Friday, May 31, 2019
Lord of the Flies :: essays research papers
Lord of the FliesA thing was crawling out the forest. It came darkly, uncertainly. The shrill screaming that rise before the beast was analogous a pain. This so-called beast that emerged from the forest was Simon, one of the boys who was stranded on the island. After he emerged from the forest, Simon discovered what the pigs head on a stick represented, his untimely demise and tribal chaos. This was also when the real Lord of the Flies that was stalking the boys on the island reared its ugly head. spell Simon was concealed in the forest, watching the self-proclaimed hunters kill a sow, he observed them pasture the head of this pig on a stick as an fling to the beast. After the hunters left, Simon began to see what that the pigs head represented. It showed that an immense amount of turmoil was going to take place on the island. This turmoil began when Jack started his have little tribe that was comprised of all the hunters and offered anyone free membership. Everyone, except Ralp h and Piggy, joined the new clique because Jack claimed that they would always have meat to eat. Ralph and Piggy knew that this was the wrong finding to make because Jack was very immature had no clue how to lead anyone and all he wanted to do was kill. After the new tribe was formed, they travel themselves to a rock peninsula because they thought it would make a good fort, whereas Ralph and Piggy continued to live at the original place on the beach. Since Piggy and Ralph were immediately considered outcasts, Jacks tribe stole Piggys glasses one night so that they could have fire. When Ralph and Piggy went to their little fort to hold out them back, a large boulder was pushed off their fort, killing Piggy and leaving Ralph all alone. Jack then made it his mission to hunt down Ralph and place his head on a stick, just like the pigs. Jack never did kill Ralph because a British naval vessel showed up to have the boys from the island but the beast still resided there.The beast that stalked the island is maturity. Simon, Ralph, and Piggy realized that the only way to survive was to grow up and try to act like adults. Jack and his hunters, on the other hand, did not want to mature and act like adults.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
MACBETH oral presentation :: essays research papers
As the play nears its bloody conclusion, Macbeths "tragic flaw" comes to the forefront worry Duncan before him, he is too trusting. He believes the witches prophesies at face value, never realizing that, equal him, things are seldom what they seem. Thus he foolishly fortifies his castle with the hardly a(prenominal) men he has left, banking on the fact that the events the witches predicted seem impossible. But in fact these predictions come true the English army brings Birnam Wood to Dunsinane, and Macduff, who has been "untimely ripped" from his mothers womb, advances to refine Macbeth. The witches have equivocated they told him a double truth, concealing the complex reality within a framework that seems simple. It is fitting that the play ends as it began with a victorious difference of opinion in which a valiant hero kills a traitor and displays his severed head. The first thing we hear of Macbeth in act one is the story of his courage in battle, wherein he cut off MacDonalds head and displayed it on the castle battlements. Here at the end of the tragedy, Macbeth, himself a traitor to Duncan and his family, is treated in exactly the same manner after killing Macbeth, Macduff enters with Macbeths severed head and exclaims "behold where stands / Thusurpers cursed head". The play thus ends with the completion of a perfective aspect parallel. The moral at the end of the story is that the course of fate cannot be changed. The events that the Weird Sisters predicted at the beginning of the play happen exactly as they said, no matter what the characters do to change them. Macbeth tries his hardest to force fate to work to his bidding, but he is not successful Banquo still becomes the father of kings, and Macbeth still falls to a man not born of woman. The man who triumphs in the end is the one who did nothing to change the fate prescribed for him. In-depth summary of important points in the aspectAs the play nears its bloody conclusi on, Macbeths "tragic flaw" comes to the forefront like Duncan before him, he is too trusting. He believes the witches prophesies at face value, never realizing that, like him, things are seldom what they seem. Thus he foolishly fortifies his castle with the few men he has left, banking on the fact that the events the witches predicted seem impossible.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Island by Gary Paulsen :: Paulsen Island Essays
The Island by Gary Paulsen The criminal record I read was The Island by Gary Paulsen. It is about a 15 year old boy named Wil Neuton who moves with his family to northern Wisconsin. There he finds an island on Sucker Lake where he stays to learn about himself. Wil likes riding his bike primal in the morning. He also likes watching nature. He is very tall for his age-6 feet 2-but well-built and strong. He is honest,cares about others and prefers to talk things through than resort to violence. The title is good because the book is very much about the island and about Wil finding himself on this island. The island also becomes a very prominent point in Wils life. By comparison and observation, he learns that all things are connected. An interesting minor character is Emil Aucht. On the morning of his first day in Pinewood Wil wakes up to find Emil staring at him through the window. Emil is an old man with one tooth, no hair an d ears that stick out. He chews tobacco and spits brown gunk all over the place. He first appears in the story to request that Wil help him get his car out of the mud. Then Emil reappears to fix the plumbing,wrecking Wils parents nerves in the process. The atmosphere in the story is that of a pocketable hick town in northern Wisconsinopen,friendly,relaxed and very laid-back. It strikes me as being very much like "cottage country" in northern Ontariolakes,forest,fishing,small town life. The time is the late 1980s. The novel ends with Wil seeing that his father is watching him from shore. Wil rows over and finds that his father is tired and sad,his eyes rimmed with red from crying. Wil invites his father over to the island and realizes that this saga provide only end when Wil finds an island big enough for his whole family so they can learn what he has learned.
Title IX Amendment Essay -- American Government, Sports
In 1972, after the feminists movement, a proposition act was created to help increase hiring rates and employment practices of federally financed institutions for women. The amendment proposition beginning caught attention in 1969 when a professor and future womens activist Bernice Sandler used executive orders created by President Johnson years earlier to fight for her subcontract at the University of Maryland. Sandler encouraged and filed her first complaint to the Department of Labor office that her rights were not being considered. The complaint went further and passed not only the University of Maryland however onto universities that have showed low admission rates of pistillate employees. Sandler then joined NOW (National Organization for Women) and collaborated with Womans Equity Action League (WEAL). unneurotic Sandler filed 250 complaints against colleges across the nation. After the file complaints Bernice Sandler joined with Representative Judith Greens subcommittee for Higher Learning and appeared at a womens rights congressional meeting. That is when act IX was then first proposed by Green and Sandler at the meeting. With the help of Congresswomen Patsy T. Mink, Title IX was finally introduced and drafted. The amendment had a huge impact on female collegiate athletes, but was not mentioned in the meeting. According to Wikipedia Title IX reads No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from fight in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance... The concern of present daylight Title IX amendment was revised in order to reflect gender equality, giving females the same opportunity as males to get ... ...tment of Education disapproves of cutting teams in order to comply with Title IX (Wikipedia). I believe that the point of the Title IX amendment was not to hurt male sports. It is the schools choice to cut can spor ts that do not bring revenue, but they have to do it with their budget and to comply with the rules of the amendment. I hope they can find a way to wait it equal with both genders using the same budget. I stay optimistic that it is only going to get better right when the economy begins to get better. Until then, Title IX is going keep cutting male sports for years to come unless they can find some outsource money like private schools do to keep all of their sports. Our education system has a lot of improvement to make. I also think that California is getting the worse part of it since were in a lot worse money crisis compared to the other states.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Transformation of London in the 1790s :: European Europe History
Transformation of London in the 1790sMany changes were occurring in London during the 1790s. New ideas were emerging within England and around the world. The attack of the French Revolution contributed greatly to the unrest and the turmoil of the times. As the English citizens responded to both internal and external affairs, religious movements, social and political reform parties, and governmental reactions gained momentum. In addition, many writers responded and contributed to the progressive environment by giving the people a voice and further pointing out injustices. These movements and literary contributions influenced later writers and the lifestyles of people in and outside of London.In the 1790s, certain religions were being revived in London. Methodism and the Church of England were reaching out more to the citizens and affecting more lives. Methodism was thought to be an constituent(a) part in the social evolution of the country. It had a stabilizing effect for those invo lved with the church, as well as a model for the political increment of the working-class people. The church believed in equal political, economic, and social rights for all told people and it also had a strict, structural organization, which encouraged stability amongst its members. (1)While the churches had a console effect on the citizens of London, social and political reform increased concern, awareness, and uncertainty. The organization of the government in London contributed to the discontent of its citizens. The official City of London, which was only to the highest degree one square mile, had the main banking center of the metropolis and a history of indep finishent government established through two separate governing councils, something virtually sections of London decidedly lacked. Their setup was similar to Parliament, in that one council represented the wealthy, and the other represented more ordinary people, and was therefore more prone to promote at any given t ime. In 1795, that lower council became fed up with the conflict with France and the unfavorable effect it was having on the merchants they represented. They directly charged the king to end the war and restore their prosperity. The motion failing, the Citys council was more conservative afterwards. However, the notion that a part of London could challenge its sovereign must have given expect to many of its citizens. (2)Westminsters municipal government was far from inspiring, as judges rather than representatives ruled the borough. However, this area enjoyed a very wide parliamentary franchise, open to all resident householders.
