Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Documentary Films Have Played an Important Part in...
Documentary films and their representations of the Holocaust have served not only to speak their ‘truth of the atrocities but also to document changing paradigms of social thought concerning Holocaust ‘truth. Holocaust History and its documentation: Theodor Adornos famous 1949 injunction that ‘to write poetry after Auschwitz is barbaric is indicative of the initial approaches of documentary to the subject matter. The first documentary footage of the Holocaust was shot as Allied troops entered the camps of Bergen-Belsen and Dachau, but this footage was archived by British Ministry of Information, wary of the political and social repercussions of such explicit imagery in a war-torn and divided Germany. These censorious†¦show more content†¦Nine million dead haunt this landscape. Who is on the lookout from this strange tower to warn us of the coming of new executionersÂ… Somewhere among us, there are lucky Kapos, reinstated officers and unknown informers. There are those who refused to believe this, or believed it only from time to time. And there are those of us who sincerely look upon the ruins today as if the old concentration camp monster were dead and buried beneath them. (Night and Fog) The narration is more than a call to arms, a jolt to the collective memory. The film is an apt social commentary on the broader issues of the crimes of humanity and those who stand on the sidelines. In this way, Resnais purpose, self-admittedly an indirect attack on the French involvement in conflicts in Algeria and Indochina, becomes broadly understood. The film is very much symptomatic of the 1950s. For the contemporary audience, the lack of any extensive reference to the specifically ethnic nature of the genocide is indicative of a reluctance to see the deportations as unique, individual narratives, a tendency that would later be countered in Shoah. The word ‘Jewish for instance is mentioned only once in the narration when the narrator counts ‘Stern, a Jewish student from Amsterdam (Night and Fog). Similarly, censorshipShow MoreRelatedOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 PagesJoanne Duberley and Phil Johnson . This book is, to my knowledge, the most comprehensive and reliable guide to organisational theory currently available. What is needed is a text that will give a good idea of the breadth and complexity of this important subject, and this is precisely what McAuley, Duberley and Johnson have provided. They have done some sterling service in bringing together the very diverse strands of work that today qualify as constituting the subject of organisational theory. WhilstRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesBrier, and Roy Rosenzweig Also in this series: Paula Hamilton and Linda Shopes, eds., Oral History and Public Memories Tiffany Ruby Patterson, Zora Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life Lisa M. Fine, The Story of Reo Joe: Work, Kin, and Community in Autotown, U.S.A. Van Gosse and Richard Moser, eds., The World the Sixties Made: Politics and Culture in Recent America Joanne Meyerowitz, ed., History and September 11th John McMillian and Paul Buhle, eds., The New Left Revisited David MRead MoreRastafarian79520 Words  | 319 PagesTaipei Tokyo Toronto Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries Copyright  © 2003 by Ennis Barrington Edmonds The moral rights of the authors have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press (maker) All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Gay Rights A Logical Progression of the Civil Rights...
â€Å"Even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed – ‘we hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal’.†-Martin Luther King Jr. The Civil Rights movement may have started out as a mission to improve the lives of the large population of African-Americans, but who would have guessed that King’s quest for racial integration would provoke the same quest for individual rights by another group of people, Gays and Lesbians. The quest for equal rights by people, who had unjustifiably been repressed for hundreds of years, would spur and give†¦show more content†¦It seems so inconceivable to even think that such a large group of society would be denied of their natural rights as citizens just because of the color of their skin. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Gay Rights movement that occurred later on in the century shared many things in common with the Civil Rights movement. Most importantly, both movements struggled to gain rights for peoples who had been discriminated against because of something that they themselves cannot help or change and for something that had no relation to the rights that they desired. While the Civil Rights movement sought to bring about rights for African-Americans who were born with a darker skin color, the Gay Rights movement sought to gain rights for people who were born homosexual and could not explain why or how they became so. There was no choice in being a Black-American as there was no choice in being attracted to people of the same gender or being homosexual. Therefore, as American citizens, they were not making an illegal or immoral choice but rather they were just being the person they were born to be. In addition, by being African-American or Gay, they did not give caus e or reason to be stripped or limited of their rights by society as a whole. Whatever, these people were, above all they were American citizens. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A major difference however between the tow movements was the very fact of the skin colorShow MoreRelatedDiscrimination Imposed Upon Minority Groups Throughout History1446 Words  | 6 Pagesawareness in regards to the importance of marriage equality and how, although it s legalisation would be a significant progression towards acceptance and appreciation, we are far from overcoming the discriminatory practices which privilege heteronormativity. 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Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesMichael Adas for the American Historical Association TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS PHILADELPHIA Temple University Press 1601 North Broad Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122 www.temple.edu/tempress Copyright  © 2010 by Temple University All rights reserved Published 2010 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Essays on twentieth century history / edited by Michael Peter Adas for the American Historical Association. p. cm.