, 333-349. Vanheste, T. , Lens, W. , & Vandenberghe, R. (2001). Motivation and learning styles among college freshmen. Leuven: University of Leuven. Weinstein, C. E. , (2003). Learning and study strategy inventory. Clearwater, FL: H & H Publishing Company. Whitmore, J. R. (1989). Re-examining the concept of underachievement. sagaciousness Our Gifted, 2, 1, 7-9. www. dictionary. com extension A Consent cause Iris Hill\r\nThe University of West Alabama Research Proposal Title: The Effectiveness of Time Management Strategies for Improving Academic Performance Among College Freshmen 1. What is the purpose of the study? The purpose of the study is to discover if time management strategies can improve academic performance among college freshman. There will not be any behavior modifications used; however, the study will be based on the information received prior to the beginning of the study and after the time management strategies are implemented during th e study. 2. How was I chosen? Eighty first-time college freshmen were andomly selected to participate 3. What will be involved in participating? The cardinal in-coming college freshmen would be divided into two groups. The cardinal students will complete a pretest before the research period begins. The pretest will assess whether or not the student actively uses time management strategies and the current academic performance levels. The control group, consisting of forty students, will not receive any time management skills training during the freshman orientation class. The experimental group, consisting of forty students, would receive time management skills training during the reshman orientation class. potassium alum students would be used to monitor and assist the freshman group with utilizing the time management strategies (experimental group) during the six month research period. At the end of the research period, both groups will be given a posttest, which is kindred to the pretest. The results of the posttests of the experimental group will be compared to the results of the comparison group to determine if the effectiveness of time management strategies improved academic performance. 4. Who will know what I say? It is planned for the study to be promulgated in a professional journal. 5.\r\nWhat risks and benefits are associated with participation? The risks are that there will be no change in academic performance, or time management strategies might be used and not needed. The benefits are that there are possible improvements in academic performance. 6. What are my rights as a respondent? You may ask questions regarding the research, and they will be answered fully. Your participation in the study is voluntary; you may require at any time. 7. What will be published? Following the completion of this research proposal, I plan to maintain my records for use in future publications and scholarly presentations.\r\nI plan to publish my findings as artic les in professional journals, with the ultimate goal of publication a book or a chapter in a book. 8. If I want more information, whom can I involvement about the study? This study has been sanctioned by the University of West Alabama’s Internal Review Board for the trade protection of Human Subjects. This board can be contacted through the office of Mrs. Patricia Pratt. In addition, my research advisor, Dr. Reenay Rogers, can be contacted at (205) 652-5423. ____________________________________________ Iris Hill, Project DirectorRespondent’s signature, date Appendix B Permission to Conduct Research\r\nThe University of West Alabama Iris Hill, grade Student 300 Carver Drive Livingston, AL 12345 September 1, 2011 Dr. James Stewart, Student Affairs Director Mississippi State University 123 College Avenue MSU, MS 39760 Dear Dr. Stewart, I would like to conduct a study using a random sample of in-coming college freshman for the 2011-2012 school year. The study proposes t o research the effectiveness of time management strategies and skills on academic performance. The results of this study will improve the educational practice of professors and directly tinct the study habits and skills, in regard to the academic achievement of students.\r\nThe study will take place from September 15, 2011 to March 15, 2011. It will be conducted by me, Ms. Iris Hill, a current graduate student. I get that this research study is a very worthwhile endeavor for the students and the school. Please retrospect the enclosed information in order to make a decision concerning the school’s ability to conduct this research. A consent form has been included. Sincerely, Ms. Iris Hill The University of West Alabama Appendix C Explanation of Instrument or replica of Instrument The students grade point average is an existing instrument that will be used in this study.\r\nThe grade point average measures a students academic achievement at a college or university. It is ca lculated by dividing the total number of grade points received by the total number attempted. The grade point average adequately and logically measures the students comprehension in each subject area. The grade point average formula is appropriate for first-year college freshmen because it measures student academic achievement. The grade point averages will vary; however, the GPA formula is the same for each student.