Transformation of London in the 1790s :: European Europe History
Transformation of London in the 1790sM whatever changes were occurring in London during the 1790s. New ideas were emerging within England and around the world. The onset of the French renewal contributed greatly to the unrest and the turmoil of the times. As the English citizens responded to both internal and external affairs, religious movements, social and political reform parties, and governmental reactions gained momentum. In addition, umpteen writers responded and contributed to the progressive environment by giving the people a voice and further pointing out injustices. These movements and literary contributions influenced later writers and the lifestyles of people in and outside of London.In the 1790s, certain religions were being revived in London. Methodism and the Church of England were reaching out more to the citizens and affecting more lives. Methodism was thought to be an integral part in the social evolution of the country. It had a stabilizing effect for those invol ved with the perform, as well as a model for the political development of the working-class people. The church believed in equal political, economic, and social rights for all people and it also had a strict, structural organization, which encouraged stability amongst its members. (1)While the churches had a soothing effect on the citizens of London, social and political reform increased concern, awareness, and uncertainty. The organization of the government in London contributed to the discontent of its citizens. The official City of London, which was only about one upstanding mile, had the main banking center of the metropolis and a history of independent government established through two separate governing councils, something most sections of London unimpeachably lacked. Their setup was similar to Parliament, in that one council represented the wealthy, and the other represented more ordinary people, and was therefore more prone to agitate at any given time. In 1795, that low er council became fed up with the conflict with France and the unfavorable effect it was having on the merchants they represented. They directly charged the king to end the war and sophisticate their prosperity. The motion failing, the Citys council was more conservative afterwards. However, the notion that a part of London could challenge its sovereign must have given hope to many of its citizens. (2)Westminsters municipal government was far from inspiring, as judges rather than representatives ruled the borough. However, this area enjoyed a very wide parliamentary franchise, open to all resident householders.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Physical Development Essay
Primary school children, sequenced six to twelve years old, allowinging undergo a diverseness of victimizational changes, both animal(prenominal) and mental, and as teachers it is imperative that we both understand and accommodate the somatic needs of disciples in the learning environment. To fully comprehend these changes, unity must consider the actual physical changes that occur, in particular the ripening of tug skills, as well as how to accommodate the physical needs and developing of students during their primary school years.Supplementary to these broader topics be the benefits of physical activity as well as the consequences of prolonged inactivity, and how a students physical development cease either facilitate or restrict development in other areas. Children between the ages of 6 and 10 (referred to as middle childhood) bequeath pass a plethora of physical developments. Firstly, they will steadily gain weight and height, though their basic body structure w ill remain unchanged.Children will similarly lose their 20 primary or baby teeth, which will be replaced by permanent teeth. Some of the most significant skills children of this age will develop are motor skills. Motor skills refer to a learned sequence of movements that combine to create an efficient action in order to run safe at a certain activity. These can be divided into two subcategories gross motor skills and fine motor skills.Gross motor skills are large movements of the body that permit locomotion with and within the environment (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010) and includes such skills as walking and swimming, while fine motor skills are Small, exact movements of particular parts of the body, especially the hands (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010), and include such skills as writing and drawing. In early childhood, humans rely largely on reflexive (that is, unlearned and involuntary) movement patterns, and thus are lacking fine motor skills.As they reach middle childhood, children de velop voluntary movement patterns, and begin nuance both their gross and fine motor skills, gaining proficiency in a variety of actions. Children increase the speed and coordination of their running, kicking and throwing, and become able to integrate these movements into sports and other structured play activities. They also make advances in their handwriting, becoming smaller and to a greater extent consistent, and their drawings, supported by just cognitive development, become more detailed.Finally, the functions of the soul are enhanced in a number of ways. The two hemispheres of the brain develop into more unique sectors, and groups of regularly used neurons are cultivated. The process of myelination, the increment of a fatty sheath around neurons that allows them to transmit messages more quickly (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010), continues, permitting swift and sustained learning.In order to accommodate and encourage students physical needs and developments, teachers should first and foremost always ensure that the learning area is safe. The classroom should constantly be checked for hazards, such as cunning edges on desks, loose flooring, or potential droply dangerous substances, and teachers should ensure that Rooms, bathrooms, and hallways are clean houseed daily (Wilford, 2006). Children should also be educated on how to recognise situations or objects that could prostitute them, and how to deal with them effectively.As young children are especially vulnerable to illness, it is particularly all important(p) to do everything possible to prevent it, by supporting the area clean and sanitizing surfaces, and teaching children sanitary practices, such as washing their hands after toileting. This is a vital area of education should a child suffer from a serious illness for a long period of time, their physical development may be permanently mired, having serious consequences on their entire lives. It is also important that students gain access to healthy and nutritious food at school, and learn about sound eating habits.Certain foods or lack thereof, have change effects on students physical development, and should children be malnourished for an extended period of time, their development may be permanently stunted. A child who is malnourished is more prone to infections (Brewster and White, 2002) which further impair (their) nutritional state by depressing (their) appetite and increasing the demand on his reserves of protein and energy (Brewster and White, 2002), leading to further diminished rates of physical development.For these reasons, it is imperative that primary school students learning environment be kept as safe and healthy as possible, through the teachers ensuring that the classroom is hazard free and sanitized, and that the children have access to nutritious and healthy food, as well as educating the children so that they may go through such skills themselves. By doing this, educators can accommodate the physical nee ds and developments of their children, and maximise the effectiveness of their schooling, both physical and academic.During primary school, students are at an optimal age in terms of motor skill learning (Anshel, 1990), and thus motor skills develop rapidly, allowing them to run skilled tasks. In order to help students develop these motor skills, it is important for teachers to incorporate physical activity into their curriculum. This assists in the development of both fine and gross motor skills. Firstly, they should provide frequent opportunities for students to participate in physical activity throughout the day these activities would ideally allow the participation of children, regardless of their respective skill levels.For example, when guiding children through skipping rope, the teacher could at first have them use a long rope and simply step over the rope children who find this easy could so try actual skipping. Should this prove relatively easy, they could skip at a fast er pace, and children who showed proficiency at this higher level could try crossing the rope over while skipping. Educators can also integrate physical activity into academic lessons, which will not only shorten the length of time between physical activities, but also keep the students more engaged in the lesson.Conversely, it is also important to give students adequate time to rest. If they spend too much time exercising and overexert themselves, this will only lead to decreased concentration during the rest of their lessons, causing their performance to suffer. Additionally, children progressing through middle childhood still have relatively soft bones, so additional caution should be taken if they perform any high impact exercises, such as lifting heavy weights.To reiterate, young students physical development can be accommodated through the utilisation of physical activity at school, however this must be done in moderation, otherwise it may be negative to the childs education a nd general wellbeing. Finally, educators should be aware of how a childs physical development can assist with or oppose their development in other areas. For example, a child who has developed at a faster rate than their peers will likely be more proficient at sports, and the strengthened neuron pathways will increase the rate at which they learn and become proficient at academic subjects.The self-confidence this gives them may then be expressed through the childs interest and application in school, which in turn will make their entire learning generate both easier and more pleasurable. Increased participation in both sport and academic activities will in turn make meeting and befriending other students easier, allowing the student to expand socially, again giving them a more positive outlook on school and further increasing their focus and determination to succeed physically and academically.On the other hand, students who have not physically developed as quickly as others in the ir year group may not perform as well in either academic or physical activities, and subsequently suffer from learned helplessness, a situation in which a childs experience leads them to believe they will always fail, and thus they do not try, acting as though they (are) helpless to do come apart (U. S. Dep Education, 1992). This lack of confidence and learned helplessness can cause students to become listless and inattentive and sometimes disruptive (U. S.Dep Education, 1992), and may be prevent (students) from fulfilling (their) potential (Seligman, 1990). This is why it is essential to implement scaffolding into the learning environment, to support less physically developed students and assist them in succeeding, building their confidence. Therefore, it is important that teachers carefully manage the progress of students individually, and provide support and encouragement appropriate to their developmental stage to facilitate the learning experience for them. Children completin g their primary education will experience many new things socially, mentally and physically.It is the role of teachers to make this experience as beneficial as possible, and a key element of doing so is the understanding of the physical developments they undergo during this time. To fully appreciate these developments, educators should consider the benefit of physical activity, as well as the consequences of prolonged inactivity, how a students physical development can assist with or hinder their development in other areas, motor development in children and how this is influenced, and finally how to accommodate and support the developments and needs of their students.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Stefan’s Diaries: The Craving Chapter 12
The next few days drifted by, chock-full of wedding planning and menu sampling. At night, the Sutherlands settled into a steady routine. Mrs. Sutherland took to the sewing room, teaching Lydia to catch quilts and bonnets. Bridget indulged in a late-night beauty regime that involved brushing her hair in one hundred strokes and lathering herself in cream that I could smell exclusively the way from the parlor. Winfield always retired to his study with a tumbler of brandy, perusing the paper or going over his accounting books.Id taken to pacing the first floor, glide path up with plans to ferry the Sutherlands to safety only to shoot down most of my ideas. I also now needed to plan my feedings. My steady diet of metropolis animals was harder to keep up now that I was under the watchful eye of every Sutherland and servant. It was almost uniform they expected me to try and make a hiatus for it, though it was impossible to know how much of that was genuine wariness versus Damon compell ing them to follow me. Sometimes I managed to slip away, whether up to the roof or wordlessly down to the backyard to try and find a rat or pigeon or even a mouse to satisfy my needs. Hazel, the house cat, was off limits of course, but as luck would have it her wild tomcat friends were not.Damon had no such nutritional problems. Nor did he care much about secrecy. He came and went as he pleased, doing God knows what in the darkest corners of the city. I often saw a maid or manservant summoned to his suite in the coldest hours of the night as I skulked about tending to my own needs. For my brother, life with the Sutherlands was identical living in a grand hotel he attended dinners in his honor and was feted all around town at the top establishments. He was a prince and New York was his adoring kingdom.When Damon arrived home on Thursday, Winfield poked his head out of the study.Oh, good. Im glad youre here, Winfield said, holding out two glasses of whiskey. Please come join me. at that place was a stray overtop of blood carelessly smeared on the corner of Damons mouth. Anyone else would have assumed it was a shaving cut. Suddenly the cozy study seemed asphyxiate and the corners darker.Damon casually wiped his lips, his eyes on me, then threw himself down on the couch next to his future father-in-law, less crock up care an Italian count and more like well, Damon. Good evening, sir. The fact that he dropped his fake accent in their presence highlighted just how under his thrall this family was.I wanted to have a rebuke with the two of you about your futures, Winfield began, chomping on his cigar.Oh, I have big plans, Im thinking long-term, Damon said. Living here with the family, of course. I love close kin.My throat went prohibitionist and I ran a hand through my hair, beginning to panic, reminded once again that I had no idea what Damon really wanted.I think I should like to go into business for myself, Damon began to say. barely then the door of th e study slammed open and Margaret came striding in.PapaWithout a word to either of us she threw a copy of the days agency down into her fathers hands and tapped at an article. Read this.Winfield fished around in his pockets for his glasses and slid them on, peering at the paper. Sutherland house is scandalized as two penniless suitors sweep away the polish of the eligible Sutherland girls. Heartbroken sons of bankers, politicians, and empires of capital complain bitterly about the sudden move. Is it blackmail, some wonder? An unnamed source close to the family claims that Oh, rubbish, he said, throwing the paper diversion and taking off his glasses. People talk about the silliest things.We will be ruined, Margaret said, almost pleading. She completely ignored Damons and my presence. At the very least, cant you see how it would be evil for business?Dont you think you should leave that sort of talk for the menfolk? Damon asked lazily, returning to his accented English. But his ice -blue eyes bored straight into her head, as if he wished he could limit a bullet there. I stood up, placing myself between Margaret and him. She didnt seem to notice his hatred, or the danger she was in.I understand your concerns, I said quickly. I had to convince her to drop this, for her own sake. But believe me, I want nothing but the best for your family.And in fact, we menfolk were just talking about business, Winfield added. Damon, you were saying?All I need is a small sum of cash, my brother said, turning his head and effectively cutting Margaret out of the conversation. Which will allow me to travel to my home field and start picking out vendors for exports.Margaret let out a gasp. Youre not actually thinking of giving him more than his dowry?Dont be greedy, pet, Winfield said, shushing her with a arch(a) gesture. Its just seed money to get him on his way.Have you gone crazy? she demanded. You dont even know this man. Let him work for you first. Or give him one of your sm aller businesses to run.Damon rose from his seat, coldly furious. I tried to take Margarets arm, but she shook me off. She pulled herself up to her full height, staring straight back into his eyes. though she wasnt quite as pretty as either of her younger sisters, she was certainly imposing.You all have been acting completely mad since he showed up, she said to her father, not looking away from Damon. Letting him and him she gestured at me become practically members of this family, live under our roof, share our bread, and then offer them cash and your daughters and everything else Doesnt anyone think this is strange in like manner me?Winfield looked upset, but confused.Damon widened his eyes.Stop, he compelled her. Just accept Stefan and me were here to stay.She looked at him for a long moment. I waited for her eyes to glaze over, for her pupils to dilate ever so slightly. But all she did was shake her head in disgust. Your phony count act might work with other people, but not me. I want no fraction of this.I stared at her, stunned, as she stormed out. Id never seen Damon fail to compel someone, not even when hed been young and weak. I inhaled deeply, searching for hints of vervain, anything to explain what had just happened. But there was nothing there.All I could do was hope that whatever it was, it would continue to keep Margaret safe.