â€â€(Critical perspectives on the past) Includes bibliographicalRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 Pagesin 10/12 ITC Legacy Serif Book by Aptaracorp, Inc. and printed and bound by Courier/Kendallville. The cover was printed by Courier/Kendallville. This book is printed on acid free paper. Copyright  © 2010, 2007, 2005, 2002 John Wiley Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108Read MoreHuman Resources Management150900 Words  | 604 Pages†¢ HR Planning †¢ Job Analysis †¢ HR Information and Assessment Systems EN VI R O NM L TA EN Employee and Labor/Management Relations Equal Employment Opportunity †¢ Compliance †¢ Diversity †¢ Affirmative Action †¢ HR Policies †¢ Employee Rights and Privacy †¢ Union/Management Relations S IZ E Health, Safety, and Security †¢ Health and Wellness †¢ Safety †¢ Security GOALS †¢ Productivity †¢ Quality †¢ Service Staffing †¢ Job Analysis †¢ Recruiting †¢ Selection CU †¢ Wage/Salary AdministrationRead MoreStrategic Human Resource Management72324 Words  | 290 PagesHigh Street ï‚ · New Malden Surrey KT3 4TE ï‚ · United Kingdom Tel: + 44(0)20 8329 2930 ï‚ · Fax: + 44(0)20 8329 2945 E-mail: info@abeuk.com ï‚ · www.abeuk.com  © Copyright, 2008 The Association of Business Executives (ABE) and RRC Business Training All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, electrostatic, mechanical, photocopied or otherwise, without the express permission in writing from TheRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pagesand reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on appropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2011, 2007, 2005, 2002, 1998 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any formRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesCredits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on the appropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
Products Offered By Islamic Banking System Finance Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 12 Words: 3671 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? The main functions of a modern commercial bank include receiving deposits of various natures, granting short- and medium-term loans by way of overdrafts, discounting of bills and commercial papers, advances against securities for business and households, long-term mortgage financing and investments in capital markets. In some markets, commercial banks are also undertaking merchant banking. All this fund-based business is conducted on the basis of interest that is charged from the fund users and paid to the depositors/investors. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Products Offered By Islamic Banking System Finance Essay" essay for you Create order Commercial banks also deal in foreign currencies, money changing and perform a number of services like issuing letters of credit (L/C) and letters of guarantee (L/G), payments made / received on behalf of their clients, safe custody of valuables and a number of advisory services against service charges or commission. However, all commercial banks might not be undertaking all of the above functions, and the majority of them undertake the business of deposit-taking with an open checking facility and lending for short periods for providing running finance to business and industry. Medium- and long-term financing is mostly arranged by investment banks by way of direct intermediation between the investors and industry/business. The Deposits/Liability Side of Commercial Banks All deposits in conventional commercial banks are the liability of the banks, because the amount of deposits has to be paid back with or without a return. Current accounts that are normally maintained by the business and corporate sectors carry no return and are used for managing their cash flow. Savings, term, notice deposits and certificates of investment/certificates of deposit (COIs/CODs) are remunerative deposits for the short, medium and long term. A brief explanation of the deposits side of banks follows. Current Accounts These are a basic type of account maintained mainly by corporate clients and by individuals for availing credit facilities from the banks/financial institutions. As indicated above, normally such accounts are non remunerative; however, many regulators allow payment of interest on such accounts and some banks give a little return as a part of their marketing strategy. Hence, a current account in the conventional system may or may not be remunerative. Savings Accounts These are the normal checking accounts that commercial banks offer for fund mobilization against the payment of interest; savings accounts may have a minimum balance requirement. Different types of savings accounts offer different interest rates depending on the deposit amount. The concept of daily product is used for the entitlement of return to various depositors. Saving deposits, and to some extent term deposits, are collectively known as demand deposits, because one can, at any time, draw the amount without any notice. Fixed-term Accounts/Certificates of Investment/Certificates of Deposit In term deposit accounts (as captioned above), the deposit holder agrees to lock in the money for a fixed period of time while the bank commits to pay an indicated interest rate depending on the term of the deposit the longer the term, the higher the interest rate. Some banks charge a penalty in the event of premature encashment some banks charge a pre-specified penalty over the remaining period of deposit, while others use the period for which money has been with the bank. In financial markets with open competition, the return already given is adjusted in the case of early withdrawal, keeping in mind the investment and the remaining periods. Term deposit receipts (TDRs) are issued at par or discounted value. A typical TDR issued at discount is issued at a value below its par; it grows up to the par value in the agreed timeframe. TDRs may have a life ranging from an overnight deposit to five/six/seven years, though by custom, it varies from seven days to five years. This type of deposit is also called a certificate of investment (COI) by investment banks and NBFIs. A typical COI is issued at its par value with return payment made at agreed intervals ranging from one month to the time of