Friday, December 27, 2019
Essay about Jealousy in Shakespeares Othello - 1450 Words
Jealousy in Shakespeares Othello Othello features jealousy as the dominant motive for action and therefore just as reflected in real life we bare witness to jealousy influencing the characters of Iago, Brabantio, Roderigo, and Othello. In this essay I shall be attempting to examine this theme in depth drawing comparison between jealousy and the consequential action. The dominance of jealousy as the chief causative force of action in the drama is very obvious to most critics. In William Shakespeare: The Tragedies, Paul A. Jorgensen exposes the main motivation in the story: In roundest terms, Othello is a story of raging sexual jealousy prompted apparently by the least credible of motives. Othello has eloped with†¦show more content†¦(59) Act 1 Scene 1 opens with an expression of jealousy: Roderigo is upbraiding Iago because of the elopement of the object of his affections ?Desdemona -- with the Moor: ?Thou told?st me thou didst hold him in thy hate.? Iago responds with an expression of jealousy, saying that he does indeed hate the general because he ?Nonsuits my mediators; for, ?Certes,? says he, ?I have already chose my officer. With both Roderigo and the ancient spurred on by jealousy, they storm the home of the senator, Brabantio, and father of Desdemona in a vain effort to have him recover the missing girl. Brabantio is very jealous of the man who has stolen his daughter because she has been his only companion and help in the home: ?And what?s to come of my despised time Is naught but bitterness.? At the head of his mob, the senator accuses the general of having ?enchanted her? with his sorcery, and accompanies him to the duke and council. After Othello admits ?That I have ta?en away this old man?s daughter,? Desdemona confesses that ?here?s my husband,? and these testimonies seem to satisfy the Duke and council. Consider that we have experienced three serious acts of jealousy in the first three scenes of the play, as it has misguided Roderigo, Iago and Brabantio. The last dies as a result of his jealous grief; Gratiano later says to Othello: ?Thy match was mortal to him, and pure grief / Shore his old thread in twain.?Show MoreRelatedEssay on Jealousy in Shakespeares Othello649 Words  | 3 PagesJealousy in Othello The tragedy of Othello is the story of jealousy. It is Othellos public insecurity that makes him jealous of Cassio and allows him to believe that Cassio has slept with Desdemona. Also, it is Iagos jealousy of Othello that drives him to destroy both Othello and Desdemona. What is fascinating about Shakespeares Othello is the way in which jealousy between the major characters is sexualized. Perhaps what makes Othello so disturbing is how quickly this sexualized jealousyRead More Jealousy in William Shakespeares Othello Essay1466 Words  | 6 Pages Shakespeare has an exceptional ability to compose plays full of deceit, trickery, murderous revenge, and jealousy. In Othello, one of his most recognized tragedies was consistently evolving around the central theme of jealousy. Jealousy in Othello is what the play was founded on. One of Shakespeares most credible characteristics in his writing is his ability to compose a play in which has a story that originates, and strides on lies. As theses lies were unraveled the central theme of his playRead MoreEssay about Jealousy in Shakespeares Othello1581 Words  | 7 PagesJealousy in Othello              Shakespeare is known for his exceptional ability to compose plays full of deceit, trickery, revenge, and jealousy. The play Othello, evolves around the theme of jealousy.  One of Shakespeares most credible characteristics in his writing is his ability to compose a play in which has a story that originates, and strides on lies. As theses lies were unraveled the central theme of his play became distinct, and clearly visible. The central theme wasRead More Jealousy in William Shakespeares Othello Essay1976 Words  | 8 PagesJealousy in William Shakespeares Othello In the play Othello, jealousy and envy are prominent themes from the beginning to the end. As the play slowly unfolds it is evident that jealousy is the cause of most of the dramatic actions which take place in the duration of the play. It is described as the green - eyed monster. Green representing the colour of envy, and monster shows how destructive and how vicious it can be. This quotation is said by a character namedRead More Shakespeares Othello and Uncontrolled Jealousy Essay1858 Words  | 8 PagesOthello and Uncontrolled Jealousy   Dominating the protagonist in William Shakespeare’s tragedy Othello is the passion of sexual jealousy. Dominating the antagonist is another type of jealousy toward Cassio, and hatred toward the general. Let us look closely at the concept of jealousy as it is revealed in this drama. Lily B. Campbell in Shakespeare’s Tragic Heroes definitively categorizes Othello as a â€Å"study in jealousy†: Othello has suffered less in its modern interpretation thanRead MoreEssay about Jealousy in Shakespeares Othello1409 Words  | 6 PagesJealousy in Othello Shakespeare is well for his ability to compose plays full of deceit, revenge, and jealousy. Othello, one of Shakespeare’s most recognized tragedies, was consistently evolving around the central theme of jealousy. As these lies are unraveled the central theme of his play became distinct, and clearly visible. Furthermore the theme of jealousy goes hand in hand with love, as often is the case in real life. Love consumes all those who take part in it, and in Othellos caseRead More Shakespeares Othello: Is Jealousy the Cause? Essays1928 Words  | 8 PagesThe hero in William Shakespeare’s tragedy Othello is guided to murder by his passions. Which passions? Jealousy? Sexual jealousy? In this paper let us look into these questions. In the volume Shakespeare and Tragedy John Bayley denies that jealousy is a major causative factor