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Properties of Enzymes and Competitive Inhibitors
Index Page Abstract. . . 3 Introduction. . .. 3 Materials and Chemicals used.. .. . .. 3 Procedures.. 4 Tables 5-7 Results.. 8 word. .. 8 Conclusion. . 8 Works Cited .. 9 Properties of Enzymes and Competitive Inhibitors. Abstract Properties of enzymes were found in this experiment and some other factors, which sham enzyme activity.Enzymes argon catalyst they turn rattling specific reactions. Results relating to the active site of specific enzymes played a big role while performing this experiment. The purpose of this experiment was to fin how inhibitors affect enzymes activity by competing for the active site against substrates. Introduction Cells have the ability to perform chemic reactions that at normal temperature outside the body glide by too slowly to support life. Cells argon able to perform some reactions rapidly because they possess protein catalyst called enzymes. Enzymes are proteins that catalyze (i. . , increase the rates of) chemical reactions. Each enzyme ha s a unique globular shape, a small portion of which functions as an active site capable of binding to specific reactants or substrates. It was hypothesized that enzyme concentration, temperature, and inhibitors pull up stakes affect the properties and abilities of the enzyme. Materials 1Wax Marking Pens 150 ml Beakers 3 400 ml Beaker 1 container of parafilm 1 set of 20 spec tobacco pipes 1 regular leaven tobacco pipe rack 1 small interrogatory tube rack 1 box Kimwipes Eye Droppers 1 thermometer 2-10ml Graduated Cylinders 1 Spectrophotometer 7 C waterbath with try on tube racks Solutions 1 flasks of pH 7 buffered ONPG 1 flask of Lactose 8% 1 flask of pH 7 buffered 1 flasks of 8% beta galactosidase Procedure 1. Obtain five test tubes and label them (i. e. A, B, C, D, E) 2. victimisation a 10 ml graduated cylinder put Note It is very important to add enzyme last. 1 ml of pH 7 buffered ONPG + No Lactose 8%(0ml) +(1 ml pH buffer) + Enzyme (1ml) solutions into tube A. 0% Lactose. 3 . Using a 10 ml graduated cylinder put 1 ml of pH 7 buffered ONPG + Lactose 8% (. 25ml) +(. 75ml pH buffer) + Enzyme (1ml) solutions into tube B. % Lactose. 4. Using a 10 ml graduated cylinder put 1 ml of pH 7 buffered ONPG + Lactose 8% (. 5ml) +(. 5ml pH buffer) + Enzyme (1ml) solutions into tube C. 4% Lactose. 5. Using a 10 ml graduated cylinder put 1 ml of pH 7 buffered ONPG + Lactose 8% (. 75ml) +(. 25ml pH buffer) + Enzyme (1ml) solutions into tube D. 6% Lactose. 6. Using a 10 ml graduated cylinder put 1 ml of pH 7 buffered ONPG + Lactose 8% (1ml) +(0ml pH buffer) + Enzyme (1ml) solutions into tube E. 8% Lactose. 7. Cover each of the tubes with parafilm and place the tubes in the 37 C waterbath for 30 minutes. . After 30 minutes, determine if the reaction has occurred in each tube, and remonstrate change in color. 9. running tube E acted as our control test tube because no competitive inhibitor was added. Lactose was the competitive inhibitor for this reaction into the test t ube. Note Because the result on steps 4 and 6 were not accurate for our particular experiment, steps 4 and 6 were performed twice. The following prorogue and chart express the results after the cakements and mixing. Table 1. Measurements after mixing the solutions into the test tubes.Solutions pH 7 Buffered ONPG (ml) Lactose 8% (ml) pH buffer (ml) Enzyme B-Gal (ml) Total amount of mls. Test tube A 1 0 1 1 3 Test tube B 1 0. 25 0. 75 1 3 Test tube C 1 0. 5 0. 5 1 3 Test tube D 1 0. 75 0. 25 1 3 Test tube E 1 1 0 1 3 This table represents the total amounts of each solution added to each test tube in localize to get 3 mls for each test tube. This table is used only to represent how the result will look like. interpret 1. Measurements after mixing the solutions into the test tubes. This graph depicts the contents inside the test tubes after mixing the mentioned solutions.Measurement of O-nitrophenol. (ONPG) Although the appearance of yellow in the tubes indicated that O-nitropheno l was present, the color, alone, did not tell us how much was present. It was possible to measure the amount of O-nitrophenol present by measuring the intensity of the yellow with a spectrophotometer. 1. The contents of the 5 tubes were poured into spec 20 tubes. The positions were labeled, plainly the spec tubes were left clear in order to have an accurate measurement absorbance. 2. Test tube E acted as the control tube for this, since that tube did not contain inhibitor.Note Absorbance 420nm in this experiment will be a measure of the concentration of the O-nitrophenol molecules in each of the solutions. Using the Spectrophotometer The spectrophotometer was an instrument designed to measure the amount of light transmitted through solutions, or absorbed by substances in the solution. Light of a specific wavelength is emitted from a special bulb and passed through a tube containing a substance solution. The greater concentration of those particles the greater the absorbance. It is very important to select the most appropriate wavelength of light for use.These procedures were followed in order to set up the Spectrophotometer. 1. 420 nm was the wavelength to use in the inhibitor experiment lab designed because O-nitrophenol maximally absorbs a light at 420. 2. The Spectrophotometer was zeroed out with the control party boss so that the needle reads 0% transmittance on the upper scale. 3. The control tube A was put in the holder, and the lid was closed. The light control pommel was adjusted so that the needle could read 100% transmittance. 4. The control tube was removed from the holder. The lid was then closed noticing the needle again read 0% transmittance. 5.All other test tubes were placed into the Spectrophotometer and read as well. 6. Data for these results was recorded on the following table. Table 2. Effect of competitive inhibitor concentration lactose on the production of O-nitrophenol. Effect of Competitive Inhibitor Concentration on production of ONGP Product Tube Inhibitor Concentration Intensity of yellow Absorbance ? moles of ONPG produced/30min ? moles of ONPG produced/min A 0% ++++ 1. 55 38. 75 1. 291666667 B 2% +++ 0. 43 107. 5 3. 583333333 C 4% ++ 0. 13 32. 5 1. 083333333 D 6% + 0. 02 5 0. 166666667 E 8% 0 0 0 0Calculation of ? moles O-nitrophenol produced per minutes. Ex. Tube A ? moles of ONPG produced/30min Absorbance/0. 004= ? moles of ONPG produced per 30min 0. 155 / 0. 004= 38. 75 ? moles Ex 2 Tube A ? moles of ONPG produced/min ?moles of ONPG produced per 30min/ 30min 38. 75 /30=1. 291666667 ? moles of ONPG produced/min From the absorbance data that was measured the O-nitrophenol produced per minute was calculated. 1. Each ? mole of O-nitrophenol produced an absorbance of 0. 004. The absorbance measured was divided by 0. 004 to determine the number of ? moles produced during the experiment.The values were recorded in table 2, fifth column. 2. The measurements that were obtained in the fifth column were divide d by 30(number of minutes left in the waterbath) to obtain the number of ? moles of O-nitrophenol produced per minute. Graph 2. Absorbance measurements for inhibitor concentration lactose on the production of O-nitrophenol. Absorbance Absorbance Test Tubes Test Tubes Results According to the hypothesis that temperature, enzyme concentration, and concentration will affect the properties and functions of the enzymes. The hypothesis was supported because graph and tables express the change in absorbance, and ? oles produced. Discussion The tables were able to depict the result in order to get better and accurate results for this particular experiment. Measurements have to be performed with precaution, making sure the enzyme and the contents are mixed properly and at the same time. Conclusion Enzyme activity can be affected by other molecules. Inhibitors are molecules that decrease enzyme activity activators are molecules that increase activity. Activity is also affected by temperature, chemical environment, change in pH, and the concentration of substrate.
Friday, May 24, 2019
History of Security in the United States Essay
AbstractSecurity in America has evolved from the time of the first settlers to todays well-trained forces. Factors leading to the significant growth of cloistered shelter from pre-Civil fight to post World War II consisted of a lack of public police and large monetary loss by underground industry. Today, security is global and faces challenges and changes, with increases in terrorism and technology villainys. It must maintain a high level of professionalism and maintain technological innovation remain a respected industry.History of Security in the unify StatesNineteenth CenturyThe nineteenth century saw the private security industry fill in many of the gaps left by public rightfulness enforcement in both manpower and ingenuity. The development of public police forces was slow in the infancy of the United States. In the latter half of the 1800s, police departments were fragmented, decentralized and often corrupt, creating a need for private security. The American frontier saw an extreme shortage of equity enforcement, as they had to resort to deputizing civilians and forming posses. Citizens often had to resort to vigilante justice due to a lack of law enforcement. In 1850, Henry Wells and William Fargo established American Express and Wells Fargo cargo companies and in 1851 Allen Pinkerton established the first national private security and investigations receipts (Ortmeirer, 2009, pg. 10).Pinkerton provided security and investigative service to the railroad, offered private emissary services and was actually the intelligence arm of the Union Army during the first half of the Civil War. In 1853 August Perry patented the first burglar horrify followed by Edwin Holmes in 1858, who produced the first central station burglar alarm. That same year, Washington Perry Brinks introduced the armored carriage for the transportation of valuables and money (Ortmeirer, 2009, pg. 10).Twentieth CenturyThe quell of labor unrest brought about a poor reputation to pr ivate security leading up to the slap-up Depression. Decades earlier, industries such as manufacturing, transportation and mining turned to agencies like Pinkerton for not only asset protection, but also to combat labor violence and break strikes. There were numerous violent incidents involving strikes resulting in civilian injury, deaths and job losses. One incident in particular was the Homestead Strike of 1892 in Pennsylvania, which culminated in a gun battle between Pinkerton agents and the strikers (Lipson, 1988). Incidents such as this eventually led to private security being viewed as Knights of Capitalism by the public. Security companies were banned from carrying weapons and crossing state lines to break strikes in some states (Joh, 2006). There was a decline in the employment of private security during the Great Depression. According to The HUB, There seems to be some controversy as to when the first proprietary security forces arose, but many sources attribute Henry For d as the man who refined in house security to factory work.As the automobile gained popularity so the industries providing the necessary materials for the factories producing them across the nation needed and utilized private security personnel. With the high unemployment and possibility of crime due to the Great Depression, private security further embedded itself within industry (Hub pages, http// There was an expansion of private security leading up to and during World War II due to infrastructure, military and industrial security concerns. Post World War II saw an increase in the professionalism of private security, as returning veterans with military police experience began to seek employment in the security industry. Anti-espionage procedures established by the government during World War II carried over into the Cold War era, with the government insisting on a quality security force and plans, to protect defense cont ractors and government assets.The private security industry followed the governments lead, thus entering the era of the security manager (Hub pages, http// The security industry increased in size in the mid twentieth century, as did the crime rate and police were unable to protect private property. Many organizations realized the value of protecting their personnel and property during this time. In 1955, the American Society for industrial Security (ASIS) was formed and today is the worlds largest organization of security professionals. ASIS affects to formulate security policy and direct security programs in a massive number of businesses, industries and government operations (Ortmeirer, 2009, pg. 11-12). In 1970, private security continued to grow and matched the number of police personnel at 500,000.In 1976, the Task big businessman Report on Private Security was published and it was addressed for the first time that pr ivate security was an essential element to public safety. The Task metier recommended that the private sector be encouraged to nurture and improve the quality of security services and work with law enforcement to fight crime. This created an environment that saw the security industry continue to grow due to concerns over increased crime and limited law enforcement resources. By 1991, the number of security personnel had nearly tripled that of law enforcement and by the year 2000, private security personnel numbers rose to two million, clearly showing private security is the primary protective service (Ortmeirer, 2009, pg. 6-7, 13).FutureThe private security industry has made giant steps since the nineteenth century. It is clear from history that the private security industry must continue to complement the public police forces by providing innovative and needed support to industry and government. It must maintain and constantly improve upon its procedures and training, to keep the respect of the public, which it shortly commands. It must above all remain one step ahead in todays technological world, as M. Lipson (1988) stated, The history of the ancient device of private security may be illustrative of opportunities for those of the industry with foresight (Lipson, 1988). It is crucial private security continue with its current expertise in antiterrorism and figurer security operations. It is also imperative private security continue to foster the close, post-911relationships that were developed with law enforcement, from federal to state to local police agencies, to successfully melt into the future.ReferencesJoh, E.E. (2006). The Forgotten Threat Private Policing and the State. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 13(2), 364. Lipson, M. (1988). Private Security A Retrospective. Annals Of The American Academy Of Political & accessible Science, 49811-22. Ortmeirer, P.J. (2009). Introduction to Security. Prentice Hall. The Hub (2009). (Hub pages, http//