maturity. Annuities/Perpetuities Annuities are normally built on savings accounts for commercial banks. NBFIs use COIs to offer annuities. The depositor is entitled to withdraw the amount after the deposit period. However, frequently the annuity converts itself into perpetuity at maturity, i.e. the deposit holder is allowed to withdraw an agreed amount indefinitely at an agreed timeframe. These products are also offered by life insurance companies. Products of such a nature exist in the mutual fund industry and share markets as well, and are called dividend reinvestment plans. Advance Profit-paying Products In these types of product, the anticipated amount of profit is discounted and paid up front. In essence, this is similar to a term deposit receipt issued at discount. Cash Management/Fund Management Accounts Historically, the NBFIs, and particularly the investment banks, used to maintain cash management accounts. But over the last decade, commercial banks have also been increasingly offering discretionary or nondiscretionary cash management and fund management accounts. A typical CMA entails the deposit of money with the bank for an agreed period that carries either a fixed rate of return or any rate linked with any other activity in capital markets. In the case of nondiscretionary accounts, the client instructs the bank about the type of investment as well. In most such cases in conventional banking, a fixed amount of return is paid. In rare cases, funds are invested on the basis of a fee, remitting all profit to the depositors. 1.2 The Assets Side of Commercial Banks Commercial banks deploy depositors funds for short-term (a year or less than one year), medium-term (one to three years) and long-term (over five years) loans and advances on the basis of interest. A prudent banker is supposed to take into consideration the character and business integrity of the borrower, his cash flow and capacity to repay, the purpose of borrowing and the security offered as collateral. The following are the possible forms of loans: Productive loans: for trade, industry and other businesses and in most cases also for housing. Consumption and consumer durable loans: for household goods, automobiles, etc. Clean advances: on the personal surety of the borrower or of any third party, no collateral. Discounting of commercial papers like notes, bills of exchange, etc. Cash credit like overdrafts: customers are allowed to draw from a limit given by the bank. The financing operations of commercial banks for various purposes in respect of industry and c ommerce are briefly given below: Working capital finance: the working capital requirement of various sectors is met by banks through grants of cash credit, overdraft facilities, demand loans, opening of L/Cs and through discounting of bills of exchange. Trade financing normally involves the issuance of L/Cs by commercial banks. Sight L/Cs are simply fee-based instruments issued to facilitate trade while usance L/Cs also involve financing by banks against payment of interest. L/Gs are issued by banks to ensure, on behalf of their clients, that the payment will be made when due or action taken as and when required in the contracts in the background. Thus, the bank acts as guarantor of the clients liability towards the counterparty. Banks get commission for issuing L/Gs, but if they are required to perform the guarantee, they have to pay the related amount for which they charge interest. Agricultural finance: commercial banks provide production and developmental loans to fa rmers. Short-term finance is required by farmers mainly for the purchase of seed, fertilizer and pesticides, while medium- and long-term finance is needed for land-levelling, tubewells, tractors, setting up of poultry/dairy/fish farms and construction of storage facilities. Fixed investment finance: this is provided by way of term loans or purchase of debentures or participation in underwriting and bridge financing arrangements. Treasury products liquidity and fund management: this involves money and capital market operations, foreign exchange operations, inter-bank borrowing and lending money on interest linked to tenor, credit considerations and liquidity amongst other factors. Treasury products are used to manage mismatches in liquidity position and to get returns. The entire activity is based on interest receipts or payments. Repo and reverse repo operations involve selling / purchasing and entering into a back to back transaction for purchasing/selling. The objective is to manage liquidity and enhance interest income. Nostro accounts, maintained by banks overseas to undertake trade finance activity and correspondent banking. Interest is paid and received on the balances maintained and the amounts overdrawn. 2. The Deposits Side of Islamic Banking In the fast-developing world of finance, Islamic banks are obliged to innovate a set of techniques to mobilize deposits, keeping in mind the priorities and risk preferences of various categories of depositors. They will also have to cater for safeguarding the depositors from loss on PLS deposits. Recent developments on the deposits side reveal that Islamic banks, in addition to the general categories of savings and investment deposits, have started offering commodity funds, leasing funds, Murabaha funds and COIs. The funds thus mobilized are used in lease or Murabaha operations, giving fees or fixed margins of profit to the banks. Thus, savers are in a position to get a quasi-fixed return. However, this fixity of return may create ambiguity with respect to their Shareah position unless strict Shareah controls are applied to the operations and distribution of returns thus achieved. The majority of authors allow third party guarantee to depositors to the extent of a nominal amount of deposits. However, for enhancing confidence of the depositors and to avoid any scares or chaos, any Takaful scheme for deposits would be desirable. This is because the provision of third party guarantee has some objections, both from practical as well as Shareah aspects. On the deposits side, Islamic banks will provide the products discussed below. 