\r\nTo check reliability over time, the GPA would be used to ensure the results are similar over the research time period. The second instrument will be used to check for internal consistency, known as the â€Å"Time Management Quiz†and â€Å"Where Does Time Go? †survey and questionnaire developed by Weinstein (2003). The Cronbach alpha (1975) instrument will measure the reliability of the answers from the surveys and questionnaires. the Cronbach alpha instrument is very useful because not only is it easily calculated, but it is also quite general and can be applied universally.\r\nThe Cronbach alpha (1975) formula can be applied through a variety of tests and other measurements. In referring to the Cronbach alpha (1975), the alpha level is a degree of reliability measurement which allows for the forecast of whether there is a probability of committing a Type 1 error, which is the prediction of chance that X exists. The Cronbach alpha (1975) assesses the reliability of a rating (measurement based on a pre-determined factor) by summarizing a group of test or survey answers (samples taken from a population or a population sample or census) which measure some underlying factor (e. . some attributes of the test- taker). A score is computed from each test item and the overall rating or scale, which is defined by the sum of these scores over all the test items. To establish whether the measures are consistent, a correlation is computed between the results obtained on the first administration of the survey or quiz to the following administ rations. There are four uncontrollable variables of 1. ) practice and 2. ) fatigue 3. ) too short an interval, or 4. ) too few of the first test takers are not available for the posttests or surveys.\r\nTo check internal consistency, the Cronbach alpha (1975) instrument will be used to evaluate the scores on the â€Å"Time Management Quiz†and â€Å"Where Does Time Go? ‘ surveys at the beginning and the end of the research period. For checking validity, the Cronbach alpha (1975) tool will be used to compare the scores at the start and the end of the research period, and also with the GPAs of the experimental group, the students receiving the time management strategies incorporated into their freshman orientation class.\r\nAll of these instruments together will measure current academic levels (GPA), time usage, habits, and attitudes, as well as basic concepts (conceptual knowledge), and applications by using open-ended questions assigned to numerical values. To ensure v alidity and reliability, the time management strategies are well described in the research proposal, so others can conduct the study if desired.\r\n'
Sunday, December 23, 2018
'Computer Literacy Essay\r'
'The figurer technology became a genuinely important aspect in piece lives that is greatly relied upon. Nowadays someoneal ready reckoners atomic number 18 made quite affordable and supply for easy and fast way to penetration acquisition and solve jobs in free-and-easy life. Life is a continuous breeding interchange and technological progress helps revive this exchange. However, nation be so in establish(p) on estimators that they do non cognise the bear on it has on literacy.\r\n reckoner literacy is demand in our modern society but with great advantages of this acquirement come disadvantages that screwing have a negative impact on the troika basic readinesss much(prenominal) as development, composition and arithmetical. Reading is a skill that is taught from a in truth y come onh age that makes people more ingenious and formed in an e genuinelyday life. applied science made gate to information very simple which is why many people turn to reckon ers for new-fashioneds, bears and others sources of information.\r\nA trip to a library or a theme shop is a thing of the historic since everything is available at your fingertips in the pouf of your own home. However reading from a computer sieve put forward be much slower and inefficient. In the avocation quote,â€Å"These differences in reading speed argon assumed to be due to a declined sense of orientation when reading coherent lines of online text presented in single encompassing columns†it is bare that reading from a computer screen potentiometer involve the reading speed when comparing to reading from the book.\r\nA person rear easily support track of where they are when reading from a screen and as a emergence this can affect comprehension of the text. This is evident in the â€Å"Failure to Connect†by Jane Healy, â€Å"Reading from the screen is slower, more fatiguing, slight accurate, and more subject to information congest than standar d reading. In some(prenominal) studies, students tried for comprehension after reading from a screen demonstrated less(prenominal) concord and poorer memory than those sufferting the same information from a book. They unraveled to personate lost or flip too quickly by the screens without reading†.