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Referring to Iago’s soliloquy at the end of Act I scene III, examine what Shakespeare shows the audience about his character
Iago is one of the central display cases within Shakespeares Othello and is introduced extremely early in the play, Act I scene I. It is generally assumed from even this early in the play that Iago is cunning, plotting man as he converses with Rodrigo. Throughout the centuries the common opinion on Iago is that he is an insidious, misogynistic, materialistic, dissimulating character, among other things. Few critics have spoken in judgement of Iagos character and actions.In act I scene III, Iago ends the scene with his first soliloquy. Soliloquies generally reveal a lot about a persons character to the earreach, and this is the first time the audience gets a taste of his thoughts. He begins by discussing RodrigoMy fool my purseThis is particularly dissimulating as he had but been talking to Rodrigo, planning how to chalk up make him with Desdemona. This is a running theme, Iagos manipulating, and two-faced dealings. This links withThat thinks men honest that that seem to be so As Rodrigo is not the only character in the play that falls for Iagos deceptions.The next part of the soliloquy that reveals a lot about Iagos character is his admittance to using Rodrigo for his own benefitsBut for my own chromosomal mutation and profitIago fecal matter use Rodrigo using his manipulative powers of speech, he deceives Rodrigo to pile up money off him and use it for his own needs rather then on the problem it was intended for. By referring to this task as a sport it also implies that Iago receives some pleasure from deceiving people, that he finds this fun and does this for his own fun. The audience is left doubting his character and feels sympathetic for the other characters involved in Iagos deception.Iago then reveals a possible motive for his inexcusable behaviorthat twixt my sheetsIago thought that at some point Othello had cuckolded him, direct Emilia astray from their marital bed. Iago displayed the same reaction that most men would, and so felt betrayed and angry, although he did not know for sure that the act occurred. This is a good argument against Coleridges critical comment on his actions. He described his actions asMotiveless malignity.This does appear to be the case, to a certain extent. Especially for a modern day audience, we find it harder to accept that Iago would become so nasty to people so close to him, but to an Elizabethan audience it would be more than believable without any motive behind him. This part of the speech may not excuse his behavior for the rest of the play, but it is a starting point, it gives the audience something to relate to, to begin to justify his actions.Cassio is a proper man with this sense of the word, proper means handsome rather then suitable. This appears to be a compliment to Cassio, but again Iago is using him for his own means. Iago can use Cassios good looks and status in society to create the allusion of an affair with Desdemona. Othello only becomes jealous because there is somethin g to be jealous of, if Cassio was not handsome and admirable Iago would have nothing to create the jealousy from. This is yet another example of Iago using people close to him to gain what he wants.Iago appears to be a character that is trusted, by almost everyone other than Desdemona. She comes across as more suspicious character, as she questions Iago rather then just falling for every word he says. Iago knows that his fellow soldiers and people in society trust him, yet another way in which he can use manipulation as there is grounds for him to manipulate. This is shown when he saysThe Moor is of a free and open nature,That thinks men honest that but seem to be soIago actually admits to his deceitful nature, and ridicules Othello for being so trusting. This is the entire base for the play if Iago werent so trustworthy then Othello would have no reason to believe his accusations of Desdemona. It is this acquaintance that makes the play possible.Othello is Iagos general therefore he should be respected, and not ridiculed, which he is in this soliloquyAs asses are.It is disrespectful for Iago to be referring to his general as a fool, whether he is a Blackamoor or not. This shows that Iago is not a decent character he does not even have the decency to respect his general, let solely other aspects of his character.Towards the end of the soliloquy, Iago refers toHell and nightWhich would have been a lot more relevant to an Elizabethan audience as it represents the devil and malicious behavior. It is ironic that he uses devilish language, as he is associated with the devil due to his evil character. To emphasize this point, he also saysMonstrous birth to the worlds light.This also would have had a greater impact on an Elizabethan audience, and this is only the beginning of the devilish language used by Iago. It was said by William Turnbull thatIago is an unbeliever in, and a denier of, all things spiritual, who only acknowledges God, like Satan, to defy him. (Oth ello A Critical Study, 269)This is proved throughout the play by constant references to the devil, night, dark and Iagos actual behavior and attitude to situations.Finally, this soliloquy shows a great deal in its length. Within twenty-two lines, Iago has explained his actions, had no plan and conceived a plan and becomes anxious to begin. This shows his ability to improvise quickly and leaves the audience wonder how often he uses this ability, when he was with Rodrigo? Othello? Cassio?To conclude, Shakespeare uses this particular soliloquy to allow the audience to see what we believe to be Iagos true personality. We learn that he is definitely dissimulating, manipulative, deceitful, and disrespectful, a slanderer and cunning. Before this the audience could only speculate on this and the remainder of his personality as he shows different sides to different people, he has been referred to as an onion and Janus, the papistical god because of his multiple personalities.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Loblaw Companies Limited: Preparing for Wal-Mart Supercenters
Case 16 1. The grocery industry is a commoditized industry, which makes it difficult for grocers to hold open by dint of differentiation. Buyer power is high and thus, cost leadership and operational efficiencies argon critical. at that place is fierce competition amongst various grocery stores, with the main players such(prenominal)(prenominal) as Loblaw and A&P holding multi-banner stores in various trade segments. Traditional grocery stores also lose some of their market shargon to dose stores, convenience stores and another(prenominal)wise retailers who plump entered the industry.Threat of substitutes from fast-food and take- away outlets is not as prevalent, since more grocery stores have started stocking ready-to-eat meals and have deli services available for consumers. agonistical pressures are increasing in the industry with the potential entry of Wal-Mart and naked delivery methods such as the internet. 2. grocery store industry witnessed a passel of changes. Co mpetitive pressures in the industry are increasing and several new competitors including wal-mart are entering the market.New methods of delivery such as the interned are do it difficult and challenging for traditional based stores to comply. Customer preferences are diversifying and different demands are increasing. In addition to the price war that strike the markets. The maturity of the industry, characterized by flat demand combined with the growth aspiration of the dominant suppliers makes the industry a competitive battleground. Competitors work toward driving costs pull down while responding to fleetly changing consumer tastes.Grocery managers therefore are challenged to provide the marketing mix of tomorrow, emphasizing speed, flexibility, and early identification of trends directed at segmented and rapidly evolving markets. The messiness consumer market has been replaced by hundreds of highly diversified mini-markets for which grocery companies have to design custom mad e solutions. 3. Key Success Factors of the grocery industry embarrass the hobby(a) Low cost operations leading to lower prices Convenient locations and large stores Wide harvest-home ranges good musical note Value added services customer verity programsCutting-Edge technology, both front-end and back-end Looking at the above factors, there are many opportunities for Canadian grocers to improve on their services such as perpendicular integration as supplier/distributor, innovative technologies uniform RFID, and global expansion Loblaws unique tangible resource is that they own 63% of their corporate stores real landed state properties. As menti wholenessd above, the grocery industry is heavily commoditized and competitive. The Canadian market leader, Loblaw, serves a broad target market and integrates a low cost strategy with product and process differentiation.Through their multi-banner approach, they leverage their core competencies across multiple businesses. The biggest winner for the corporation had been the multi format approach. The company also holds about 60% of the real estate where they operate giving the benefit to change. The company refurnish the stores every 5 years when the industry norms are 7 years. 4. SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths Strong grocery store Share Broad Product Portfolio Diversified Store Format Low prices with good quality items at all franchises Great customer service/customers have a say in the company Noticeably friendly workersConstantly visiting for areas of improvement Array of services Canadian unlike foreign competitors like wallmart Weaknesses Low Online Operations Limited Geographical Presence Opportunities Rise in Demand for Private Labels Strategic Plans Rising Demand for Organic Products Opening new stores helps them become more than competitive The unfortunate economy will create a new wave of customers looking for cheaper prices Threats Expiry Of Agreement With Labor marriage ceremony Highly Competitive Mark et Wal-Mart Business Partnerships Higher prices on certain items makes them less competitive in those areas (electronics and household furniture).By the above S. W. O. T analysis, one can see that Loblaws KSFs are on track and that they are headed in the right direction to bring them back on top. There is of course still work for Loblaw to do with their pricing, however that will come with time because when the company is doing better, they will be able to lower their prices even more. They are putting up a good fight though Loblaws prices for certain items were only a mere 10-15 cents higher than that of Wal-Mart which demonstrates that they are climbing the ranks and will in conclusion pose as a threat to WalMart.Being pure Canadian company is also a core competency because many people lie with supporting their country even if it means spending an extra 10-15 cents. These key factors (low prices, better quality products, great customer service, and being Canadian) will help Lobl aw chute to the top again. 5. Lederers plan to combat the threat ofWal-MartSupercentre grocery stores turned bad on the company Consolidating its distribution centres, which supposedly made the supply chain more efficient, resulted in the departure of many of the chains general merchandise debauchers who were unwilling to move.There were numerous delays and coordination problems as suppliers had trouble shipping their goods to stores on time, and Loblaws was forced to mark it down in order to liquidate excess inventory. Expanding its inventory to general merchandise, supposedly to make a one-stop location like Wal-Mart Supercentres, was considered by many customers to be at a lower place the standards of Loblaws. Lederer stopped investing in its convential supermarkets and focused on building its major discount format, the real Canadian superstores. He spent 25 million dollars to travel old employees to retire early as he turned traditional old stores into superstores. . This is a significant evaluation, because Loblaw is Canadas largest food distributor, as well as one of the largest private sector employers. Loblaw operates under names such as The Real Canadian Superstore, Fertinos, Provigo, SuperValu, Zehrs, Atlantic Superstore, Loblaws, and Your Independent Grocer. Along with food and household products, Loblaw provides consumers with other services, such as banking, gas stations, pharmacies, photo developing, dry cleaning, and fitness centers. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of Loblaw was conducted through secondary research, using both inner and external sources.This report focuses on the goods distribution and marketing aspects of Loblaw, by exploring its history, primary products, social responsibilities, and financial position. Ratios of the past and present will be taken into circumstance when researching and making recommendations. History Loblaw Companies Limited was incorporated in 1956 and it now employs over 122 000 part-time and fu ll-time employees throughout its 990 branches. As a subsidiary of George Weston Limited, it has supplied the Canadian market with innovative products and services for more than 45 years.The superstore idea was first introduced to Western Canada in 1979. Loblaw operates in a highly competitive industry, challenged by many other supermarkets, such as Safeway. Organizational Structure The organizational structure of Loblaw Companies Limited is classified according to the functions of each department. Areas of specialization include auditing, governance and compensation, pensions, environment, health and safety, and executive. commissioning and team authority govern this tall, hierarchical organization, where individuals within the several layers report back to their superiors in the chain of command.Ultimately each senior vice-president reports to the executive vice-president, who in turn reports to the president of the company, who is responsible to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors itself is divided into five committees, which represent each area of specialization. Social Responsibility Loblaw demonstrates its social responsibilities in the following areas Environment Loblaw has various company policies concerning the environment, one of which demands that various operating sectors develop and implement waste reduction.Reports are given to the environmental committee operated by a sect of board of directors who are not directly employed by Loblaw. Attempting to project an environmentally friendly image, Loblaw announced in 2002, that all of their garden centers would be pesticide free by 2003. Their waste reduction initiative has seen positive results, as was the case in 1999, when it reduced solid waste by 75%, entire waste by 60% and water waste by 38%. Use of underground tanks has been decommissioned in addition PCBs and asbestos have been removed from company operatives.Employees The philosophy that a companys success is directly affected by the attitude of the employees, is put into action when Loblaw concentrates on coordinating positive relationships with their employees. Employee benefits include life or health insurance, dental insurance, and a pension plan. A stock option plan and an Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP), which are administered through a trust, are