2.2 Current Deposits Generally, no return is given on current accounts on the grounds that such deposits take the form of loans given to Islamic banks and the loans cannot carry any return. They are kept as Amaanah; but if the proceeds of such accounts are used by banks in their business, they are treated as loans that have to be paid back without any increase or decrease. Banks shall guarantee the principal amount of deposits. Subject to agreement, banks may have the option to use such accounts at their discretion in permissible business activities. The relationship of debtor and creditor between the bank and the depositor will continue. The bank and the depositor shall agree at the time of account opening whether the bank is allowed to use the money in its business or not. There will be no need to develop and implement a weightage system for this type of account. However, some writers favour giving a gratis return even to current account holders. They add that it can be only at the discretion of t he banks and the depositors should not have any entitlement. A further condition for such an incentive is that they should not be offered regularly. This is because, with the passage of time, the practice will become customary and, in turn, take on the ruling of benefits stipulated in a contract of deposit. 2.3 Savings Deposits/Investment Deposits/ Term Deposits All remunerative deposits in Islamic banks, including saving deposits against which banks provide a free checking facility, shall be accepted on a profit and loss sharing (PLS) basis. The ratio of profit distribution between the bank and the depositor shall be agreed at the time of account opening subject to the condition of the Shareah that a partner may agree on a ratio of profit which is different from the ratio of capital but losses have to be shared strictly in the ratio of capital. Investments/financing made by banks from their own capital and from the monies raised from PLS accounts shall form the earning asset base, the returns from which shall be allocated between the banks and their account holders in the agreed ratio. Deposits of longer duration shall be compensated through assignment of higher weightages. Regulators may notify a range within which these allocations could be made. Alternatively, such assignment of weights may be left at the discretion of the banks. Th e following are the other considerations in this regard: Deposits of the risk-averse clients will be accepted either in current accounts as interest-free loans that will be guaranteed with no share in return from financing operations of the banks or by creating special pools or establishing Murabaha and leasing funds, wherein they will be treated as Rabbul-maal and get the quasi-fixed return out of profits or rentals earned by the respective funds. Risk-prone deposits will become part of the banks equity, involving a weightage system (the longer the maturity, the higher the weight) on a daily product basis (DPB). Specific investment accounts can be managed as per savers instructions on a Mudarabah or Wakalah basis. Banks can float equity funds on the principle of Mudarabah against a share in the actual profits. However, there may also be an agency relationship, wherein the bank would be managing depositors funds against pre-agreed fees and passing on the profit/loss to the dep ositors. Banks may establish closed/open-ended mutual funds. Inter-bank financing will also become part of the equity of the bank, using appropriate weightage and DPB to calculate profit. 2.4 Instruments on the Assets Side Islamic banking financing practice as of now reveals that the doors are open for utilizing all legitimate modes including those based on Shirkah, trade or lease, whether to finance trade, industry or a budget deficit through domestic or foreign sources. In order to properly manage the risk, the banks should manage diversified portfolios and select the proper modes/instruments. The volume of investment deposits determines banks investment strategies if depositors are risk-averse, banks should also be risk-averse investing in less risky modes. 2.4.1 Musharakah/Mudarabah can be used for short-, medium- and long-term project financing, import financing, preshipment export financing, working capital financing and financing all single transactions. Banks use Diminishing Musharakah for purchase of fixed assets like houses, transport, machinery, etc. Murabaha can be used for the purchase and sale of automobiles, consumer durables and trade financing, acquisition and holding of stock a nd inventory, spares and replacements, raw material and semi-finished goods. Buy-back and rollover in Murabaha are not allowed. 2.4.2 Musawamah can be used for the financing of huge single transactions. Salam has a vast potential in financing the productive activities in crucial sectors, particularly agriculture, agro-based industries and the rural economy as a whole for financing agriculturists/farmers, commodity operations of public and private sectors and other purchases of homogeneous goods. 2.4.3 Banks subsidiaries as trading and leasing companies can also provide finance on the basis of Murabaha and leasing. They can deal with priority areas not only on the basis of Murabaha, Salam and operating lease, but also on the basis of partnership. Ijarah, or leasing, is best suited for financing of automobiles and machinery. There could also be a combination of more than one mode like Istisnaa plus Murabaha, Salam plus Murabaha or Salam plus Istisnaa for financing of trade and i ndustry. Finance for the purchase and construction of houses can be based on Diminishing Musharakah or Murabaha. Working capital finance canbe provided on the basis of Salam, Istisnaa and Murabaha. Financing of big projects can be made through syndicate Mudarabahs using the modes of Istisnaa or Murabaha. 2.4.5 Appropriate modes of financing, as recommended by experts on Islamic finance, for particular areas and transactions are as given below. Modes for Financing Trade, Agriculture and Industry Murabaha, installment sale, leasing and Salam are particularly suitable for trade, while Istisnaa is especially suitable for industry. More specifically, in trade and industry, financing is needed for the purchase of raw materials, inventory (goods in trade) and fixed assets as well as some working capital, for the payment of salaries and other recurrent expenses. 2.4.6 Murabaha can be used for financing of all purchases of raw materials and inventory. For procurement of fixed ass ets, including plant and machinery, buildings, etc., either instalments sale or leasing can be used. Funds for recurrent expenses can be obtained by the advance sale of final products of the company using Salam or Istisnaa. Household, Personal Finance, Consumer Banking. Personal finance for consumer durables can be provided through Murabaha, leasing and in special cases by way of return-free loans out of the current accounts or the banks own funds (depositors money in PLS accounts is a trust in the hands of banks and should not be used for charitable and social purposes without their explicit approval). 