in the play: The play eludes with ease any attempt to pin it down to a solution: why it happened, what caused it, what weakness in Othello was involved? Even jealousy as such is not the reason. Jealousy is a long-term affairRead More The Role of Jealousy in Shakespeares Othello Essay1373 Words  | 6 PagesThe Role of Jealousy in Shakespeares Othello In the play, Othello, written by William Shakespeare, there is the classic good against evil conflict. Evil, in this case, was represented by jealousy in every bad situation. The antagonist, Iago, was jealous of Othellos power as a general, and of Othellos relationship with the fair Desdemona. Othello is a powerful general, a Moor, who married Desdemona, the daughter of Barbantio, who was a senator. Jealousy begins the book when every bodyRead MoreTheme Of Monstrous Jealousy In William Shakespeares Othello1271 Words  | 6 PagesWilliam Shakespeare’s â€Å"Othello†, illustrates four of themes in the play. One of the themes is extreme jealousy can make a person act like a monster. In the play, Shakespeare uses Othello, Roderigo, and Iago to prove the theme of Monstrous Jealousy by Othello slapping Desdemona in front of the Public of Venusians calling her cruel names and Developing evil schemes to kill Desdemona at night. Iago tells the lie to Othello about Cassio and Desdemona to and convincing Othello to believe in it. RoderigoRead More Othellos Jealousy in William Shakespeares Othello Essay728 Words  | 3 PagesOthellos Jealousy in William Shakespeares Othello In Shakespeares Othello we are introduced into a web of a world entangled with lies, jealousy, and ultimately tragedy. We observe as Iago single handedly destroys the matrimony shared between Othello and the beautiful Desdemona. He does so with a flurry of deceit and trickery, playing upon one of the strongest human emotions, that of jealousy. Iago offers a story of betrayal to his master Othello, which ensnares his soul in a jealous rage
Thursday, December 19, 2019
US Government Practicing Beliefs or Instrumenting Coercion
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government- lest it come to dominate the aspects of our lives, [religions, interests, and morals included]†(Patrick Henry). Our forefathers have explicitly demonstrated the pressing need of the separation of the church and the state in the constitution, but unfortunately this predestined wish fell through. In not only the United States but in the world as a conglomerate, the increase on a ban of religion within the public school system is becoming more and more evident and prominent. A few of the major reasons that this issue is becoming so prominent is that the world is shifting from a denominational†¦show more content†¦To counteract the changes that America is experiencing, as the framers of the constitution foresaw, certain laws such as the first amendment are able to be applied differently in special situations like towards the pu blic school system. Banning religion in public schools is such an important issue, because the school curriculum is unable to accommodate every child’s religious needs or offer the same amount of coverage to each religion represented in America. If parents feel as though the instruction of religion is such a pivotal aspect that should be in their child’s life then perhaps a private school that is tailormade to teach and interpret religious aspects would be better suitable. The principle of religious neutrality forbids schools to give religious objectors a substitute that is, from a secular perspective, superior to what other children get. The material instructed in public schools should enable â€Å"the minds of school children to be open to various possibilities [in which allowing] that both creationism and evolution be introduced, without religious applications†(Phy-Olsen 98). Modifying the school curriculum for any such child or group creates not only isolat ion but also negatively emphasizes the differences between students. Students are unable to achieve their full potential with religion in schools, because they will be lacking the sense of
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
System Thinking in Developing Solutions to Domestic Violence
Question: Discuss about the Importance of System Thinking in Developing Solutions to Domestic Violence. Answer: The following essay tries to illustrate the identification of challenges in procuring and practicing sustainability. With the identification of such challenges an effective tool is going to be devised. The tool that has been taken into account for the implementation to overcome the challenges of sustainability is system thinking. System thinking is associated with management discipline that is channelized through the intelligibility of a system in an organisation that is linked with organisational or social environment of an individual (Perdicolis 2016). Through system thinking an individual is carried through the process of human and non-human linkage. System thinking, in general, comprises of the entities such as policies, process, practice and people of an organisation. System thinking can be studied through two different perspectives- open and closed. The closed perspective of system thinking is the external boundaries of the thought process of an individual in relation to the sy stems core process. On the contrary, the open perspective is the links with the systems environment (Basile and Caputo 2017). In order to identify and overcome the challenges of sustainability in any discipline, the thought process needs to be developed as a corrugated process linking each fold of the process with the problem found during the study of the sustainability. This essay is going to find out how effective this would be for the specific findings of the entities of the challenges to sustainability with special focus on domestic violence in Australia. According to the Family Law Act of 1975, domestic violence is violent, threatening