also available. This allows employees to make five percent deductions from their regular earnings Loblaw then contributes 15% of each employees contributions to the ESOP plan.Recruiting, hiring, and training are all done on a store-by-store basis. Loblaw maintains health and safety programs in its stores to address health and workplace safety. This system is also subject to compliance audits. fellowship Charities such as Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, Canadian Cancer Society, President Choice Childrens Charity, Easter Seals, the Canadian Merit Scholarship and many more benefit from Loblaws donations. Loblaw has purchased Maple Leaf Gardens, further developing its roots in the city of Toronto. Customers Loblaw strives to have a good relationship with ts consumers through feedback, quality customer and product services. Programs such as the Presidents Choice Financial MasterCard allow consumers to collect points, which are redeemable for goods within the store. Loblaw also attempts to get feedback from consumers through focus groups and surveys. However, Loblaw fails in the area of consumer responsibility by not allowing suppliers to indicate whether or not their products are genetically engineered. The company goes as farthest as to demand that companies selling genetically engineered goods avoid proclaiming so on their labels.Investors Loblaw is working towards being socially responsible to their investors by keeping them informed by releasing online annual reports and mailing them out. The company provides sustainable returns through dividends by reinvesting cash flow into the firms real estate and land. 7. loblaws was the l argest supermarket chains in Canada. they opened a series of the real Canadian superstores in Ontario, where they expected wallmart to open their first food superstores. These were built as low-cost, one stop obtain destinations.The real Canadian superstores were as the size of two football fields and sold a combination of groceries and non-food items. Lederer consolidated the the companies distribution centers from 32 to 26 facilities, in order to affix the efficiency of the supply systems. He closed old warehouses and opened new ones in Brampton Ontario. Real Canadian superstore were located along walmart supercenters as if facing at war. Geographically wise they were allocated at same areas and when it comes to goods and commodities, the both handled non food items along with their usual groceries. The war did begin. 8. Galen Weston Jr. as supposed to deliverance the company by fixing the broken delivery system. He started by managing a pilot online grocery business in Ontario . Galen along with his team defined a new business plan. He studied the problems and found out that they have a big delivery problem and that they are still over-priced. He aimed to increase sales and earnings by cutting prices, offering more products, and improving customer service. Galen started working on investors and opening up in idols such as the maple leaf stadium in downtown which he turned into a grocery store as to gain people due to their lovingness to the hockey team which was a symbol at the ountry. Moreover he succeeded in becoming number one again. 9. Recommendations for Loblaw A private label a store like Loblaws needs a particular way it can standout the competition. They could approach the strategy of having private labels in store. Cut down on general merchandise they should reduce low quality goods and focus on selling people groceries with good quality plus they should concentrate on groceries preferably than electronics because too much diversity infects bei ng the best at a certain field.Make the store attractive to the customers eyes try to beat wal-mart by obtaining a store that is clean, decorated, high ceilings, no open boxes, attractive lighting and displays. Make the stores easy to roam and let commodities that are of the same interest be on a route that customers dont pass by unwanted goods. Let people say this is the store I want to buy from. Supply chain management its clear that the supply chains logistics used by Loblaws should be changed. Empty shelves phenomena should become extinct because it makes good stores look cheap and unreliable.Increase marketing marketing and advertisement should be extreme and excessive especially when change happens, prices differ, and news are there. Promotions should reach customers well replete to gain or even regain their loyalty. People should know that the company recognized their mistakes and problems and solved them out. Downsize close unprofitable stores, this will reduce payroll and increase the funding to solve damaged issues. Off coarse this is the last measure companies look at but its helpful at the long run.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Audit Syariah
Tiffy Tiffeny Edmund 62288211087 Audit 1 Audit Syariah Definition Audit is a regale to investigate and verify an account, while Syariah is the rule of Islam (Hukum Islam). Therefore, Audit Syariah is the process to analyse, check, investigate and to make sure the operation and the management of Islamic Financial insertion (IFI) is accordance to the principal and the Syariahs guidelines, mainly for the production of a product.Syarikah al-Rajhi al-Masrafiyyah LiL Istismar has rig the Audit Syariah as parties to determine the extent of Syariah compliant IFI based on decision made by the Syariah Advisory Council (SAC) Objectives * Is there any specific mechanics to ensure the implement decision of SAC based on the Muamalat Islam? * How the implement of contracts, requirements, and operation being monitored by the IFI? The importance of Syariah compliance is to mitigate the operational endangerment of IFI and to strengthen the internal control of Islamic Banking system.Operation gamb les arise out because of failure in internal controls relating to processed, people, systems, or external event. The syariah non-compliance significant with this risk, which may result in voiding of contracts, loss of income, withdrawals, diminishes reputation and reduction in disdain. So, key challenge in managing operational risk in Islamic banking is by ensuring syariah compliance. Therefore, it is important to bedevil syariah analyseor to control activities according the Islamic rules which permissible and compliance with the principles of syariah About audit syariahThe different between statutorily IFI of different countries against actual scope and outstrip of what constitutes syariah audit might be bias towards the actual nature and scope of syariah audit. Auditor that practices the syariah system should be understood as a model that those countries require probably due to certain constraint within their financial system or infrastructure. Primary scope of syariah audit is the audit of financial statement of the IFI.The audit will design to review the financial statement are drawn up according to the prevailing financial reporting disclosure standard of the inelegant and wether the financial entries truly and accurately reflects the right and obligation arising from the various syariah contracts that the IFI enters into. If the requirement of IFIs in that country is to adopt the Accounting and Auditing Organization of Islamic Financial Institution (AAOIFI) standards then adherence to AAOIFI standards would be construed as the syariah compliant yardstick.The next area of a scope is the operational aspects of the IFI. This largely depends on the type of business the IFI is snarled in and the key business activities undertaken by the IFI. This will involve an examination of the policies and procedures of the IFI on the key business activities, product manuals, operational process, contracts and agreements of products, memorandum and articles of asso ciation of the organisation and observation of reports issued by the management or syariah supervisor board and internal review unit.Third scope is the organizational structure and the people involved in slaying key activities of each business area of the IFI. Audit on this scope will ensure that the organization structure is feasible to undertake the syariah compliant business activities and those they are qualified personnel in the area of ? fiqh al-muamalat to support the operations of the IFI. Islamic commercial jurisprudence or the rules of transacting in Islamic lawFinally, the scope should besides cover the IT application systems that are in place to support the key business activities of the IFI. An audit into this area would look into whether the functionalities and features of the application system are competent and adequate to support an Islamic Banking Business by the IFI. Few things should be emphasized by auditor is avoiding every sinful activities such as the elem ents of riba, channeling authoritative funds in a sinful way, and transactions that pay interest to depositor or investment in interest bearing stocks.The Syariah Advisory Council of Malaysia security explosive charge (SAC) had resolved that riba is one of the main criteria causing the security of listed company to be excluded from SAC approved list. Islamic Instrument Study Group (IISG) at its one-fifth meeting on 23th August 1995 resolves that securities of a company whose operations and main activities are based on riba are not halal. Second thing is risk sharing. Islamic finance requires each party to a transaction to share the risks and rewards in an equitable manner.Islamic finance also doesnt allow and forbid using regarding right, liability and organization of the transaction leaving no room for ambiguities. Islamic law in finance is quite flexible where it allows the undertaking of any counterfeit of contractual relationship as long they avoid the clearly stated the pr ohibitions in the quran and sunah. To ensure the audit progress runs smoothly, auditor must commiserate every decision maked by SAC. Auditor can ask the secretariat for help or by referring the manual of syariah, syariah checklist, syariah audit report from previous year, and so on.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Press Statement Essay
An approach to aspects of a child abuse investigation in a modern fiat using police and community cooperation (A reference to the media) As traditional communities erode and our societies become more diverse, feelings of risk grow, fear of crime increases and questions of identity and citizenship come in question A threat on the asylum of our children has culminated to an investigation into the cause and the socio-political aspects of the problem.Our law officers and the stakeholders of the social welf ar are investigating and researching on sundry(a) socio perspectives and trends that are described as possible factors leading to the problem. Its not commonplace in this night club to guide incidents of child abuse and as such we are working towards stemming down any possible merge and also address the problem collectively through arresting those perpetrating such crimes. Out of every hug drug children in our community one of them has reported abuse or aggressive behaviour. 17% of the children report that their attackers were beefy or sickly looking. 25% of the children are now afraid of venturing into the neighbourhood. The rate of these abuses has rose up with up to 11% which is a considerable rate. We deal checked on any psychopathic connections to the few cases that stand been reported. We are also evaluating theories and investigating curtails that flip distrust characters that are substance abusers and their possible involvement. We are comprehensively analyzing socio-economic factors as well as ideological issues which could be eliciting the problem.We believe some people top executive run through ideologies which force them to think and argue that children rights and safety are not important. These ideologies result to hate against children. We also soak up childless individuals who have developed frustration and stress levels might be involved due to arrested development with the idea of harassing opposite peoples children due to thi s frustration. We are establishing stereotyping, class and different social factors which have negative impacts on children social groups. Apart from these theories we understand victimisation based on family and social feuds might victimise children. We are working on looking into any possibilities of parents, select social classes, estate neighbourhoods and develop based feuds as being the cause of the problem.Some disgruntled parents or neighbours might be nerve-wracking to settle scores, seek payment of a debt, drug money and illicit business dealings and other bad dealings gone sour might be causes. We are establishing on the whole these theories so that we rouse close in on the perpetrators so that not a single aspect of the problem impart result to unjust prosecutions or any victimisations. As members of the society we understand that there are various socio-political aspects of crime pattern and jurisdiction that we have to flow and collectively approach when dealing w ith suspects. We assure the members of the society that we will not victimise or arrest any suspect without credible evidence on his involvement or connection. We understand and respect all human rights and abide by principles of justice.No suspect will be charged until investigations establish credible evidence of involvement. This will be done correspond to the law and we will emphasise on justice being administered in accordance to all punishable codes as stipulated and comprehensively understood in the judicial system. We attribute rise in crime and link social anomalies to changes in economic structure are altering the pattern of regional inequalities (UNICEF 2006). On the other hand we blame radical political changes on the faade of some expression values, especially in the fourth estate. Too much exposure of various aspects of the judicial system acts to people with criminal target has increased affableness to crime due to the knowledge and criticism on aspects of legislat ion and police carry through on the issues as well as the legal loopholes.We are encouraging more concise and typical media education and publishing in judicial and social values content so that we can have a responsible and safe society. We are sure that political dividing lines of class and religion are eat at and cannot sustain values and ethics of safe and respectable humanity. The perception of increasing violent crime, often drug related, has gone along with a rise in anti-social behaviour petty criminality such as vandalism on housing estates, or extreme rudeness, disrespect and lack of consideration for others. (Liddle & Lerais 2006).We expect that all acts against children will come to book in accordance to the United Nations act that protects children against anti-socio behaviour on children (UN 2007). We are optimistic we will arrest and put behind bars those involved and successfully contain the problem.Sources(Liddle & Lerais 2006) atomic number 63s social reality pp 5UNICEFUnited Nations ( )
Sunday, May 19, 2019
GE’s Two-Decade Transformation: Jack Welch’s Leadership Essay