\r\nWhen reading of the computer screen people execute to scan and twinkle less ca development static stare which increase chances in eye melodic phrase and headaches, while on the paper in that location is rapid and rhythmic eye stool which significantly ca expenditures less strain on the eyes. Reading printed text gives a ref time to reflect and imagine consequently creating an overall different environment. Clifford Stoll similarly points out a negative effect of computer literacy on reading, he writes â€Å"As computers interchange textbooks, students will become more computer literate and more book illiterate.\r\nThey’ll be exploring virtual worlds, watc hing dancing triangles, downloading the in vogue(p) meshing sites. But they won’t be reading books†. When computers were invented at that place was an wrinkle that this technology will sharpen quick-witted skills and their development which in part is consecutive through the use of various article of faith package. However it seems that people spend more time on entertainment such as online chatting and playing games or else than winning an advantage of reading an intellectual book which is sure as shooting intended to give lessons. theme is other skill that produces human literacy.\r\nWriting on the computer changes the way of writing and the spirit of the relationship between the writer and his writing. â€Å"Writing requires foc apply concern, and anything that diverts attention away from the transition of writing (in particularly, work outing about what to write) is way out to affect the quality of the invent produced†. As mentioned by A rmstrong and Casement writing requires focused attention and writing on the computer can be very distracting since online chatting software or other means of distractions are wholly a click away.\r\nWriting can be frustrating at propagation since organizing and expressing your thoughts is always difficult but it can be much harder to do use the computer due to distractions. Work written using the computer appears stilted and less considerable even though it is neater. However, the march on written work appears better organized, and has a better expression of thoughts as on that point is no distraction. There is an advantage to re see to iting several pages at the same time when batch writing rather than on the computer where you can hardly see a page at once.\r\nPeople tend to focus more on how their work looks paying more attention to things such as font size and alliance instead of organizing their thoughts and what to write. Many people think that writing aids on the com puter are well for their writing, but this is not true. As Jane Healy says, â€Å"Computers will not themselves instill writing skills†, computer ought to help in writing, but they will not teach those skills. Due to the invent processing software a lot of students cannot write all the way and punctually nowadays. Clifford Stoll made a very good point about writing on the computer, he said â€Å"Instead, you type delete or undo.\r\nYour mistakes don’t teach you as well†. Since it is so easy to use spell-check that people tend to not pay attention to their mistakes and let word processing software do the job. Quite frequently the software automatically corrects mistakes while typing that a person does not realize he spelled the word incorrectly. The trend of online chatting and text messaging also has a huge impact on writing skills due to the use of short-change forms. Arithmetic is the third basic skill which develops human logic. Computer is not a way to develop logic because it nevertheless gives someone else’s logic.\r\nThere are political programs which solve problems and calculate solvings, but they certainly teach nothing. Students find answers to problems online or in special software without appreciation and manipulating the concepts. As the deterrent example of this problem, â€Å"The World Wide Web will tell me the volume of piss behind Egypt’s Aswan Dam †a fact. Far more useful is to contend how to calculate this number †a skill†. The use of calculators can greatly affect the understanding of numerical relationships since students go from poesy to answers skipping the fundamentals of understanding the concept.\r\nThis is evident in â€Å"High Tech Heretic†by Clifford Stoll, â€Å"No surprise that students weaned on calculators can’t multiply in their heads. They can’t divide. They’re minimally cognizant of basic arithmetic†. Computer programs and calculators work against learning basic arithmetic and have a big effect on the arithmetic skills. Students are mutually beneficial on computer programs and calculators that without the use of this technology, their skills are very limited because they are taught on how to plug in the numbers to get answers without understanding the concept.\r\nAs another example of a computer program logotype, â€Å"I see Logo as a means that can, in principle, be used by educators to support the development of new ways of thinking and learning. However, Logo does not in itself produce good learning anymore than paint produces good art. †. Logo does not fit in numerical skills, because it is just a program that solves the problems. The program makes to believe that there is always answer to the problem-solving, where one click on the snarf will show you the answer.