or other behavior by a person that coerces or controls a member of the person's family, or causes the family member to be fearful ( 2017). The impact of domestic violence in the world of twenty first century is not just limited to physical abuse alone but to sexual, emotional and mental abuse as well. Physical abuse, though, is the most common form of domestic violence; it includes a pattern of hitting, kicking, punching and burning. Based on the resear ch conducted in the recent years, it can be stated that one in three Australian women has experienced domestic violence, since the age of fifteen. Domestic violence is one of the direst issues one faces today, because of its impact and consequences like family dysfunction, depression and self-conscious. Addressing the challenge of domestic violence requires the social beings to act and be educated so that such wicked problem is fought against. Social beings as individuals, households, schools and community groups ought taken such issue as a derogatory one and the overcoming factor of the issue needs to be considered as an obligation. There has been little research directed at understanding why intervention strategies with perpetrators are only minimally effective. A systems approach encourages the exploration of the relationships between social, environmental and economic interactions. This essay aims to portray a System thinking method, which will be quite effective method to deal with domestic violence, which will provide us an overall strategy that can be available to handling the issues and sectors of domestic violence. The worst victims to the domestic violence in any society are the women. The following statistical graph clearly demonstrates a comparative study that shows how women are victimized to the domestic violence in the country:) The aforementioned diagram succinctly shows that there have been 1,479,900 female partners in relationship who have been shattered by continuous domestic violence. In this context, it can be stated that females in comparison to the males are highly perpetrated to the force of domestic violence such as mental and physical trauma and torture. S one of the most heinous practice in domestic level has been non- consensual intimacy that can also be treated as physical molestation of the women. However, domestic violence to the male counterpart cannot be neglected. Intimate partners violence remains at the apex of its position in different modes. According to an article by ABC News, Australia, 1 out of 4 women faces intimate violence in domestic level from the age of 15. This might comprise of sexual or other psychological violence ( 2017). Many of the research works have found and considered domestic violence to be a strong barrier to sustaining the works in social and organisational level. According to the Bureau of Crime Statistics, 6% of the Australian women aged from 18 are assaulted- both physically and mentally each year affecting more than $4 billion in economic development. Domestic violence and the access to job opportunity by the women in the country are correlatively affected thus adversely impacting upon the overall sustainable economic and community development of a country. According to an article published in the European Union, social sustainability directly impacts upon the organisational sustainability as both are interrelated ( 2017). According to Brundtlands report published in the United Nations, the mainspring of the growth of an economy is the technological advancement however; one cannot deny the contribution of social wellbeing. In his report Brundtland has clearly specified that b esides economical development and ecological development, the social condition needs to be developed so as to ensure sustainability (Tbar and Chabay 2013). Social sustainability in the context of globalization has become quite important so as to conform how this would compile to the overall economic development of a country. As a matter of fact, this has to be taken into certain consideration that in most of the cases the social imbalance hinders overall growth of a nation ( 2017). Taking the aforementioned discussion into consideration it needs to be taken into certain consideration that the business sectors need to focus more on the recruitment process. Hiring women in the higher position becomes an obligation for the business organisations. Domestic violence becomes a solid hindrance in front of the women employees, specifically in the higher position. The progressive decisions taken by the companies are highly affected by the social condition of the business (Turcu 2013). As a matter of fact, this needs more comprehensive understanding of how the women are behaved in the domestic circumstances. Sustainability in the human resource department would sincerely focus on the cognitive as well as behavioral development of the female employees so as to engage them with the existing task and drive them to the organisational objectives. Often the organisations are found to be developing certain policies for the welfare of the women- specifically for the welfare of t he mothers who are observed to be acting as the driving force for both the organisations and the family. There are some rectifying measures that are highly effective from the mastering position of the women in senior executive level in an organisation; this has to be devised as the changing milieu of the female workforce of a company (Nguyen and Bosch 2013). A psychological understanding needs to be concretized by the organisations so as to maintain the sustainability in human resource practices. The National Coalition against Domestic Violence has formulated some important strategies and directed the business organisations to maintain certain policies for the welfare of the working female workforce so as to define it through the basic understanding of the policies that have been taken into certain understanding for the