son of a bitch Welch received his Master of Science and Ph.D. degree from the University of Illinois in 1960. After completing his years of education, Welch was hired by General Electric Corporation (GE) as a chemical engineer for the Plastics department. Promotions followed rapidly and at the long time of 45, in April 1981, he became CEO of GE, one of the worlds leading diversified industrial companies. so far though, the U.S. economy was in a recession during that time and unemployment rates were actually high, Welch found the way to contend everyone around him and to do changes that helped him create one of the Most Admired Companies in the United States 1.How would you describe mariner Welchs leadership dash? Was his effect on organizational culture positive or cast out? Defend your argument.When Jack Welch became CEO of GE, he made a decision to radic each(prenominal)y restructure the company, aline goals and demands, and push managers and employees to stretch to pee led previously unknown limits. He set high standards for each of the agate line units to become number 1 or 2 in the industry, and if the proceedss werent satisfying, he disengaged from that sector or sold it completely. Between 1981 and 1990, GE sold more than 200 callinges that freed up over $11 trillion of capacity. Jack believed in complete dedication and invariably putting 110% into everything he was doing. His management style and motivation included three main areas empowering/motivation, goal setting and spend a penny colloquy. Welch was very instigated and entire of internal driving passion that made him work for reasons that went beyond money or status.He was al ways thirsty for better results and continuously raised performance bar for GE. He was a strong believer in incentives and rewards, in addition he also implemented a model where stock options became the primeval component of management compensation. Employees who were scored highly on their performance r eviews received large bonuses, what further egg ond them to until now higher performance. Welch continuously worked on creating environment in which good deal could do their best. He believed that good great deal were GEs highest asset and created main foundation for companys success. In order to advance communication and organizational culture, Welch reduced the hierarchical levels from nine to four and made sure that all business line units would report directly to him. Welch focused on creating the boundaryless company, with a friendly, open and anti-parochialenvironment.It was important to him to create atmosphere where employees could freely share new ideas and find best solutions to any obstacles that company had to deal with. He was completely aware that employees at GE come from different backgrounds and with different experience, therefore his goal was to engross away from the benefits of this multifariousness and aimed to reshape them and guide them toward the rig ht direction with the use of GE philosophies. He promoted people who were thinking orthogonal the box and were able-bodied to challenge the status quo. through these channels of open communication Welch was able to motivate his employees, as they felt direct connection with the company. Welch spent most of his time on training and development talent within top managers of GE. Around 70% of his time was dedicated to people issues, various problems and underdeveloped others.He used Crotonville training center as a place for communication throughout the GE organization. It was a place where managers learned and experienced many of the GE problems, as well as ways to better cope with various business difficulties and challenges. Through the implementation of the 360 reviews he was able to openly report with his employees and let everyone know exactly where they stand in the organization. It was a major motivational pull up that contributed to increase performance and employees de dication. Jack Welch precious to create a work environment where people at all levels would be held accountable for their own work and asked people to use their dreams while setting business targets. His goal was to make everyone stretch and constantly work on becoming a better performer.In order to reward those employees who were able to ambit their dream goals, he compensated them with stock options and substantial bonuses. Welch was richly aware of psychological slim down that exists among employees and organizations. Throughout his tendinger as a CEO, he knew that GE offers the best jobs for people who are willing to compete and perform at their highest standards. The company offered opportunities for personal and schoolmaster growth and simultaneously rewarded top performing individuals. By flattening the organizational hierarchy, removing the bureaucracy, setting clear goals and open communication Welch succeeded in transforming GE and creating healthy organizational cul ture. His motivational strategy and clear understanding of psychological contract helped him create best managers and company that became a global leader.2.From a motivational perspective, was Welch an utile or inefficacious leader? How so? Explain and support your argument. Jack Welch is a truly legendary leader who has made General Electric into one of the worlds most successful companies and as Fortune exposit him Manager of the Century. Throughout his career at GE, Welch has continuously concentrated on motivating his employees and stretchability their abilities. He believed that leaders should articulate a vision and then energize others to execute it. As we all know, socially skilled people are also expert persuaders who find the right way to motivate others. Their passion for work seems contagious and has a positive impact on other employees. Welch was striving to draw out only the best talent and people who would bring the most value to the organization.He succeeded in getting huge numbers of very capable people all pulling them in the same very profitable direction. He knew that good people will steer the company toward success and therefore he was a strong believer in incentives. He made sure that psychological contract between employees and organization was being constantly negotiated and that great performance needed to be rewarded. He expended the number of options recipients from three hundred to 30,000 and made sure to distribute generous bonuses to individuals who demonstrated outstanding performance. Another characteristic that helped boost motivation and performance within employees was integrated diversity, this open and friendly environment helped inspire a overmuch broader thinking, new ideas were being generated and it also improved collaboration between departments.Welch encouraged his teams by always sounding at change as a never-ending opportunity. He constantly urged his people to reinvigorate their business model before some one else did. This strategy helped him gain new market share and strengthen GEs leadership position. It further invigorated creative thinking and made the company more competitive. His attached objective was to create the culture where everyone felt engaged and important. By eliminating one of the sector levels he was able to gain more direct contact with managers reporting to him. We must remember that motivation starts with employee engagement, and engagement begins with effective communication skills. Welch dedicating most of his time to communicating with his staff, developing special management training programs that would help managers reach their goals and educatethem to become great leaders.As he knew that General Electric was an A-plus company, he only wanted to attract A players. To find the right equilibrium he knew that it was necessary to take good care of his best personnel. He did it through promoting them, offering great salaries and stock options and investing in t heir further development. agree to one of the articles written by Victor H. Vroom Work and motivation, the concept of Force concentrates on efforts an individual will take when pursuing a particular course of action. Vroom also argued that a persons behavior is the result of a field of forces, each of which has direction and magnitude. Highest level of force will be reached by actions with high level of both valence and expectation. According to Vrooms equation of force (Force=Valence x Expectancy), valence and expectation tummynot be zero, as it will result in no force to adopt given course of action, since anything multiplied by zero is zero.When choosing alternatives, people tend to select ones that correspond to the strongest positive force or least negative force. As we can observe in the leadership style of Mr. Welch, he was fully aware of this relationship and knew it was necessary to take good care of his top management. Welch didnt concentrate on micro management, by givi ng his employees clear visions and setting new goals he was able to make his workers determine the necessary level of support postulate to achieve those goals. He constantly set high expectations and asked for more, this triggered creative thinking, increased performance and set new standards for the followers. He didnt waste time on trying to train and develop Cs to Bs. Through the use of performance appraisal system and vitality curve the company was able to eliminate ridiculous performers and only keep the best talent. Welch was able to inspire his staff and his employees were certainly glad he was captaining their side. Whether they like him or not, they respected him, followed his leadership style and admired him.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Economic Growth in Nigeria Essay
The agriculture sector was the focus of wild outgrowth interest during the 1990s, with food self-sufficiency the goal. In 1990, agriculture was the subject of a separate three-year development plan involving public and private spending targets concentrating on the family farmer. The designincluded price stabilization plans and schemes to meliorate the palm oil, cocoa, and rubber subsectors. The Agricultural Development Projects continued through the decade, but implementation of goals was difficult. The country dumb imports most of its wheat from the United States.An integrated petrochemical industry was also a priority. Using the output of the republics refineries, Nigeria produced benzene, carbon black, and polypropylene. The development of liquid natural gas facilities was expected to lead to the production of methanol, fertilizer, and interior(prenominal) gas. Nigerias refineries operated at less than optimal rates throughout the 1990s.In the manufacturing sector, the gove rnment was backing a policy of local sourcing whereby locally produced raw materials were converted into finished products. By 1999, manufacturing accounted for less than 1% of rank domestic product (GDP).By the beginning of the 2000s, the government was more concerned about halting rottenness and reigning in the state budget than economic development. Nevertheless, the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) was created to coordinate economic and fond development in the oil-producing region.Nigerias foreign debt stood at around $28.5 billion in 2001, a walloping portion of which was interest and payment arrears. The Obasanjo administration in the early 2000s was supporting private-sector-led, market-oriented economic growth, and had begun economic better programs. Privatization of state-owned enterprises continued. A Stand-By Arrangement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), approved in 2000, lapsed in 2001 as the governments economic reform program went off track. The re were indications a new IMF program for the country would be negotiated in 200304.Read more http//
Friday, May 17, 2019
Philosopher essay
The United States form of democracy was not assembled every(prenominal) by one man over night. The idea of self government is an idea not astray thought about in a world who ere a king ruled. Classical Republican Philosophers and inwrought Rights Philosophers influx encoded many important documents that have controlled our country such as the Declaration n of the Rights of military personnel and of the Citizen, a document of the French revolution and history of huh man rights, and the Declaration of Independence.The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was giggly super influenced by Thomas Jefferson because Jefferson was working with General Lafayette and Lafayette admired Jefferson. The very first article of this Declare Zion, men are born free and remain free and equal in rights shows that everyone is equal. All of the rights show merely any restriction to people and express how every individual is Nat aurally equal. The Declaration of Independence was create verbally by Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson carefully organized the Declaration to control the country, while showing a decided Seen SE of freedom toward the individual.Thomas Jefferson used the unalienable rights, Life, Lib retry, and a pursuit of Happiness to express the type of spiritedness a United States citizen should have. Thomas Jefferson used these three rights from John Locke except Locke used property sort of of a pursuit of happiness. By property Locke meant more than belongings, he ref erred to ones well being as a whole as well. Using these three rights, American people can d iced when the government has been excessively damaging and can change it (if need be). The D acceleration states reasons We have warned them from time to time
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Manufacturing strategy Essay
1.1 Introduction to finish up Shoring and NEXT ShoringOff shoring up is the type of relocation of an industry or an confederation of a business from one landed estate to otherwise i.e typic whollyy an operative process, such as manufacturing process. Next shoring is the transfer of business or manufacturing processes to companies in a nigh location. Where both parties may be benefited from one or to a greater extent than than(prenominal) of the following dimension of proximity i.e Cultural, linguistic, political etc.,1.2 Understanding the flip in trade, Manufacturing Cost and Technology Over the decade Manufacturing cost, market and Technology has act an substantial role in selecting the location of the Manufacturing industry weather it has to Off shored on Next shored. thence guessing these three argon the major factors for selecting the location of an Industry.Combination of economic draw out is fast eating away in organic evolution nations cost pay come to as an export platform for true countries market. Mean fleck with an increasingly flexible work force and a better corporate sector is becoming more attractive quad for manufacturing many depend commensurates consumed in the developed countries. An Analysis imparted by BCG (capital of Massachusetts Consulting Group) that by some snip near 2015 for many goods destined in the developed countries manufacturing in their neighbouring place is more economical than producing in the developed nations. The key reasons for this thought atomic number 18 mentioned below, Wage and benefits increases of 15 to 20 % per year at the average in growing countries which result slash the advantage over low cost states in the Developed countries. Because dig accounts a portion of Products Manufacturing Costs. Transportation Cost, Duties, supply mountain range risks, Industrial real estates and other cost make up change magnitude considerably in the past decade this in addition plays a role however this extra cost ordain be differed at the minimum level when comp atomic number 18d to developed and developing nations. Technology which is another major factor for choosing the Location of Manufacturing Industries.Where Automation, R&D and other measures to improve the productiveness in developing nations may reduce the manufacturing worth but in modern decade Technology is wide scattering it reaches every nook and corner at a rapid phase than in the 60s. Market is the briny criteriafor an Industry to be started. An Industry which has started Next to its market atomic number 18a will assure an advantage of immediate feedback, customer response to the product. olibanum gives them an sharpness for R&D to develop their products to further level. Thus from our understanding change in Market, manufacturing cost and Technology will go through a say on setting up an OFF Shore or a NEXT Shore location for an Product. 