2.4.7 Wakalah and Murabaha can be used for cash financing through charge and credit cards. The alternatives for auto finance are Ijarah Muntahia-bi-Tamleek and Murabaha. Housing finance is possible through Murabaha, Diminishing Musharakah and rent-sharing. 2.5 Treasury Operations Liquidity and Fund Management Liquidity management means ensuring that the bank has sufficient liquid funds available for a smooth running of its operations and to meet short-term financial obligations as and when due. It has to invest surplus funds, match maturity of assets and liabilities, accommodate decreases in deposits/liabilities and increases in assets in an efficient and economic manner. Fund management refers to securing and managing funds for the development of business. Islamic banks may sell and purchase SharÃÆ'„ ±Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ´ah compliant money and capital market instruments like stocks and Sukuk. Direct placement or acquisition of funds (in the inter-bank funds market) on the basis of Mudarabah and Musharakah is also possible. The deficit bank agrees to give a share of its profits according to a Mudarabah ratio that can either be negotiated according to the market conditions or recommended by the central bank, for the duration of the contract. In the case of Mudarabah, the following process can be adopted: A Mudarabah relationship will be created. Funds received will be allocated to pools. Weightages will be assigned periodically, based on different tiers/categories. Profit earned will be allocated according to weightages assigned at the beginning of the period. The bank will charge a pre-agreed Mudarib fee as a percentage of the realized profit; the bank can pay additional profit from its own share. The investor will bear a loss unless it arises from misconduct or negligence of the Mudarib. Islamic banks may also agree to an arrangement with the central bank serving as a lender of last resort. One option is financing on a Mudarabah basis; the central bank may agree to provide liquidity for, say, a three day grace period with ceilings, followed by a Mudarabah with profit-sharing ratio heavily favouring the central bank to discourage the Islamic bank from resorting to the central banks funds for longer periods. Another option is the sale an d purchase of Shar ¯ÃƒÆ'„ ±Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ´ah-compliant certificates/Sukuk. Sukuk are important for liquidity management. In Sukuk, an investor gets returns on the basis of ownership rather than interest. Ijarah Sukuk are more common instruments in this regard and are issued against assets for rental. To generate liquidity, Sukuk can be sold/purchased in the secondary market. If the regulatory structure allows, Islamic banks can sell the Sukuk to the central bank to generate liquidity. Sukuk can be structured on an amortizing or bullet maturity basis. 2.6 Foreign Exchange Operations Exchange of currencies and monetary units has to be subjected to the rules of Bai al Sarf, i.e. it must be simultaneous. Accordingly, spot purchase and sale of one currency against another currency is allowed; forward purchase and sale is not allowed. However, IFIs can enter into a promise to purchase and sell agreement. On this principle, foreign currency forward cover is allowed with certain conditions. In order to ensure that the transaction actually goes through, parties may stipulate any earnest money. Negotiation of export documents is partially allowed. 2.7 Government/Public Sector Financing Government and public sector enterprises can obtain finance by way of Mudarabah or Musharakah certificates, which can be issued to purchase equipment or utility-generating assets in order to lease them to public sector corporations. Ijarah and Istisnaa are best suited for infrastructure projects in the public sector. Recently, Ijarah Sukuk have emerged as the most crucial instruments for financing of the public sector. Through syndication arrangements, Islamic banks can supply goods/assets of enormous value to government entities or corporations on a Murabaha basis by setting up joint Murabaha funds. In such cases, ownership of Murabaha funds can also be securitized to offer equity-based investment opportunities to the investors and the banks themselves. Returns on these funds would be distributed among Sukuk/certificate holders on a pro rata basis. 2.8 Alternatives to Foreign Loans For the inflow of foreign resources, the instruments of portfolio investment through stock markets, flotation of various categories of Sukuk and direct investment by foreigners can be used. Public as well as private enterprises can issue Musharakah and Ijarah Sukuk to finance projects, especially development projects. Sukuk can be denominated in foreign as well as domestic currencies and carry a predetermined proportion of the profit earned by their respective projects. The Sukuk issued can be restricted to a particular project or earmarked to a group of projects. Various funds can be established to finance the economic activities of public and private enterprises on equity, partnership, leasing, Salam and mixed asset pool bases. Funds can be established to finance a specific sector, for example, agriculture, industry or infrastructure; a particular industry, for example textiles, household durables, etc.; or general types of projects. Source of the Assignment. Mr Muhammad Ayoub, Director Training, Development and Shariah Aspects of Institute of Islamic Banking and Insurance (IIBI)London, has written a book with the title of Understanding Islamic Finance in the year 2007. This book was published by the John Wiley Sons. In the Chapter 8 of the book Mr Ayoub stated about the Overview of Financial Institutions and Products: Conventional and Islamic. In the chapter it is stated that what are the different products are being offered by the conventional and Islamic financial institutes being the alternates to each other. The text of the book was presented here as the literature of the assignment statement.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Evaluation Of A Cross Functional Team Assignment And Team...