\r\nThe very good point was in the book â€Å"The fury of Information†by Theodore Roszak, he says â€Å"The pro blem that AI(Artificial Intelligence) has encountered in pursuing its inflated strike are illuminating, if for no other motive that they reveal the limitations of the mathematical mind when it strays beyond the boundaries of pure reason †or rather seeks to extend those boundaries into the real world†. math is a translation of problems into an abstract view where numerical solutions are converted into understanding which neither computer programs nor calculators can do.\r\nNowadays, there is surprisingly a big total of people that do not get the mathematical concepts and the logic of solutions. Computer literacy has a negative influence on the three basic skills. There is nothing taught using computers, except of a bad access of information, the manner of its presentation, manipulation, and the easy answers. Computer cannot bequeath information to a human. It can only changes human views to a life. â€Å"They dull the skills we use in everyday life†.\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'In 1868, a play off was unc everywhereed in the biblical city of Dibon, on which were recorded victories over the Israelites by Mesha, poove of Moab.\r\nThe Mesha stele or the Moabite mark described how Moab was conquered by Omri, King of Israel, as the result of the anger of the god Kemosh. Mesha’s victories over Omri’s son, over the hands of Gad at Ataroth and at Nebo and Jehaz. in addition it described Mesha’s public mental synthesiss, restoring the fortifications of his substantial places and grammatical construction a palace and reservoirs for water system\r\nThe first few rips are sanctified to Mesha’s father, Kemosh. His influences to Mesha and how he helped him develop into the commodious warrior and conqueror that he was.\r\nIt undersurface be deduced from the text that Moab like most of aboriginal states was governed by king whose throne was passed to pipeline heirs.\r\nHe particularly described Israel and its king and how he defe ated them in a series of his exploits. For a long time, Israel by his king Omri and his successors oppressed Moab to which Moab through Mesha interference of Kemosh, revolted successfully.\r\nTheir successful revolt was followed by Mesha’s strong conviction to bring floor Israel and conquer all the states under its control. It behind be seen in the lines describing Mesha’s achievement over Omri’s son and over the men of Gad at Ataroth, and at Nebo and Jehaz that Mesha was devote in control the states that reprehensible under the control of Israel and adding those teritorries to Moab.\r\nAs give the sack be seen in the beginning of the text, lines in the inscription indicate that Mesha attributed his feats and victories to Kemosh. In line three, it was said that Mesha made a mettlesome place for Kemosh, since Kemosh gave Mesha victory over his enemies. It can be seen in line nine that Mesha also believed that Kemosh gave Moab back her territory.  In several(prenominal) lines it can be seen that his actions were indeed greatly influenced by Kemosh as when Mesha slew the quite a little of Ataroth to satisfy Kemosh and when Mesha dragged the altar-hearth of Ataroth forward Kemosh.\r\nAnd when he answered to Kemosh’s direction to attack the town of Nebo and later his victory he devoted the inhabitants of Nebo to Kemosh. Also, the altar-hearths of Yahweh from Nebo were dragged before Kemosh. In line eighteen and nineteen, Mesha believed that it was Kemosh who brood the king of Israel out of Jahaz. Mesha also believed that it was Kemosh who enjoin him to fight against Horanaim in which battle Kemosh gave him victory over Horanaim. His strong belief on the great powers of Kemosh which helped him in his feats, it can be seen that they are no different to otherwise early civilizations which are also concern to their deities and gods.\r\nMesha through his success in conquering hundreds of territories which he appended to Moab was able to create a state so vast and sizable under his control. Not only did he conquer territories he was passionate dedicated in the development and progress of his state. As can be seen in the inscriptions n the rest of the inscription , Mesha tells of restoring and fortifying cities that rightfully belonged to Moab, he built gates and towers in Qarcho ; of building a palace for himself; of constructing reservoirs for water; of building cisterns ; and of constructing a military road. His dedication in building for the progress of the state which he created is indication of his visionary plans for the state. To take a territory and not develop it would consent meant dissatisfaction from the conquered, but Mesha made it a geological period that all that was appended to Moab were rightfully developed and maintained.\r\nAs can be deduced from the inscriptions, Moab has been in invariant feud with Israel. In the account of the stone, Mesha has unendingly pursued Israel in vengeance for the oppressiveness they have suffered under Israel. According modern-day accounts(MidEast Web, 2007), promised land has been in conflict with Israel since the spend of the Hebrews from Egypt during the time of Moses, in modern generation this was repeated when British issued the Balfour Declaration, viewed by Jews and Arabs as promising a â€Å"National headquarters†for the Jews in Palestine.\r\nReference: Mideast Web. 2007 Canaan/Palestine/Israel: A Brief Early invoice in Maps. 3 May 2007 <>\r\n'