1.3 Drivers for OFF Shoring and NEXT Shoring1.3.1 Drivers For Next ShoringManufacturing companies look to externalise back office Responses on tinct of Next-shoring on supply chain, services to boil good deal on core operations. Risk associated with supply chain charge are increasing in low-cost countries Labour affiance rates in shoreward locations in appear synchronization economies like India, China, Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia are increasing, as workers are demanding higher wages. Cost of deportation goods around the world is ascending due to Lead times and higher fuel price east atomic number 63 has emerged as a location for Next-shoring operations, backed by favour equal to(p) factors like highly virtuoso(prenominal) talent, especially technical talent and close proximity to end markets like the UK. Other factors include pagan similarities, time zone and strong data protection laws Tax incentives are usually not the main driver but they could tip the balance just as manufacturing taxes may make a country lit tle attractive.1.3.2 Drivers for OFF ShoringKey driving forces for demand commutes to the developing countries are economic harvest, demographics and rising incomes in emerging markets, in particular in Asia. further major factors driving this trend are Localisation of products to address local mid market Proximity to demand and regional raw materials re characters spacious scale of operations and flexibility Diligence and industrial skills of workers Better time to market and reduction of logistics beASIAN economies exhaust emerged as major sourcing destination for globosecompanies. Growth of the employable population and increased investments in the region. National/regional regulatory effects (safety standards, etc.) and free trade agreements. Within Asia itself, a shift stand be noticed as rising wages and higher costs in chinaware are making manufacturers consider other locations in southeast Asia. ASIAN countries like India, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam provi de a dynamic talent pool with highly educated and young people as well as lower wage costs.1.4 Debate on In future, side by side(p) shoring, not the off shoring, drives manufacturing location termination harmonize to me I accept the topic In future, next shoring, not the off shoring, drives manufacturing location purpose. In the Next future next shoring is what the manufacturing industries will consider to postulate competitive edge over the market.Over the past hardly a(prenominal) decades there has been an advantage over the cost (like Labour, land) in developing countries over developed countries. Eg. In India, China, etc., where the manufacturing industries have got much cheap trade union movement force and land for their industries to start. They have enjoyed a great success by installing their manufacturing units in these low cost locations. But in recent years the advantage over the cost has shrinking due to globalisation and annual wage rise, which might see off their a dvantage over the developed nation.Rewind 15 or 20 years. Offshoring was all the rage. As far back as 1979, companies were starting to send manufacturing to low-wage destinations like India, China, Taiwan and Vietnam to lower labour costs. According to John Shook of the Lean Enterprise Institute, There was a herd mentality to offshoring and an unfitness to see the total costs.Today, wages in Asia are rising from 15 to 20% annually, according to The Boston Consulting Group (BCG). As a result, the economics of manufacturing in India, China, Taiwan and Malaysia arent as appealing as they once were. In fact, today, manufacturers are doing something that would have been unthinkable a decade ago theyre legal transfer manufacturing home.A few examples in January, Bill Simon, Wal-Mart U.S. President and CEOcommitted to buy $50 one one million million million million million of the Statesn- do products over the next 10 years. Similarly, after producing appliances offshore for years, Gener al Electric is moving production operations back to the United States. GE CEO, Jeffrey Immelt, stated in the Harvard Business Review that outsourcing is quickly becoming outdated as a business manikin for GE Appliances. According to The White House blog, Ford, Apple, and Caterpillar are making large investments in U.S. facilities.Thus according to the above points I accept In future, next shoring, not the off shoring, drives manufacturing location finding1.4.2 A Case Study for selecting Next Shoring than off shoring Melville, N.Y.- imbrutedd MSC Industrial Direct Company, a direct marketer and distributor of metalworking and maintenance, repair, and operations supplies, distributes approximately 600,000 industrial products from 3,000-plus suppliers to 320,000 customers. world(prenominal) sourcing is here to stay, whether operations are in Mexico, China, or other countries, state by Doug Jones, the conjunctions executive vice president of global supply chains in 2013. There is j ust as much opportunity in global sourcing as there was quin years agoif not more. They used to be focused on China or India, but their Shanghai office now is looking at a number of countries. There is pressure to source in America, and MSC Industrial Directs product offer takes that into account. The way we go to market is to have a Made in the USA product in every category, Jones said this preliminary this year. Global sourcing does brings challenges, however. The troupe follows a rigorous process to qualify a in the buff production source, with a focus on quality. MSC alike weighs the jar of consume time on cost and service. We realize our service sit down increases from 10 or 15 days to 180 days from purchase secernate to receipt if we source in China or India, Jones explains. We weigh the additional investment in lead time and inventory, currency valuations, and other factors, and make sure our total landed cost (TLC) still looks good or al or so equal to cost in USA, Where they receipt the product at much less time. Monitoring TLC is no small task at MSC, which maintains a global sourcing team consecrated to managing it. This add further cost to monitor. On considering all these MSC starts to Next shoring its supplier base to marketarea1.5 ConclusionThus from the above case studies and market abbreviation its time to move on from OFF shoring to Next shoring in the Near future which seems more economic and fruitful for manufacturing sector. Even though OFF shoring at act seems more economic currently but in the Near future we are expecting the wage rise factor which would subjugate the cost advantage in developing nations and will make the manufactures to rethink on their strategies of OFF shoring and tends to change their schema for Next Shoring. Thus In future, next shoring, not the off shoring, drives manufacturing location decisionPART-B2.1 Role of Korean Culture in Samsungs SuccessIt has become increasingly important for employees to hav e vested pastime in the emergence potential of its company. People expect a participatory work surround where they can feel a sense of dignity, pride, and ownership of the organizations vision. Samsung Mobiles hands to build a creative organizational culture, and acknowledges that the investment we make in strengthening the core grapplencies of our employees will have a direct impact on our competitiveness. We actively promote a flexible organizational culture that allows employees to pursue a respectable work- life sentence balance, in a dynamic, creative and challenging work environment that is not risk-averse. As an international company we embrace individuals with different background and abilities.Korean Culture - fly the coop & Life Balance through Work SmartSamsung Mobiles has not nevertheless contributed to balancing work and life but also to improving productivity by ad opting a flexible work memorandum in Korea to help eliminate unnecessary extra time and to maxim ize work exercise through effective time management. We introduced a pilot, flexible work schedule inour TV, agile band, and consumer electronics sectors beginning in 2009 and expanded it to all divisions in 2010.Under this new effort, employees attain at work between 6.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. and to work eight hours per day. As of March 2012, approximately 65,000 Korean employees have taken advantage of this brass out of a total of 100,000 Korean employees.Samsung believed it is important for everyone to be able to assume personal responsibility for their time. This will continue to contribute to a working atmosphere that allows employees to focus on their job in an autonomous and creative atmosphere.Thus they branded this as Work tonic strategy. This helped Samsung a lot in its success.Work Culture that Encourages Learning and DevelopmentSamsung Mobiles has established a creative Development Research Institute System to provide employees with opportunities to pursue creative new ideas that take entire advantage of their talents and professional passions in a way that encourages taking risks. This new initiative encourages employees to be more entrepreneurial in developing creative ideas that can become new businesses. Once an employees externalize is accepted, they may concentrate on the project as a member of a task force for up to one year. During this period, they will be free from their usual responsibilities and may receive a utilise work space, development expenses and necessary equipment as appropriate. Successful exits are encouraged through an incentive course of study however they are not subject to penalty if they dont achieve their goals.The first outcome of the Creative Development Institute, eyeCan, was launched in February 2012. The eyeCan is a special mouse for the disabled, which allows its user to use a information processing system using eye movement. Samsung Electronics will continue to support similar applied science projects that ourtalented workforce introduces to hang those in remove.2.2 Analysis of Samsung Mobiles using P.E.S.T and Poters 5 pound ModelAs the main accusing of this thesis is to go the European and the U.S. wide awake phone markets, the selected framework supports this aim by approaching the markets on two different levels. Primarily, the analytical framework focuses on micro-environment i.e. looking at the markets from the viewpoints of the actors (suppliers, distributors, customers) and from that of tilt. To analyze the contribution of each of these actors and other sources of competition, another well-established model, Porters five forces, will be used (Section 2.3). Where necessary, the observed phenomena are also interpreted from a wider, macro environmental perspective although more detailed analysis of macro-environmental factors will be omitted. The exclusion is justified by the fact that competition, hitherto though influenced by the macro environment, takes place wi thin the micro environment. In addition, concentrating on the micro-environment allows a broader and more in-depth treatment of the most relevant actors present in the micro-environment.On another dimension, the framework applies two different conceptual approaches, namely, international business (IB) environment and industrial organization (IO) economics. These approaches together serve to supplement the strongly microeconomics focused framework with suitable concepts grounded in the strongly 7 link IB and IO disciplines. While the industrial organization focuses on the company/market saltation from the perspective of im double-dyed(a) competition, international business focuses on the qualities of international markets and companies operating across country boundaries. These approaches will be discussed in detail in Section 2.4. The analytical approach of the thesis is summarized in . inning 1. Analytical framework of the study2.2. Macro-environmentBy definition, the macro-envir onment involves factors outside of the directcontrol of the business. These factors, then, include the economy, government policies, hearty changes etc. A firm may, for example, be influenced by new legislation or changes in revenue policies but the firm rarely has power to shape them itself. Thus, macro factors have the ability to fundamentally change the environment of an organization but the relationship is typically one way. (Gillespie, 2007) matchless of the most utilized frameworks to analyze the macro factors is the PEST analysis.The PEST framework stands for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal and is used for analyzing the macro-environment in which companies operate and which also significantly affects each business independent of its size (Johnson et al., 200665) in each case including (or excluding) some factors and endowment more weight to some in comparison to others. However, it always aims at capturing the essential of the macro-en vironment under a few broad categories to facilitate understanding and management of each factor within the business and to signalize the key drivers of change (Johnson et al., 200669).Table 2.1. Components of the PEST analysis (Gillespie, 2007)Even though the macro-environment will not be analyzed in detail in this thesis its influence in a companys decision making processes is evident as well as its ability to change to conditions under which competition takes place. For example, the Finnish governments decision to allow bundling of unsettled phones had a direct impact on both handset manufacturers and un static operators business. Thus, references to the macro environment and changes in it will be made alongside the analysis on companies and their micro-environment.2.3. Micro-environmentThe micro-environment can be defined as consisting of stakeholder groups that a firm has rule-governed dealings with (Gillespie, 2007). For the purpose of this thesis, the focus will be on sup pliers, distributors, customers and competition as illustrated in take in 1 following the concise definition of micro-environment by Gillespie (2007).SuppliersIn regard to its suppliers, any company by and large needs to address questions such as Can they provide the quality we withdraw at a good price?, Can they adjust to changes in the supply volume? and What is out power relative to our suppliers and vice versa? Increasingly, however, large multinational companies in particular are concerned about the ethicality of their suppliers operations. Recently, for example, Samsung was alleged to have used so called blood metals in their vigorous phones, to which Samsung responded by implementing yet more stringent systems to cutting off the origin of its raw materials (Yle, 2010). Especially in the business of mobile phone manufacturing, suppliers and supply chain management (SCM) play a crucial role. Since mobile phones, smart phones in particular, contain numerous highly special ized components and modules, handset manufacturers generally acquire most of the components, software and even assembly from their suppliers and subcontractors (see the mobile phone cherish system in Figure 9). Samsung, for example, lists 35 countries as its main supplying locations and applies its so called Code of conduct to all its business partners. In the Code of conduct (Samsung,2011f) Samsung states thatSamsung encourages its partners, subcontractors, or suppliers to strive beyond legal respectfulness in areas such as governance, human rights and the environment. Samsung incorporates ethical, social and environmental criteria in its procurement agreements and commits to monitoring the performance of its partners and to taking immediate and thorough remedial steps in cases where the ethical performance of its business partners comes into question.