portions of six sigma (Korc, S, personal communication 2016), but in this context can apply DMAIC as a problem solving tool in order to develop a business process improvement proposal. Design The design portion of the BPI for Eagle Ottawa must be initiated by mapping out processes which can help to identify stakeholders and prioritize customer needs (de Mast Lokkerbol, 2012). Ultimately at the conclusion of the design stage, there should be a project scope, a cross functional team assignment and team charter and a business case that justifies, from a financial perspective any expenditure (de Mast Lokkerbol, 2012). The team charter lists the applicable roles and responsibilities by individual and there should be a prevalent focus on oversight and governance. Process mapping. Mapping the processes is a deep dive into current processes versus potential future processes with a mindful focus on the already established critical success factors of employee training and profitability. Prior to this paper, a careful but smaller scale study of inputs and outputs for the training department at Eagle Ottawa and the leather cutting process identified a commonality between two criti cal success factors which was the process of leather hide marking (Havener, K., personal communication, 2016). Hide marking is a process where employees must identify naturally occurring defects on the surface of the hide and mark them with removable chalk (Herdegen, J., personal communication, 2007).Show MoreRelatedProject Charter2937 Words  | 12 PagesPractice Management System for EHR Procurement For Dr. Jean Simmons Project Charter Review Draft Approved by Project Team Table of Content Strategic vision 3 Project Overview 3 goals and objectives 4 Project Scope 5 Deliverables 5 Project Design Assumptions 5 Time Line of Key Project Milestones 7 Project Organization 8 Team Members 8 Roles 9 Project management 10 Risks amp; Risk Management Approach 10 Issue and Scope Management 12 Communication PlanRead MoreImplementation Of A Performance Management System2894 Words  | 12 Pagesfor addressing the problem outlined. Next, a discussion of the performance management goals and objectives occurs. The project implementation process including defining the project structure, executing a communication plan, and identifying and mitigating potential risks and issues is then covered. Finally, the paper concludes with the discussion of an evaluation and reporting program implemented to monitor the performance management program. Organizational Background Michigan State University (MSU)Read MoreMgt2 Task18567 Words  | 35 PagesRMGT Task 1 GenRays HRIS Project Page 1 Table of Contents GenRays Matrix (A) ............................................................................................................................ 4 GenRays Project Charter (B) ....................................................................................................... 19 Project Title ............................................................................................................................................Read MoreInformation Technology Project Management,31215 Words  | 125 Pagesmanagement framework. Project management is â€Å"the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities in order to meet project requirements†(PMBOK( Guide, 2000, p. 6). The project management framework graphically shows the process of beginning with stakeholders’ needs and expectations, applying the nine project management knowledge areas and various tools and techniques to lead to project success and then enterprise success. 4. How does project management relate to other disciplinesRead MorePmp Exam Preparation Questions32679 Words  | 131 Pagesvarious factors might be linked to potential problems or effects. As part of the project s quality assurance efforts, your audit team is using these tools in your software development project. Which stage of the project management life cycle are you in? A Planning process group B Executing process group C Monitoring and controlling process group D Closing process group 2 Which one of the following statements expresses the difference between quality and grade?  A High quality is a problemRead MoreProject Management Questions4915 Words  | 20 Pagesb) Project Management c) Process d) Resources e) Project Cost . Project Clear and accurate definition of a project is one of the most important actions you can take to ensure the project s success. The clearer the target the more likely you are to hit it. Defining a project is a process of selection and reduction of the ideas and perspectives of those involved into a set of clearly defined objectives, key success criteria and evaluated risks. This definition process should culminate in the productionRead MoreStrategic Management and Leadership25577 Words  | 103 PagesStrategic Management and Leadership Skills Unit 2: Professional Development for Strategic Managers Unit 3: Strategic Change Management Specialist Units Unit 7: Strategic Marketing Management Unit 9: Managing Corporate Responsibility in the Wider Business Environment Unit 10: Strategic Human Resource Management Unit 13: Managing Financial Principles and Techniques Unit 14: Strategic Supply Chain Management and Logistics Unit 16: Research Methods for Strategic Managers Unit 17: Project DevelopmentRead MoreInformation Technology Project Management Appendix Answers Essay19447 Words  | 78 Pagesproject success factors. Project management is â€Å"the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities in order to meet project requirements†(PMBOK ® Guide, 2008, p. 9). The project management framework graphically shows t he process of beginning with stakeholders’ needs and expectations, applying the nine project management knowledge areas and various tools and techniques to lead to project success and then enterprise success. For example, if a project were to implement an ERPRead MoreChunnel Project9426 Words  | 38 PagesMonitoring and Controlling, and Closing are discussed. The case study is structured to allow an evaluation of the