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
'Accelerated Development\r'
' hash out is unrivaled of the noblest professions, if a teacher teaches minds, and doctors heal bodies, a counselor revives man’s spirit and inspires others to eff more fully. It is both a challenge and a vocation to be a counselor because unmatched must(prenominal) be physically and mentally posit to those who come for help. Counselors ar still humans condescension the breadth of their responsibilities to help others, and they argon also addicted to experience burnout and exhausted in their jobs.A counselor’s well-being and state of mental health is evenly important to the training he/she has received in the counseling profession, counselors must receive a loyal sense of self and be able to lie with in force(p)ly with his/her stressors in order to fuck off effective counselors (Campbell, 2000). David has been working as a counselor for umteen years have probably experienced the signs of burnout; not wanting to work, exhaustion, sluggishness and unhappi ness. Burnout results when the counselor has not given importance to his own personal care.David must foster his own well-being and seek ways for him to become more effective in his job. Fortunately, on that point are a number of ways that would help David, he could place himself in different types of supervising- person-to-person, group and friend. to a lower place individual charge, David would have the opportunity to work nearly with a more experienced counselor. The role of the supervisory program is to constantly check and evaluate David’s surgical procedure and the punishingies he may experience in a particular case (Campbell, 2000).David nates benefit from individual control if he is go forthing to establish a working and mentoring relationship with the supervisor. David on the other hand, must not feel threatened to be scrutinized and make to face his own effs. In individual supervision, David bath nail from the more experienced counselor by discuss ing with him/her how to handle certain cases, what approaches to use on clients that have specific problems as well as learn new developments in the counseling profession. If David decides to place himself in peer supervision, he will work in concert with colleagues in resolving personal dilemmas and difficult cases.There will be no designated official supervisor and everyone interacts and appropriates his/her views, maestro know-how and experience to enrich others (Campbell, 2000). Peer supervision is real like a support group in function; it is valuable in terms of establishing friendships with convertible jobs, hence every member of the group erect relate to what is being experienced. David can benefit from peer supervision if he can work with others on equal footing, without structure and a leader and if his clients are very more sensitive than others which make it difficult to share with those who do not have the equal clients.Another option for David is group supervisio n, in this type of supervision, David whole caboodle with other counselors as a group and they befool a seasoned professional or good counselor to provide valuable input on their problems and difficulties (Campbell, 2000). The benefits of being in group supervision is that David can learn from other counselors and at the same age receives feedback from an expert as to how they could do it better and be more effective in their jobs. Group supervision is actually a good set-up if David can view like minded counselors who are receptive to supervision and who have similar cases.The strengths of counseling supervision is that the counselor does not feel that he is alone and that on that point are persons he can turn to for practiced expertise and friendship (Campbell, 2000). Individual supervision allows one-on-one evaluation and feedback, it removes the threat of being embarrassed in front of others and the counselor can decide his supervision program. The drawback is that it is difficult to find an expert counselor who has the date to work with individually.And if the counselor and the supervisor has established sonority and become close friends it is very difficult to introduce objectivity in the process. In peer supervision, there is the added bonus of having a group that everyone can share and be heard and no one is there to criticize but to help others learn. The negative array is that because it is not structured, the group meetings may not actually respond to the needs of all the members and since there is no supervisor, no one is there to check whether one is doing the right thing.Lastly, group supervision offers a class-like set-up which more find appropriate when it comes to professional growth, however because it is a group, the expert may not have rich time to address the needs of all the members and it may take longer for a certain issue to be discussed even if it is an immediate need for the counselor. case Campbell, J. (2000). Becoming and effective supervisor: A workbook for counselors and psychotherapists. Philadelphia, PN: quicken Development.\r\n'
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