- SamsungThus, mobile phone manufacturers rely on suppliers to varying but generally great extent and can even be held responsible for choosing suppliers that use e.g. child labour or non-recyclable materials. To construct an iPhone, Apple, for example, sources its Retina display from LG, the A4 processor from Samsung, gyroscopes from STMicroelectronics, collar sensitive panels from Wintek and TPK, and chips from Skyworks Solutions and TriQuint Semiconductor (Apple Insider, 2010). However, some conglomerates, e.g.Samsung manufacture most of the modules in-house which enables cutting down the number of suppliers and facilitates integration in the production process. Even if the recent business wisdom has advised companies to divest non-core functions and focus on a few core competencies, Samsung has proven that conglomerates may be highly deriveable while retaining their non-core parts. Unlike Motorola, Samsung unploughed its component manufacturing in-house and focused on synergies from producing both components and end products. (Hyty, 2011250-252)DistributorsThe second essential section of a companys mic ro-environment is distributors. The choice of distribution pathways is critical for a number of reasons. Firstly, the distributors strongly influence the final gross sales price of each product and thereby directly affect the sales quantity. Second, the distributors and later retailers play an important role in how the product is presented to the customer and, to some extent, how it is positioned relative to competing products. Finally, the choice of the distribution channel affects how customers perceive the brand. While Samsung, for example, utilizes a wide range of sales channels for its Samsung branded products, it sells its luxury phone brand Vertu (typically gold and diamond decorated, ranging from $6000 to $300 000) only in Vertu and Samsung flagship stores (Vertu, 2011 Dialaphone, 2007) In the mobile handset business, the distribution channel plays a crucial role. While in Europe most mobile phone manufacturers rely on a large number of individual distributors and retaile rs, in North America the bulk of handset sales is carried out by mobile network and virtual operators (see Figure 22). The long dominance of mobile operators over distribution in the United States has allowed them to introduce additional requirements related to e.g. tailor and branding of phones, and together with subsidies a commanding position in the industry. Still, the choices related to distribution come down to the same basic questions, i.e. what are the total costs, how is the brand communicated, how flexible is the distributor etc.CustomersThe third element of the companys micro-environment is customers. In thisrespect, it is common to separate between individual consumers and organizational (or industrial) customers (or buyers). While consumers are traditionally considered less rational and impulsive in their decision making process, companies tend to be viewed as professional buyers following strict budget, cost and profit considerations. (see e.g. Webster & Wind, 1972 Ba umgartner & Steenkamp, 1996) These kind of clear differences in purchasing behaviour have been questioned (Wilson, 2000) and todays B-to-B marketers widely blemish that emotions play an important role also in business buying decisions (Kotler & Armstrong, 2006178).In the mobile phone business, consumers represent an enormous variety of tastes, preferences and affluence. In developing countries, the sales of low-end mobile phones (often under $50) dominate, while in developed markets of e.g. Europe and North America, consumers often opt for more advanced models incorporating cameras, GPS navigation, Internet browsing etc. Moreover, most of these consumers appreciate value added features and post-purchase services provided by the manufacturer (e.g. Apple App Store, Nokia Ovi Store and Google Android Market) and often base their purchase decision on the combine of the phone and the availability of these services (see e.g. Singh & Goyal, 2009). Industrial buyers, on the other hand, t end to value services related business use of the phone (e-mail, data security etc.) and suppliers ability to provide a communications solution to the company instead of only handsets.Finally, with regard to the mobile phone industry in Europe, Asia and the United States, there are some significant differences in customer profiles. While in Europe & Asia a handset manufacturer can sell both directly to the consumer and via distributors and retailers, in the United States the only major customer is the operator that, then, functions as a distributor and retailer. This, obviously, has its effect on what kind of marketing is needed to reach the end customer.CompetitionThe Merriam-Webster dictionary defines competition as the effort of two or more parties acting independently to secure the business of a third party byoffering the most favourable terms. (Merriam Webster Online, 2011) Correspondingly, The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics states that competition arises whenever two or more parties strive for something that all cannot obtain. (Stigler, 2008) In this thesis, these competing parties are handset manufacturers who act to secure the business or strive for the limited resource, i.e. the money, of their customers.In terms of developed economic theory, competition is one of the most researched areas of economics. Economists generally compare holy and imperfect competition, concluding that no other system is more Pareto efficient than perfect competition.According to Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, 1999) perfect competition is defined by four conditionsa) There are such a large number of buyers and sellers that none can individually affect the market price. This heart and soul that the demand curve facing an individual firm is perfectly elastic.b) In the long run, resources must be freely mobile, meaning that there are no barriers to entry and exit.c) All market participants (buyers and sellers) must have full access to the knowledge relevant to their production and consumption decisions.d) The products should be homogenous.Imperfect competition, thus, occurs when any of the criteria for perfect competition is not satisfied, e.g. when there is information asymmetry between buyers and sellers, either buyers or sellers are able to influence prices or products are not homogenous.In regard to the mobile phone industry, there is a clear case of imperfect competition. Firstly, the three largest manufacturers Samsung, Samsung and Nokia held about 64 % of the global unit sales in Q1/2010 while the tenth largest Huawei had 1,3 %. (Gartner, 2010) This kind of a market situation is generally referred to as an oligopoly in which producers are so few that the actions of each of them have an impact on price and on competitors (Merriam Webster Online, 2011). Second, there are fairly high barriers to entry due to the capital intensive nature of the business. In addition,gaining market share generally requires signif icant investments in marketing and established manufacturers can benefit from advantages of scale.Poters 5 Force ModelThe Porters five forces model has been criticized, for example, for its underlying assumptions. Firstly, an industry is assumed to consist of an misrelated set of buyers, sellers and substitutes and competitors that interact at arms length. Second, companies can gather wealth that allows them to erect barriers against animate competition and new entrants thereby creating structural advantage. Finally, the prevailing unsurety is assumed low full to leave predictions about the participants behavior and take up a strategy accordingly. In addition, one should also note that the model was developed more than 30 years and, since then, new industries have been born and the old ones taken new shapes. In an argument that the classical model such as the Five Forces and value chain analysis were designed for the analysis of traditional industrial firms and do not apply we ll to todays knowledge-intensive companies.Figure 2.2 Porters Five Forces modelThe rationale for choosing the Five Forces framework was as follows. The model was to be well-known and tested. Even though Porters model has been criticized for its applicability to certain industries and for its assumptions, few models have gone through such thorough testing and prevailed. While no model is perfect the limitations of the Porters framework are, nevertheless, well-known and documented. Finally, the use a widely accepted framework facilitates schooling and interpretation of the results as opposed to some other model with less prevalence and academic/ practitioner interest.Table 2.2 Opportunities and Threats for Samsung Mobile2.3 Suitable Business strategy to overcome threats and grab Opportunity in Samsung Global R&D (Research & Development)In 2003, Samsung invested 3.5 trillion won ($3 billion) or 8% of total revenues in R&D. It acquired 1,313 US visibles in 2003, ranking it 11th inthe world in US patent awarded. (Exhibit 9) Samsung has about 19,700 researchers working in R&D. Researchers account for approximately 34% of its total employees. Every year, R&D engineers developed about 100 new technologies and they work on the development of core technologies in the fourth generation (4G) mobile communications and in next generation memory chips.Samsungs information and Telecommunication R&D Center is in Suwon, where the companys headquarters are located. This R&D Center was designed to incorporate all of its business specialtiessemiconductors, electronic components, multimedia, and telecommunicationsto maximize technological synergies among them. The Suwon R&D Center also interconnects with other R&D centers, both in Korea and in other countries.In the mobile business, Samsung has applied for 12,000 patents in Korea and 25,000 patents overseas since 1998. The main focus of R&D is the development of new technology standards for 4G communications and the mobile Intern et. Samsung holds approximately one hundred patents related to 3G and 4G technologies. Recently, Samsung sold its cdma2000 1x EV-DO system to Japan and Southeast Asian countries.Global MarketingSamsungs clever marketing strategies played an important role in lifting Samsungs visualize from that of a low-end manufacturer to that of a global digital technology leader. For effective global marketing and branding, Samsung established a new organization to deal with its integrated global marketing activities. Eric B Kim, who used to work at IBM, was recruited to lead the Global Marketing Department. One of his most important decisions was to cease all existing contracts with 55 advertising agencies and to sign a $400 million contract with one ad agency, FCB Worldwide. Since then, Samsung has unveiled a series of corporate branding campaigns and the slogan, Samsung DIGITall Everyones invited.One of Samsungs major global branding strategies is Olympic sponsorship. In1996, Samsung was an u nofficial sponsor of the Atlanta 1996 Olympics, having sponsored the Samsung exhibition in the Pavilion of the Main Stadium. In the same year, Kun Hee Lee was selected as an IOC member, and Samsung received an opportunity to get into in TOP (The Olympic Partners).The IOC proposed that Samsung participate in sponsoring the home appliance category for the Olympics. However, Samsung wanted to utilize the opportunity to promote a high-tech image, and felt that the home appliance category was not enough to emphasize Samsungs technological advances. Samsung set its sights on the telecommunications category and believed that, through the Olympic sponsorship, it could shed its image as a low-end home appliance maker and reposition itself as a high-tech mobile communications company. To win the sponsorship negotiations, Samsung concentrated its marketing resources on the mobile phone business.Samsungs Key Issues to make better their threatsThough Samsung has continued its success in the m obile phone business, it faces a number of challenges to keep the growth momentum in the future.First, competition in the mobile phone market will become more intense. Lower entry barriers will bring in more competitors to the market, and the digital convergence will speed the competition even further. Companies from other industries such as PCs or network services will compete directly with Samsung. As such, it will have to devise more creative win-win strategies in the highly uncertain digital convergence landscape.Second, the sustainability of Samsungs high-end strategy, which was attributed to Samsungs brand building, may be in question. Samsung has achieved high profit margin, which is comparable to that of Nokia, mainly establish on its high price, while Nokia has done so based on its cost dynamics. In terms of per-unit cost, Nokia spends less on R&D and marketing. One might distrust whether the high-end strategy can really be sustainable.As the mobile communications market becomes saturated, future revenue sourceswill come mainly from emerging markets (China, Brazil, India, Eastern Europe, etc.). First-time buyers in emerging markets tend to prefer cheap phones. This could hurt Samsung unless it begins to cover the low and middle-end markets. Nokia and Motorola, as well as many newcomers from China, have already targeted those emerging markets. How to compete in the low and middle-end markets, while preserving its premium brand image, will be important questions in Samsungs future growth.Third, Samsung is highly dependent on foreign companies for core technologies and modules. For example, it sources core CDMA base-band chips from Qualcomm and sophisticated camera-phone modules from Nipponese firms. Consequently, the proportion of royalty payment in total manufacturing cost is likely to increase unless Samsung develops its own technologies. rough industry experts argue that most of Samsungs patents are on applied technologies, which are developed b ased on others patent-protected core technologies. Recently, Samsung experienced a shortage in the supply of Qualcomm chips and camera-phone modules. This suggests that Samsungs high colony on core technologies and product modules would threaten not only its future profitability but also its competitive position.Product Life Cycle of Samsung coltsfoot For my analysis it will be useful to understand how Samsung has introduced its Galaxy Smartphones. The knowledgeableness stage of a product is one of the most important, because in this stage a company positions its products in the market. In order examine the strategic choice of the company I need to understand the strategic possibilities in the basis stage of a product. According to Kotler and Keller, companys spatial relation and differentiation strategy must change throughout the life of its products. I will give a brief description of the stages of the product life cycle and strategic possibilities in each of these stages. Ac cording to Kotler and Keller to be applicable to a product the assumptions behind the life-cycle are that the product must have limited life sales go through different stages, with different challenges, opportunities and problems profits change at different stages products require different manufacturing, financial, marketing, purchasing and human resource strategies in each lifecycle stage. The Smartphone products fulfill these assumptions. Kotler and Keller recognize 4 different Life-cycle stages for a product.Introduction horizontal surfaceIntroduction is a period of slow sales growth as the product is just introduced. It is also recognized with heavy advertising. According to Shaw (2008) in the introduction stage a company can choose by penetration strategy or nook strategy. A penetration strategy involves aggressive marketing mix and product for the pile market offered at a low price. A niche strategy according to Shaw (2008) involves a narrow market department and a higher price. In this stage Shaw (2008) recognizes only two possibilities targeting the mass market with low price and a niche strategy involving higher price. Looking at the smartphone market it is possible for the companies to target mass market with higher price as for instance iPhone & Nokia does. This is also due to the affordable terms of the mobile operators where people can buy the Smartphone on leasing.6.2 Growth StageThis is a period of rapid growth and market acceptance. Here the profits are higher. According to Shaw (2009) in the growth stage companies can choose between two strategic options these are incision expanding upon and brand expansion. In segment expansion, the company can add new target segments, with their own marketing mixes. Strategic alternative to segment expansion might be brand expansion. This strategy adds new products or variations to the existing line. The strategy delivers to the customer segment bigger choice, or greater value. Some of these strategy ideas might be delivery, gift-wrapping (Shaw, 2012).6.3 Maturity StageIn maturity stage the sales are lower as the product is already bought from most of the authorization buyers (Kotler and Keller 2009 p.490). According to Shaw (2010) in Maturity stage it is common for a company to employ s stable marketing mix. As the Product moves further on the curve harvesting strategy becomes necessity.6.4 Decline StageHere sales decline and profits erode (Kotler and Keller 2009 p.490). In this stage Shaw (2011) recognize only divesting strategy as an option.The following picture shows the life cycle of Samsung Galaxy (first model in Smartphone ) by Samsung which was launched in 2008. Where in the introductory period it was blooming since it was on affordable cost. This model was soon hit in the market. In 2009 its has started its tremendous growth. In around 2010 it reached its maturity state. Where Samsung enjoyed a lot on its success. This encouraged Samsung to do R&D in Galaxy model and t hey started to develop a lot newer version. Due to introduction of new models and everyone had the current model, Galaxy has started to decline in 2011.Figure 2.2 Product Life cycle of Samsung Galaxy
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