entire case. In order to deploy the women in senior executive position, the iceberg model can be implemented for the further evaluation of the process (Rauschmayer, Omann and Frhmann 2012). This is used as the system thinking tool used for the evaluation of the behavioral, structural and mental pattern of an individual. The following diagram demonstrates the iceberg model formulated by M. Goodman: In order to implement strategic forces towards the sustainable development of a community the iceberg model would highly associate the social role of an individual. In this context, it needs to be taken into certain consideration pertaining to the effective understanding of the process. The traditional thought process such as going out of the house by women or taking family decisions and so on. The organisations through assigning important leadership roles to the female workers would change the process. However, domestic violence often hinders the women from taking significant leadership roles as they turn into a puny individual, a very wimped one. Assigning leadership role to the women becomes a huge obligation for the organisations pertaining to the effective role play of every employee. By implementing the ice berg model the constraints and the complexities of self image has been identified as the major problem for the evaluation of the attribute of the female workers in the organ isations who have been suffering from domestic violence over the years. Self image stimulates the individual workers to conceive either positive or negative perception upon the changes undertaken in the purpose of sustainability. One of the most important factors behind such problem has been the creation of mixed image in the workplace. Prevalence of the female employees in the senior managerial body would definitely encourage and motivate other female employees in strengthening their professional attributes. According to Loorbach and Wijsman (2013), this process of solve the wicked problem that has remained prevalent throughout the years. One of the most important aspects in this context has been familial rape and molestation that undoubtedly shatters the exact understanding of the process. The wicked problem lies in this fact that post trauma period for the women becomes unproductive. As a matter of fact, this has been taken into certain consideration with the effective understanding that this has been taken into certain consideration for the effective issues. According to Hinrichs (2014), in order to ensure sustainability in the business sector three pillars of sustainability needs to be taken into consideration thus leading towards successful execution. There are three obvious pillars of sustainability: Economic Social Environmental These three pillars can put greater impact upon the thwart of the wicked challenges. In order to meet the requirements pertaining to the society, most of the organisations tend to maintain positive work environment so as to direct the employees towards personal and professional success. For instance, the MNCs like Microsoft Corporation, Mercedes and others have been focusing on recruiting a diversified workforce. However, the initial challenge for the companies would be to manage the diversified mentality of the working individuals, yet it would lead them towards achieving a positive and productive working condition. In this case, the women or the other employees victim to domestic violence would get a strong platform to share their individual, personal and professional problems with each other. In order to address the social complexities such as the women not being allowed to work in professional sectors, the companies need to provide them with new openings offering them handsome s alary. The aforementioned process is hereby agreed with because of its authentic process distribution. As a matter of fact, this has been taken into certain consideration pertaining to the exact implementation of the leadership deployment process considering the three pillars and ice berg model. The position decision making for the women needs to be strengthened as it would eradicate the social discrimination. With the effective understanding of the process, this has been taken into certain consideration pertaining to the fact that there has been a serious concern for the cognitive and behavioral development of both the genders. Recent study has found that in legal sector in Australia; most of the students are women. The recent Canadian government comprises of equal number of male and female members. Most of the commonwealth members are female. With gradual uplifting of the process and the advancement of progressive mindset, this has to be taken into account that the skills and knowledge is equally distributed. However, the social discrimination has been hindering the overall development of the women in the professional level. It can thus be concluded that the analysis done on the basis of the ongoing perception of the social and domestic turmoil conducted upon the women stringently provides a structural concept of how the systematic thought process would be considering the effective consequence in both domestic and professional level. References: Australia, F. (2017).Fact file: Domestic violence in Australia. [online] ABC News. Available at: [Accessed 4 Sep. 2017]. Basile, G. and Caputo, F., 2017. Theories and Challenges for Systems Thinking in Practice. (2017).Social Sustainability: Theories, Concepts, Practicability. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Sep. 2017]. (2017).Family Law Act 1975. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Sep. 2017]. Markard, J., Raven, R. and Truffer, B., 2012. Sustainability transitions: An emerging field of research and its prospects.Research Policy,41(6), pp.955-967. Mihali?, T., Ã… ½abkar, V. and Cvelbar, L.K., 2012. A hotel sustainability business model: evidence from Slovenia.Journal of Sustainable Tourism,20(5), pp.701-719. Nguyen, N.C. and Bosch, O.J., 2013. A systems thinking approach to identify leverage points for sustainability: a case study in the Cat Ba Biosphere Reserve, Vietnam.Systems Research and Behavioral Science,30(2), pp.104-115. Nguyen, N.C., Graham, D., Ross, H., Maani, K. and Bosch, O., 2012. Educating systems thinking for sustainability: Experience with a developing country.Systems Research and Behavioral Science,29(1), pp.14-29. Paetkau, L., 2014. The impact of using systems thinking as a core strategy for student learning in a Global Issues: Citizenship and Sustainability classroom.MANUSCRIPT SPECIFICATIONS, p.52. Perdicolis, A., 2016. Systems thinking and SEA.Impact assessment and project appraisal,34(2), pp.176-179. Rauschmayer, F., Omann, I. and Frhmann, J. eds., 2012.Sustainable development: capabilities, needs, and well-being. Routledge. Tbara, J.D. and Chabay, I., 2013. Coupling human information and knowledge systems with socialecological systems change: Reframing research, education, and policy for sustainability.Environmental Science Policy,28, pp.71-81. Turcu, C., 2013. Re-thinking sustainability indicators: local perspectives of urban sustainability.Journal of Environmental Planning and Management,56(5), pp.695-719. Wiek, A., Ness, B., Schweizer-Ries, P., Brand, F.S. and Farioli, F., 2012. From complex systems analysis to transformational change: a comparative appraisal of sustainability science projects.Sustainability Science,7(1), pp.5-24. (2017).The Iceberg Model. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Sep. 2017]. (2017).Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Sep. 2017].
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Traditional Forms of Dress Essay Example
Traditional Forms of Dress Paper Clothing has long ago ceased to be just a protection from the cold and the sun and has evolved as fast as the human race. Animals show off bright colours to attract others at mating time and the human animal too has found it necessary to flaunt his or her looks. To help us to do this, since we have neither features nor fur, we have clothes as an excellent substitute. Just like cultivation, clothes have evolved differently in different countries. So each country has its own traditional clothes. Usually clothes start out as being practical and later evolve as fashions. Clothes too develop according to cultures and, especially, religious beliefs. In countries where women are expected to be modest in dress, they cover themselves more. In other cultures there are no rules. In come societies where being practical in order to survive is the main rule, minimum clothing is emphasized for both men and women. But one thing stands out; traditional dress is usually graceful and says a lot about the history and cultures of the people. Most traditional clothes are graceful; at least cultures of the wearers. Most societies in the world want to maintain their cultures. In countries where many cultures prevail because of migrant communities like Singapore, there is fervour to preserve all the cultures when the word culture is mentioned, almost without exception clothes take a leading position. It is common to see clothes of bygone eras being exhibited in museums as examples of culture. Along with dancing, art and language clothes are one of the visible aspects of a culture. If we agree that tradition must be preserved then, traditional clothes must be preserved. The two can be said to be inseparable. We will write a custom essay sample on Traditional Forms of Dress specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Traditional Forms of Dress specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Traditional Forms of Dress specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Preserving tradition, on the other hand, does not mean that we should always wear them. The tendency today is to adopt clothes from other societies if they are more convenient: for example, the worker in India who has been wearing the white clothing for centuries, when doing outdoor work now finds that jeans, that great American creation is much more convenient. In fact, he probably wonders how his ancestors ever worked in clothes. But this does not in the least mean that he has given up clothes and begun to wear jeans- far from it; out of work he still wears the traditional clothing. So we have a good example of tradition being maintained while being practical about clothes. There are certain occasions when it is more practical to wear clothes from other countries, usually western clothes and it would be simply to insist otherwise. Then, again, as it is important to preserve traditional clothes there are certain other occasions when traditional clothes will be ideal. There are also certain occasions when traditional clothes are a must. There are occasions like weddings and other cultural functions when the graceful traditional clothes will add colour and gaiety to the occasion. In Singapore, it is permissible to wear ones ethnic traditional clothes to even the most formal function, even at the presidential palace. However, it turns out that only the ladies will appear in traditional clothes at such functions. This is no wonder as theirs, all our cultures are truly magnificent whereas, for some inexplicable reason, gentlemens clothes are plain and simple. Men wearing the traditional clothes beside their ladies are likely to appear like servants. Hence, it is common to find ladies adorned in traditional clothes while the gentlemen are in smart tuxedos; so much for preserving traditional clothes. The argument could be: preserving them need not mean wearing them. Preserving traditions is akin to preserving the soul of a society. They take centuries to evolve and represent milestones in the evolving of a culture. Traditional clothes take the leading position when it comes to maintaining traditions and this is most welcome.
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