appropriate processes of various Project Management Knowledge Areas at the end of each phase. An overall assessment of performance is then conducted, resulting in a numeric evaluation of the management of this project, including areas of strength, opportunities for improvement, and lessons learned. In the inception phase, the discussion focuses on the historical backgroundRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words  | 1186 PagesCross Reference of Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) Concepts to Text Topics Chapter 1 Modern Project Management Chapter 8 Scheduling resources and cost 1.2 Project defined 1.3 Project management defined 1.4 Projects and programs (.2) 2.1 The project life cycle (.2.3) App. G.1 The project manager App. G.7 Political and social environments F.1 Integration of project management processes [3.1] 6.5.2 Setting a schedule baseline [8.1.4] Setting a resource schedule Resource
History The Holocaust a Human Error Essay - 864 Words
History class in itself has a specific purpose which seems to be frequently forgotten. We learn about violent and horrible events in our past, as well as life- changing and positively impacting ones. From the negative events, we learn what went wrong and how to prevent similar tragedies from happening. From the positive, we gather knowledge and comprehension of the basis of our modern society. We are a self- repairing race, analyzing every flaw and figuring out what caused it. Its an ancient practice, trial and error is human nature. However, one of these errors hold a specific purpose in history classes. Similar, yet different. The Holocaust was so intesely horrific, so widespread, and such a strong point in history. Learning about it†¦show more content†¦He made laws, created a metaphorical fence around his territory so that the Jewish could not leave. He was the first to use such an approach- and no one knew what was happening. If only someone had known to stop him, recognized what he was doing, the Holocaust may not have come to be. Sadly, we have not the ability to change the past. THe Holocaust did come eventually, before anyone caught Hitler. We learn how easily an antire continent can be changed. We must be taught how the military can be utilized in evil ways, so that the country itself becomes nothing more than said military. Millions of innocent people were killed. The incident was so unique and horrific in nature that a word was created: genocide. The term means the deliberate killing of people who belong to a particular racial, political, or cultural group. Words like this are not solely taught to students to add to their vocabulary. These terms are used as tools. They are utilized in the recognition of similar crimes, so that we have a way to classify issues and react in the proper way. During the Holocaust, false stereotypes were the basis that death was taken upon. some of the platforms used were purely false, yet people still believed. Why? Simply because of two reasons. One being that Hitler, accord ing to the Holocaust Encyclopedia, was a passionate and convincing speechgiver. Apart from this, people did not know. The country had no idea howShow MoreRelatedEssay on Crucible vs Muslim Treatment Post 9/111054 Words  | 5 Pagespeople face acts of discriminative hostility. In the early 1940’s, Nazi Germany started a war against the Jews in attempts to wide the race from earth. History repeats itself, as society fails to learn from the tragic results of its faults and errors. Both Arthur Millers play, The Crucible and the groundless mass-murder of Jewish people in the Holocaust demonstrate how fear can result in violent conflict and uncontrolled chaos. Panic is the direct result of fear. 17-year-old Abigail Williams, nieceRead MoreHolocaust Denial4708 Words  | 19 Pagesï » ¿Introduction Even though Holocaust denial was not a new-fangled phenomenon in Germany at the end of the 1980s, it was not before this period that it was given such public attention. For the duration of the late 1980s and near the beginning of the 1990s Germany became the arena for perhaps the most combined push for promotion that the Holocaust denial interest group has ever tried. Besides the annual conferences of the Society for Historical Review in California, Holocaust deniers did not and by andRead MoreThe Cold War And The Soviet Union s Sphere Of Influence1611 Words  | 7 Pagesnuclear stockpile has grown, the American strategic problem has been transformed. No matter how vast our remaining margin in the number and refinement of weapons, henceforth not only they but we must fear them. The authentic threat of a nuclear holocaust created a dystopian environment where the primary fear was an inability to contain communism resulting in the destruction of democracy, international stability, a nd the world. Fiction embodying the ideological and militarily rooted competition ofRead MoreThe Holocaust Essay2488 Words  | 10 PagesThe Holocaust of 1933-1945, was the systematic killing of millions of European Jews by the National Socialist German Worker’s Party (Nazis) (Webster, 430). This project showed the treacherous treatment towards all Jews of that era. Though many fought against this horrific genocide, the officials had already determined in their minds to exterminate the Jews. Thus, the Holocaust was a malicious movement that broke up many homes, brought immense despair, and congregated great discrimination. The HolocaustRead MoreReligious Faith And God s Role Among Men1436 Words  | 6 Pagesethical perspective, the idea is a brilliant way to lay an incredibly heavy importance on human responsibility. Through this teaching, people would become more contemplative with their interactions. Horrible acts of history may not have happened if this ideology had been widely adopted. Suffering through the Holocaust, and losing friends and family, it is not at all surprising for Levinas to feel believe in human justice and responsibility. He most likely did not want to believe that God could possiblyRead MoreFallibility is Human and Necessary for Change Essay1567 Words  | 7 PagesThere is not a single person who has avoided being wrong throughout his or her entire life, or maybe even day. But also, nobody, or at least very few, accept fallibility as tolerable. Throughout history, there have been people who refuse to be wrong, and it often has lead to despondency. Although everyone wants to be right, fallibility is a necessary step to avoiding harm and improving the world. Nobody wants to be wrong. It is associated with â€Å"shame, stupidity, ignorance, indolence, psychopathologyRead MoreHow could the Holocaust have beet prevented2210 Words  | 9 PagesCOULD THE HOLOCAUST HAVE BEEN PREVENTED? You have probably heard about a period of time, not so long ago, known as The Holocaust. A holocaust, according to Websters dictionary, is a complete destruction by fire (Stadtler, 1). In Europe, during this period, there was a complete destruction by fire - of Jewish homes, Jewish businesses, Jewish neighborhoods, and Jewish people. This destruction was carried out under the direction of Adolf Hitler, during the years 1939-1945, but it actually beganRead Moreâ€Å"the Case for Contamination†by Kwame Anthony Appiah Essay1387 Words  | 6 Pagesalso incited me to seek answers for the malevolent Jewish Holocaust. â€Å" The monotheistic theodicies that focus on God’s limitless power and sovereignty tend to place the blame for moral evil on the fact of the Fall of Adam and the ever-present intractable character of the human sin†(Livingston 253). I believe then that much of the suffering and evil in history and the world is the result of ‘human free action s’. Similarly, that same human free will is portrayed in Appiah’s analysis. People aroundRead MoreGenocide†¦it’s a scary thought and hard to imagine. How such a thing could happen? Not only does it2400 Words  | 10 Pagesbe quick to say it could not, but think about this.It has happened to many races of people many, many times throughout the history of mankind. In particular, The Jewish community has seen more than its share of persecution. Everyone thinks they know the basics on the Jewish Holocaust, but did you know that there weremillions more gentiles (non-Jews) also killed in the Holocaust as well, and their most famous genocidal killer, Adolph Hitler, was not the prize winning mass murdererin the twentieth centuryRead MorePolity: Political Culture and the Nature of Politics Essay1119 Words  | 5 Pagesefficiency the most, since they have the most power. If the â€Å"top dogs†are not doing the right thing within the system, how is it l ikely that they will be checked and balanced if they have all this power? There have been many examples in history, such as the Holocaust or the Khmer Rouge movement where subordinates have been too loyal and have ended up taking orders without question. And although these examples are very extreme they still happened and they happened without any knowledge of the subordinate
Venni Vetti Vecci - Ja Rule free essay sample
ThisCD is a hip-hop classic. Ja Rule is my favorite rapper, and hes going to bearound for a long time. He has something to offer everyone, and thats what makeshim great. Venni Vetti Vecci begins with an interludeexplaining all the pain hes been through. This is a great way to start a CDsince it captures your attention. He is an explosive artist and will do anythingto entertain you. Ja Rule has the ability to change his style at anymoment and make it sound good. He starts Suicide Freestyle (featuringCase) one way, then switches to rapping fast and hard core to the beat, whichcompletes the song. This CD does have a parental advisory for explicitlyrics, but even the cursing has meaning. The most influential song isOnly Begotten Son, in which Ja Rule talks about his father and how heleft him on his own. The beauty of the song is hearing him rap about how heblossomed into a successful individual, which shows that there is hope for peoplewho arent raised in the best environment. We will write a custom essay sample on Venni Vetti Vecci Ja Rule or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Ja Rules flow is addictive once you start listening, you wont turn it off. If you dont have this CDalready, you should definitely pick it up. You wont be sorry!
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Debut Albums and Birthday free essay sample
Another year has come and gone, and its your birthday once again. We will write a custom essay sample on Debut Albums and Birthday or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page So Im sending you these wishes. Happy birthday, my dear friend, I am so glad youre in my life. Because todays so special, it really wouldnt do to send one simple birthday wish to last the whole year through So I wish you happy moments, a day when dreams come true, and a year thats filled with all the things that mean the most to you. All the moments we have shared, and even through the rough times, we knew the other cared. So Erick, Im sending now, birthday wishes to you today.I am hoping that you will have the best birthday in every way. Because todays so thats filled with all the things that mean the most to you. Another year has come and gone, and its your birthday once again. So Im sending you these wishes. Happy birthday, my dear friend, I am so glad youre In my life. Because todays so I am hoping that you will have the best birthday In every way. Because todays so thats filled with all the things that mean the most to you. Another year has come and gone, and Its your birthday once again.So Im sending you these wishes. Happy birthday, my dear friend, I am so glad youre In my life. Because todays so special, It really wouldnt do to send one simple birthday wish to last the whole year I am hoping that you will have the best birthday In every way. Because todays so thats filled with all the things that mean the most to you. Debut Albums and Birthday By Juan-Alonso I am hoping that you will have the best birthday in every way. Because todays so and gone, and its your birthday once again. So Im sending you these wishes.
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